
When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!

author:Nian Cangsheng
When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!

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Today's topic, when did you suddenly understand your father's difficulties?

When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!
When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!
When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!

I cried after reading it, I was so envious, most of the fame and fortune are floating clouds, and life experience is the most important thing. I'm completely the opposite of you, I did the first grade in high school, the top ten in the stable grade, the first in the monopoly class, and the entire third year of high school (the district focus, the plot of the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination is the same, so it is not an experimental class), and the college entrance examination was abnormally lost

My parents didn't allow me to repeat my studies and forced me to study in their chosen major, which was about seventy or eighty points higher than my major. I don't know how to use it if I have a relationship at home, and I don't know how to do it after I have a degree, and you don't study hard or something (what, if you are good at science, you have to learn liberal arts well?) )

After more than 20 years of several sets of combination punches, I really stood on the rooftop and thought about life, believe it or not. My family atmosphere is not good, I have been forced to attend a lot of extracurricular classes since I was a child, I feel that I am not interested, it is okay to say, some are harmful to me, and my childhood experience makes me very introverted. I started very late in my studies, and I only started in the second semester of my second year of high school, but in fact, I worked hard for a year in the college entrance examination, and I was the first in the second month of hard work.

The sciences are all studied by themselves, and the liberal arts have not been accumulated, so they are the first from the bottom in the Chinese class, and the overall score is the same as the positive first. In class, the teacher couldn't talk about the last question that I didn't know how to talk about. The Chinese teacher didn't teach me well when he saw me first, and thought that I could just go on a book, which was tireless. What do you say I'm doing wrong? The sad thing is that I don't even know what kind of person I could have become, what kind of life I lived, I didn't even know what I was looking forward to, life is a relay race, how I run, I didn't give me the baton at all, I can only run by myself, do you say I have run, do you say I can run. I say that I am not inferior to others at all, and you must not believe it, I just sometimes think that my life has been carried by myself until now, and I sometimes cannot find a trace of other people's participation. Maybe I was destined to know myself, own myself, and gain inner peace in this way. Encourage you

When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!
When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!
When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!

My dad's circle of friends also blocked me, which I found out after adding him for a long time, because one day I suddenly remembered that I never saw my dad post a circle of friends, so I went to look at it and found nothing, I thought he wouldn't send it, once he asked me to tidy up his mobile phone, I suddenly remembered to see if my dad really wouldn't post a circle of friends, only to find out that it was blocked me,

But I just glanced at it and withdrew, without asking my dad why he blocked me and I don't know when there was a deep chasm with them. My grandparents, who were very close to me when I was a child, because I hadn't lived together for a long time, and I myself was running around, and I slowly became speechless with them. Every time I go home to see them, I have a very strange sense of closeness. I love them very much, but I can't help but be very reserved and angry.

When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!
When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!

When I was younger, I used to say something that hurt my father, and I still remember it. Because when I was young, my father never worked, he was not in very good health, (very stressed) when I was about seventeen or eighteen years old, you have done something for so many years, if it weren't for my mother... I forgot the rest of the words. To be honest, when I got older, I realized that my father's hardship was really not easy in life, and now I remember how great my father was.

When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!

Your father is really wonderful, he hasn't left, this kind of spiritual inspiration is the source of strength for your future life!!

When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!
When did you begin to understand your father's difficulties? I couldn't help but cry after reading it!

If you haven't been able to be together, it's normal to leave something as a souvenir. Of course, these objects, along with memories, are personal privacy and cannot be taken out often to "dry", that is, they will not be seen in the light of day, if there is already a new partner and family. Love is xenophobic and cannot be shared with a third person, there are memories and thoughts that are not afraid, but please block and hide it for exclusivity, do not affect your current life and feelings.

I wish you a happy and smooth sail every day when you see here,

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