
Why does my baby spit up all the time? "Vertical hug and pat on the back" is dangerous! The experience of avoiding pits has been summed up for you

author:Dr. Wang talks about health

Babies are the little sun of the family, and every parent wants to give them the best love and care. However, as the baby grows, parents often encounter some problems, one of which is the phenomenon of the baby spitting up. Baby spitting up milk not only causes discomfort to the baby, but also makes parents feel anxious and confused. This article will delve into the causes of baby spitting up and how to prevent it, so that parents can better understand and cope with this phenomenon.

Why does my baby spit up all the time? "Vertical hug and pat on the back" is dangerous! The experience of avoiding pits has been summed up for you


Baby spitting up is mainly caused by factors such as stomach function that is not fully developed, overeating or eating too fast, improper feeding posture, improper vertical hugging and patting on the back, and baby posture problems. For these reasons, we can prevent your baby from spitting up by adjusting the feeding position, controlling the amount and speed of eating, and avoiding excessive patting on the back. At the same time, pay attention to the baby's health condition, if there is any abnormality, seek medical attention in time, is also an important step to ensure the healthy growth of the baby.

Gastric function is not yet fully developed

Your baby's stomach needs time to develop and mature after birth. During the fetal period, the stomach is mainly used to store amniotic fluid and does not need to be digested. Once born, the stomach needs to adapt to new functions, including secreting stomach acid and digestive enzymes to help digest food. But this process takes time, so your baby's stomach is still developing after birth and is susceptible to external stimuli and reactions, including food regurgitation.

Practical advice: When feeding, pay attention to control the speed of feeding, and don't let your baby eat too fast. Also keep your baby in the proper position when eating, and avoid lying on his head or side too much. In addition, consider holding your baby up so that his body is slightly tilted to help the food get into the stomach smoothly.

Why does my baby spit up all the time? "Vertical hug and pat on the back" is dangerous! The experience of avoiding pits has been summed up for you

Overeating or eating too fast

Some babies may show a strong appetite and eat faster, causing an overfilled stomach and increasing the likelihood of food regurgitation. In addition, some parents may take the approach of feeding too often, or overfeeding the baby when he is showing hunger signals, which can also cause this to happen.

Practical advice: Parents should pay attention to their baby's hunger signals and feed them at the right time. If your baby eats faster, consider using a pacifier that controls the flow rate to slow down the rate of eating. Also, don't force feed your baby when he doesn't show significant hunger, and give him enough time to digest the previous meal.

Why does my baby spit up all the time? "Vertical hug and pat on the back" is dangerous! The experience of avoiding pits has been summed up for you

Improper feeding posture

Improper feeding posture is also an important factor in causing your baby to spit up. Feeding with your head tilted or lying on your side increases the chance of food entering the esophagus and increases the likelihood of food regurgitation.

Practical advice: When feeding, keep your baby's head at an angle to make it easier for food to enter the stomach. You can choose to hold your baby up or use some specially designed feeding utensils to help maintain your baby's proper position.

Improper vertical hug and patting on the back

Many parents will habitually give their babies a vertical hug and pat on the back after feeding to help the baby expel gas from the stomach. However, pushing too hard or holding your back too often may irritate your baby's stomach and increase the risk of food regurgitation.

Practical tip: Pat your baby's back gently with moderate pressure. If your baby doesn't burp or feel sick after eating, you don't need to pat your back deliberately.

Why does my baby spit up all the time? "Vertical hug and pat on the back" is dangerous! The experience of avoiding pits has been summed up for you

Problems with your baby's posture

Some babies may develop some undesirable posture habits, such as lying on their head or lying on their side excessively, which may increase pressure on the stomach and lead to reflux.

Practical tip: Checking your baby's posture regularly to make sure he's in a comfortable position can help reduce pressure on the stomach and reduce the risk of reflux.

Other potential issues

Spitting up in babies can also be a sign of other health problems, such as esophageal sphincter insufficiency. If your baby has recurrent or severe spitting up, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly to rule out potential health problems.

Just because it's common for babies to spit up doesn't mean there's always a problem. In most cases, spitting up is a normal physiological phenomenon that gradually decreases or even disappears as your baby grows and develops. Parents don't have to worry too much, they just need to pay attention to the baby's eating habits and physical condition, reasonably adjust the feeding method, and the baby's spitting up problem will gradually be alleviated.

At the same time, parents should always maintain care and patience for their babies, and the healthy growth of babies is the most important. Hopefully, the prevention methods and advice provided in this article will help you so that you can take care of your baby with more peace of mind and enjoy the happy time of growing up together. I wish the baby a healthy growth and a happy day!