
At the age of 53, she suffered from advanced kidney cancer, and she likes to drink water and exercise regularly

author:Jiajia health science

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Liu Wen is a 53-year-old high school Chinese teacher, she has always thought that she is a healthy person, insisting on exercising every day, eating lightly, especially drinking water, which is a big hobby of Liu Wen, but fate played a cruel joke on her.

Three months ago, Liu Wen began to feel a dull pain in her lower back, she didn't pay attention to it at first, thinking that it might be a little tired from preparing for class recently, until one night, when the severe pain made it almost impossible to sleep, she realized the seriousness of the matter.

At the age of 53, she suffered from advanced kidney cancer, and she likes to drink water and exercise regularly

The next day, Liu Wen came to the central hospital, and after a series of examinations, the doctor's expression became more and more solemn, and finally an unacceptable diagnosis was placed in front of Liu Wen: advanced kidney cancer, "How is this possible?" I've always been very health-conscious, and I drink so much water every day, how can I get kidney cancer? Liu Wen asked incredulously.

The doctor sighed and said: "Although Mr. Liu drinks water is good for health, excessive drinking water will increase the burden on the kidneys, and the occurrence of kidney cancer is related to a variety of factors, such as smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, etc., it is impossible to prevent it by drinking water alone.

At the age of 53, she suffered from advanced kidney cancer, and she likes to drink water and exercise regularly

The doctor continued: "Now that the tumor has spread, we need to formulate a treatment plan as soon as possible, chemotherapy and targeted drug therapy can help control the disease and prolong survival, but at the same time, you must also be mentally prepared to accept the challenges brought by the disease," Liu Wen nodded, she knew that she had to face all this bravely, life is fragile, but at the same time it contains infinite strength, she decided to actively cooperate with the treatment, with optimism and a strong attitude to overcome the disease.

Liu Wen's story has brought us a lot to think about, many times our understanding of health may be biased, blindly believe in some specious "common sense", but we don't know that there may be hidden dangers behind these "common sense".

At the age of 53, she suffered from advanced kidney cancer, and she likes to drink water and exercise regularly

Taking drinking water as an example, although drinking water in moderation is good for health, excessive water consumption will bring additional burden to the kidneys, which need to maintain the balance of water and electrolytes in the body, and excessive water intake will lead to blood dilution and electrolyte imbalances, which may induce kidney disease in the long run.

In addition, we need to be wary of the risks behind some seemingly healthy lifestyles, such as the belief that a vegetarian diet can prevent cancer, but in fact an unreasonable vegetarian diet may lead to malnutrition and increase the risk of disease, or the belief that vitamin supplementation can replace a balanced diet, but excessive consumption of certain vitamins may have toxic side effects.

At the age of 53, she suffered from advanced kidney cancer, and she likes to drink water and exercise regularly

Therefore, we need to look at health from a scientific perspective, not to believe in hearsay "common sense", to learn to distinguish the authenticity of health knowledge, consult with professional medical personnel, develop good living habits, and at the same time, we must also have regular physical examinations, early detection of potential health problems, and strive for early diagnosis and early treatment.

The journey of life is full of accidents and challenges, and diseases often come unexpectedly, but we should not be intimidated by difficulties, but should face them with a positive and optimistic attitude, as Liu Wen showed, with tenacity and courage to fight the disease and live a wonderful life.

At the age of 53, she suffered from advanced kidney cancer, and she likes to drink water and exercise regularly

Everyone's health path is unique, there is no one-size-fits-all "common sense", we need to continue to learn, to understand our body, to listen to the inner voice, only to establish a correct view of health, we can better care for ourselves, enjoy the beauty of life.

During Liu Wen's treatment, she deeply realized the importance of the support of family and friends to the patient, her husband took care of her diet and daily life every day, her daughter put down her work and went home to accompany her, and her friends often sent greetings and blessings.

At the age of 53, she suffered from advanced kidney cancer, and she likes to drink water and exercise regularly

"Illness made me realize how precious health is," Liu Wen sighed on the hospital bed, "I used to feel that I was in good health, and I didn't care about staying up late or diet, but now I understand what a stupid idea it is," the doctor smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, your enlightenment is not too late, many people don't realize the value of health until the last moment of their lives, you still have the opportunity and time to change and pursue the true way of health." "

Liu Wen held the doctor's hand and nodded gratefully, she secretly made up her mind that if she could recover, she must share her experience with more people, remind everyone of the true meaning of health, and don't be blinded by superficial "common sense".

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[Disclaimer: The content of the article is a fictional story, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]