
He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

author:Nannan Houji
He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

The 1.98-meter-tall Serbian President Vučić is said to be one of the world's tallest state leaders, but he is placed on a small bench in front of former US President Donald Trump, like a schoolboy being reprimanded by a teacher and interrogated like a prisoner.

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"
He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

After the photo circulated in the media around the world, Vučić was ridiculed by the world as the weakest president in Europe, and even Serbians themselves thought that the president had lost face of his countrymen. And Vučić said in the interview that he didn't care about it. As long as it can bring benefits to the country and the people, it doesn't matter if I stand or lie on my stomach.

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

However, such a president, who is called "weak", can turn his face and angrily denounce China in public when faced with the slander or slander of China by some countries, which is completely like a different person. And the Chinese also love this president very much, and even gave him the funny nickname "5 7 7" based on the homonym of his name.

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

At the beginning of May, the Serbian capital is decorated with red. On the road from the airport to the city, the national flags of China and Cyprus are hung, and on a high-rise building with more than 20 floors in the center of the city, the entire side of the building is covered by a giant Chinese national flag, which is particularly eye-catching. Under the national flag, there is also a slogan in Chinese that reads "Warmly welcome respected Chinese friends".

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

When the Chinese plane entered the skies over Serbia, two air force fighters took off to escort the plane, and after the plane arrived, Vučić and his wife led a group of senior officials to personally greet them at the airport. This ultra-high-level welcome demonstrates the importance and respect that Vučić attaches to the Chinese VIPs.

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

In a televised address, Vučić said that the only thing that can help us is China. Indeed, China also regards Serbia as the ironclad "buddy" of Europe. The friendship between the two countries has a long history, since Serbia was still part of Yugoslavia, the two socialist countries established friendly relations, and after the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the two countries still inherited a strong friendship.

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"
He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

Under the aggressiveness of some countries such as NATO and the United States, Vučić attaches great importance to relations with China's iron buddies. When China was hit by the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Serbia, which is itself a "poor country", donated 100,000 euros at one time. And China has always adhered to the tradition of reciprocating the grace of a drop of water, not to mention the brothers of Europe. In 2016, HBIS Group took over the old Smederevo steel mill, which has been losing money for 7 consecutive years and is known as the "pride of Serbia", bringing this steel mill on the verge of closure back to life and rejuvenating, driving the employment of 5,000 people, and indirectly driving the employment of 20,000 people and the prosperity of the city.

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"
He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

During the new crown epidemic in 2020, Serbia was facing an extreme shortage of medical resources, and when China itself was also fighting the epidemic, a special plane sent them various supplies.

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

It is precisely because of his ironclad-solid friendship with China and his clear understanding of the ugly features of certain countries that Vučić has firmly safeguarded China's rights and interests in the international community and has strongly supported China on some occasions, especially on the issue of state sovereignty and territorial integrity. Later, a reporter asked about this "10-second remark," and he said, this time, it doesn't take 10 seconds, I can make it clear in 2 seconds, Taiwan is China's, this is a UN resolution, is there any problem?

He is known as the "weakest president", but he firmly supports China, and the Chinese call him "577"

Of course, some people say that Vučić's defense of China is suspected of "hugging his thighs". But true friendliness can't be pretended. People who have been to Serbia can really feel the brotherly cordiality and enthusiasm of the local people for the Chinese. Thousands of dollars are easy to get, but confidants are hard to find. Let us wish the friendship between China and Cyprus to last forever and become more and more iron.

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