
Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health talk

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Li Ming is a 45-year-old company manager who is busy and stressful. A few years ago, he was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and since then, blood pressure medication has become a part of his life.

As time went on, he began to consider whether it was possible to discontinue the drug under certain conditions.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

Li Ming made an appointment with an internal medicine specialist. He walked into the consultation room, where the doctor sat him down and began asking about his medical history and current health.

"Mr. Li, how is your blood pressure controlled lately?" The doctor asked.

Fortunately, it is basically stable within the normal range. However, I have seen some articles on the Internet saying that in some cases, blood pressure medication can be stopped.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

I wanted to ask if there was any scientific basis for this? Li Ming said.

The doctor nodded, smiled, and said, "This is a very important question. Whether antihypertensive drugs can be stopped or not does have some specific conditions and precautions. Let me explain why. ”

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

1. Lifestyle changes

The doctor first mentioned that if the patient is able to control their blood pressure through lifestyle changes, then it is possible to stop the drug under the guidance of the doctor.

"For example, if you can stick to a healthy diet, reduce salt and fat, eat more fruits and vegetables, and exercise more to maintain your ideal weight, these can go a long way in lowering blood pressure.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

If your blood pressure is able to stay in the normal range for a long time with these methods, we may consider tapering the dose or even stopping it. The doctor explained.

Li Ming nodded, thoughtful, "I'm usually busy with work, and my diet and exercise are indeed not very regular, so I need to pay more attention to this." ”

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

2. Blood pressure is within a stable range for a long time

The doctor went on to say that if the patient's blood pressure remains stable for a long period of time and there are no other risk factors for cardiovascular disease, then discontinuation of the drug can also be considered.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

"If your blood pressure is stable in the normal range for one to two years, and a physical examination confirms that you are not at risk of other cardiovascular diseases, you can gradually reduce the dose of your medication or even stop it under the supervision of your doctor.

However, this requires regular monitoring of blood pressure to make sure it doesn't rebound. The doctor said.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

Li Ming frowned, "Then what if my blood pressure rises again after stopping the drug?" ”

The doctor patiently explained, "That's why you should reduce the medication under the guidance of the doctor, and you should also measure your blood pressure regularly." If there are signs of blood pressure rebound, we will adjust the treatment plan in time. ”

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

3. Serious side effects of the drug

Patients have serious side effects from antihypertensive drugs, affecting quality of life.

"Some patients may not respond well to certain antihypertensive medications, and may experience some side effects of dizziness and headaches.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

If these side effects affect your quality of life, you may want to consider changing your medication or stopping it, but only if you find another treatment that is more suitable. The doctor said.

Li Ming thoughtfully, "I sometimes feel dizzy, and I don't know if it's a side effect of the drug. ”

The doctor nodded, "It's very likely, we'll do some tests to see if we need to adjust your medications." ”

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

The doctor went on to emphasize that there is one condition that must not be stopped, and that is patients with high-risk cardiovascular disease.

"If a patient has a history of heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease or stroke, these are high-risk risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Even if blood pressure is well controlled, the drug should not be stopped simply because these patients may have serious complications if their blood pressure gets out of control. The doctor said solemnly.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

Li Ming listened carefully and had a preliminary judgment in his heart.

On the whole, whether antihypertensive drugs can be discontinued needs to be decided according to the specific situation. Lifestyle changes, prolonged blood pressure stability, and severe side effects of the drug are three situations in which discontinuation may be considered.

However, for patients with high-risk cardiovascular disease, antihypertensive drugs are indispensable and must be strictly followed as directed by a doctor.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

The doctor finally concluded, "Mr. Li, the use of antihypertensive drugs is a long-term process, and it is not easy to stop the drugs on your own. We will give you the most appropriate treatment plan based on your specific situation. ”

Li Ming thought so deeply that he decided to strictly follow the doctor's advice, adjust his lifestyle, and check his blood pressure regularly to ensure that his blood pressure was within a safe range.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

Li Ming's story reminds us that hypertension is a common chronic disease, but it is not incurable.

Through scientific and reasonable treatment and lifestyle improvement, we can effectively control blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, whether the drug can be stopped or not must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and cannot be blindly asserted.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

In the communication with the doctor, Li Ming gradually realized that lifestyle improvement is the key to controlling blood pressure. When he returned home, he began to make new plans for his life.

Every morning, he would spend half an hour walking in the park and enjoying the fresh air. In terms of diet, he reduced his salt and oil intake, ate more fresh vegetables and fruits, and avoided foods high in fat and sugar.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

Every night, he spends some time doing yoga and meditation to relieve the stress of the day. He also set a regular schedule to ensure adequate sleep every day.

Through these changes, he not only felt much more relaxed physically, but also improved his mental state.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

Li Ming also did not forget to measure his blood pressure regularly. He bought an electronic blood pressure monitor, measured it once a day in the morning and once in the evening, and recorded it in a notebook. A few months later, he went to the doctor again with the records.

The doctor carefully reviewed his blood pressure record and smiled with satisfaction, "Mr. Li, your blood pressure is very well controlled. You can see that you have put a lot of effort into your lifestyle.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

We can consider tapering your medication after evaluation, but regular follow-up tests are still needed to make sure your blood pressure is within normal levels. ”

Li Ming said excitedly, "Thank you for your guidance." I'm going to keep these good habits all the time. ”

Li Ming's story tells us that controlling hypertension is not an overnight effort, but requires long-term persistence and scientific management.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

Antihypertensive drugs play an important role in controlling blood pressure, but lifestyle improvements are also essential. Through diet, exercise, stress reduction and other efforts, we can achieve stable control of blood pressure.

Under the guidance and advice of the doctor, Li Ming gradually reduced the dosage of medication, and with the improvement of his lifestyle, his blood pressure has been kept within the normal level.

Antihypertensive drugs are not that they can't be stopped, and they can be stopped in these 3 situations! But one case can't be stopped!

He deeply realized that a healthy lifestyle is not only about controlling blood pressure, but also about his physical and mental health.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】