
The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an (expanded) meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee

author:Chengdu Jianyang released

Jianyang Rong Media Center

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an (expanded) meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee

On May 17, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an (expanded) meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee. Wang Kai, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. He stressed that it is necessary to effectively unify thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee, anchor the overall goal of "building a people-centered modern port-industry-urban-rural integration demonstration city", closely follow the urban function positioning of "International Lingang Business District, Chengdu-Chongqing New Manufacturing Base, and Hemei Rural Hill District", focus on building the city brand of "Tianfu Gateway, Airport Jianyang", focus on "real" efforts, start from "new", win with "quality", constantly shape new advantages for high-quality development, and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions. Promote the major policies of the Party Central Committee and the decision-making and deployment of provinces and cities to take root in a simple manner.

It was noted that -

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on Sichuan's work, and deliberated and adopted the "Decision of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Solidly Promoting High-quality Development with the Development of New Quality Productivity as an Important Focus", and clarified the overall requirements for the province to solidly promote high-quality development with the development of new quality productivity as an important focus in the coming period. In 2035, the development goals were put forward in two phases, and the main directions and key tasks in four aspects were deployed. We must deeply grasp the core essence and practical requirements of the spirit of the Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee, and promote the implementation of it as a whole.

It was noted that -

◆ It is necessary to adhere to the development of new quality productivity as an important focus and solidly promote high-quality development.

◆ It is necessary to continuously promote scientific and technological innovation and the transformation of achievements, adhere to the guidance of new industrialization, vigorously cultivate specialized and special new enterprises at or above the provincial level, continue to improve the incentive mechanism for enterprise R&D investment and technological transformation, accelerate the construction of a platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and actively promote the strong alliance between universities and institutes and local high-quality enterprises, so as to comprehensively enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.

◆ It is necessary to accelerate the in-depth transformation and upgrading of the industry, adhere to the circle chain thinking to plan the industrial layout, vigorously implement the energy level improvement project of emerging industries, accelerate the exploration and layout of future industries such as green hydrogen energy, and comprehensively improve the energy level of industrial development in our city.

◆ It is necessary to promote the development mode of "carbon reduction and green expansion" in depth, focus on the "three better and stronger", and continue to deepen the optimization and adjustment of space, industry, transportation and energy structure in accordance with the concept of "one city on the ground, one city underground, and one city on the cloud", focus on promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction transformation in key industries, and vigorously support traditional enterprises to tackle key green technologies such as carbon reduction, zero carbon, and negative carbon.

◆ It is necessary to thoroughly implement the "No. 1 Project" for the construction of the business environment, rely on the "12345 Enterprise Hotline" and "Rongyi +" and other enterprise service service platforms, link online and offline, effectively improve the service efficiency of enterprises, strive to create a business environment that enterprises can feel and predict, and continuously gather high-quality production factors such as high-end talents and advanced technology.

◆ It is necessary to accurately attract investment with the systematic thinking of the whole industry chain, do penetrating analysis, forward-looking layout of future industries, transform the advantages of location, policy and resources into the high-quality development of the local economy and the leapfrog development advantages of enterprises, and promote the accelerated development of new quality productivity.

It was noted that -

Study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee is an important political task for the city at present and in the future, and closely combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee with the study and implementation of the General Secretary's important exposition on the development of new productive forces and the promotion of high-quality development and the spirit of the important instructions on the work of Sichuan. Expand investment, promote consumption, resolutely ensure that the quantity and quality of economic operation are both improved, and the "double more than half" is successfully achieved, and the effectiveness of learning and implementation is effectively tested with high-quality development results.


City leaders Zhang Wenhao, Lei Qifeng, Jiang Liwang, Du Xueliang, Wang Yong, Peng Nengchao, Zhang Hao attended the meeting, and Chen Jianlong and Li Jianzhong attended the meeting.

Reporter | Gu Hang, Cao Liqin

Edit | Ye Yuzhou

Editor-in-charge | Cao Liqin

Audit | Duan Xiaoyan

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The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an (expanded) meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee
The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held an (expanded) meeting to convey and study the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee

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