
Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

author:Benevolence steamship zR

"Singer 2024": The emotional waves and stage legend behind the starlight

With the hot launch of "Singer 2024", a competition about music, dreams and emotions is slowly unfolding in front of the audience. But behind this seemingly simple music competition, there are countless little-known stories and emotional entanglements. Today, let's unveil this mystery together and explore the true state of mind of those star singers on and off the stage.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

1. The secret garden behind the rejection

During the preparation of "Singer 2024", a "singer rejection list" attracted widespread attention. Among them are some of the biggest names in the music scene, and their absence undoubtedly adds a touch of mystery to the show. However, behind the rejection of these singers, there are actually hidden stories and emotions.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

Take music diva Li Yue as an example, when she received the invitation to the show, she was in an important transition period of her personal music career. Faced with such a show that requires full dedication, Li Yue fell into a deep entanglement. She knows that participating in "Singer 2024" will undoubtedly bring her high exposure and topicality, but it also means that she needs to temporarily put down other work in her hands and go all out. After careful consideration, Li Yue finally chose to decline because she didn't want to affect her music creation and career development because of the show.

Unlike Li Yue, the rejection of the new generation of singer Zhou Chen is more out of insistence on personal style. He worries about being over-packaged and remodeled in the show, losing his musical style. Therefore, despite the huge temptation and pressure, Zhou Chen firmly chose to maintain his original intention of music and declined the invitation of "Singer 2024".

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

Second, the emotional journey of the starting lineup

Although some singers chose to decline politely, the starting lineup of "Singer 2024" is still star-studded. These singers embark on this musical journey with their own stories and emotions.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

Zhao Xuan, one of the first singers, has suffered a major setback on the road to music. At one point, he fell into a trough and even doubted his musical talent. However, it was the invitation of "Singer 2024" that allowed him to regain his love and confidence in music. Standing on the stage, Zhao Xuan told his story and emotions with his singing, touching countless audiences.

Another debut singer, Su Qi, came with her dedication and pursuit of music. She has had a love for music since she was a child and has always dreamed of standing on stage and singing for everyone. However, on the road to pursuing her music dream, Suki has also encountered numerous difficulties and setbacks. But she has never given up on her dreams, and has been working hard and struggling. On the stage of "Singer 2024", Su Qi proved her strength and value with her singing, and also won more recognition and support for her music dream.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

3. Emotional moments in the live broadcast

"Singer 2024" adopts a full-process live broadcast mode, so that the audience can feel the singers' performances and emotional changes in real time. During the live broadcast, these star singers showed their truest side and left many unforgettable emotional moments.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

During a live broadcast, singer Lin Yi suddenly choked up during the singing. It turned out that the song was written by him in memory of his deceased loved ones. On stage, Lin Yi was deeply moved by the emotions in the song and couldn't help himself. He completed the performance of this song with tears in his eyes, and he also touched countless audiences. The audience left messages in the barrage to express their understanding and support, and sent the most sincere blessings and encouragement to Lin Yi.

In another live broadcast, singer Chen Yu suffered a technical failure during the singing. Her microphone suddenly went silent, causing her to be unable to continue singing. However, Chen Yu did not give up because of this. She quickly adjusted her mentality and state, and completed the performance of the whole song with her own cappella. Her persistence and courage not only won the applause and applause of the audience, but also made her the brightest star of the night.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

Fourth, the emotional integration of the audience and the singer

On the stage of "Singer 2024", the audience is not only an audience, but also a participant. They interacted and communicated with the singers through barrage, voting, etc., and jointly created a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

An audience member left a message in the barrage: "Whenever I hear Zhao Xuan's songs, I will think of my dreams and pursuits when I was young. Thank you Zhao Xuan for accompanying us through this journey with singing. This barrage aroused the resonance and support of countless audiences, and also made Zhao Xuan feel the warmth and strength from the audience.

Another audience member said when voting: "I support Suki not only because of her beautiful singing voice, but also because of her dedication and pursuit of music." She made me see the shadow of myself when I was younger. This kind of support has strengthened Suki's musical dreams and beliefs.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

5. A musical legend intertwined with emotions

"Singer 2024" is not only a music competition show, but also a music legend with intertwined emotions. On this stage, the star singers touched the heartstrings of countless audiences with their singing and emotion; The audience also expressed their support and love for the singers in their own way. This kind of emotional blending not only makes the show more vivid and interesting, but also allows the audience to have a deeper understanding of the inner world and real emotions of these star singers.

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

In the next competitions, "Singer 2024" will continue to bring us more exciting performances and emotional stories. Let's look forward to this music feast to continue to bring us more touches and surprises!

Laugh crazy! "Singer Rejection List" rushed to the hot search! Lin Zhixuan responded: Thank you for the invitation next year

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