
The groom went to pick up the bride, and the bride's aunt thought that there was less "divorced meat", and she didn't make up 30,000 yuan and didn't send a kiss: she looked down on people

author:Qingqing said something

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A wedding that should be full of happiness and blessings is clouded by the greed of one party. The bride's aunt extorted 30,000 yuan from the groom's family on the grounds of "divorced meat", and refused to send a kiss if she didn't give it. This scene vividly illustrates the greed and ugliness of human nature.

The groom went to pick up the bride, and the bride's aunt thought that there was less "divorced meat", and she didn't make up 30,000 yuan and didn't send a kiss: she looked down on people

Customs are customs that are passed down among the people, and they carry people's emotions and wishes. When customs are reduced to a tool for accumulating money, their essential meaning is hollowed out. "Divorced meat" was originally a symbolic gift from the groom to the woman, representing the two parties to tie the knot and spend the rest of their lives together.

But in the eyes of some, it has become a bargaining chip and a bargaining chip. If the amount is less, it is to look down on people, and it is ridiculous to have to open the mouth of the lion at this juncture.

The groom went to pick up the bride, and the bride's aunt thought that there was less "divorced meat", and she didn't make up 30,000 yuan and didn't send a kiss: she looked down on people

What's even more despicable is that my aunt's words are full of condescending arrogance. "You don't give me that box of meat", "Do you look down on people", "Don't even think about it"...... It seems that the groom's family owes her a lot of favors, and if she doesn't give extra money, she doesn't know how to lift.

How can a marriage that is supposed to be a union of two families so selfish and inconsiderate of the feelings of others? Should the man bow down and let you slaughter?

In the face of her aunt's aggressive attitude, the other relatives present did not stop her, but allowed her to mess around. This is blatant connivance, more like a premeditated set-up.

The groom went to pick up the bride, and the bride's aunt thought that there was less "divorced meat", and she didn't make up 30,000 yuan and didn't send a kiss: she looked down on people

The family should be in harmony with the outside world, pressing step by step, clearly deliberately embarrassing and forcing the groom to comply. They keep saying that they are thinking about their daughter, but in fact, they use their daughter's happiness as a bargaining chip, where is love, it is clearly use!

Sadly, whether the money is given or not given in the end, it is the bride who suffers. If the man gives in, the mustard in his heart will be planted. In the future, when husband and wife get along, estrangement is inevitable.

If the man argues with reason, I am afraid that this family business will be yellow. In the eyes of others, they will only feel that the woman's family is difficult, and they dare not come to the door to propose. The bride's happiness was ruined.

The groom went to pick up the bride, and the bride's aunt thought that there was less "divorced meat", and she didn't make up 30,000 yuan and didn't send a kiss: she looked down on people

From this incident, we can take a peek at the leopard and see the corruption of current marriage customs and the greed of human nature. How can a marriage be reduced to a means of extortion? How could the Yue family be so mercenary and regard their daughter's happiness as a mustard? Only by abandoning bad habits, returning to the basics, and treating each other with a tolerant and understanding attitude, can marriage be beautiful and families happy.

Under the influence of traditional concepts, the inherent impression of "male protagonist outside and female protagonist inside" is deeply rooted. Some people always feel that their daughters are at a loss if they marry away from home, and they have to get a little more benefit from the man. However, in modern society, equality between men and women has long been the trend of the times.

The groom went to pick up the bride, and the bride's aunt thought that there was less "divorced meat", and she didn't make up 30,000 yuan and didn't send a kiss: she looked down on people

With their own abilities, women can be completely self-reliant and self-reliant, and do not need to rely on marriage for benefits. What's more, a marriage based on love can last a long time, and a relationship built on monetary interests is destined to be fragile.

The evolution of marriage customs also reflects a moral decline. Some marriage customs pay more attention to form than connotation, and have become capital for comparison, which has contributed to the trend of money worship. I am afraid that if the banquet is not decent enough, and the gift money is not generous enough, I will lose face.

Driven by vanity, simple weddings have become more and more extravagant, and even burdened with heavy debts. Over time, marriage becomes a big gamble, losing sincere love and winning illusory pomp.

The groom went to pick up the bride, and the bride's aunt thought that there was less "divorced meat", and she didn't make up 30,000 yuan and didn't send a kiss: she looked down on people

Therefore, in order to break the bad habits of marriage, it is necessary to take a two-pronged approach from social atmosphere and personal cultivation. We must advocate a new trend of thrift and mutual help. Celebrate the occasion in a sincere and simple way, and let the wind of simplicity blow away the fog of bad habits. Every family and every individual should improve their own moral cultivation.

Abandon the utilitarian mentality, treat others with sincerity, treat yourself with kindness, and be more tolerant, sincere and grateful in the interaction of family, friendship and love. Treat others with a civilized and friendly attitude, and shape yourself with noble and elegant sentiments.

The groom went to pick up the bride, and the bride's aunt thought that there was less "divorced meat", and she didn't make up 30,000 yuan and didn't send a kiss: she looked down on people

All in all, marriage is an important choice in life and a sacred union of emotions. It should not be burdened by vulgar customs, let alone corrupted by greedy human nature. Only by advocating true love, respecting each other, and achieving each other, can we reap a happy marriage and build a happy life together. Let's work together to build a beautiful family, so that marriage can return to its true nature, and love will stay in our hearts forever.

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