
The 6th "China Chuangyi" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition is currently being registered

The 6th "China Chuangyi" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition is currently being registered

On May 16, 2024, the Guangdong selection of the 6th "China Chuangyi" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition officially kicked off on April 26, and registration is currently underway!

The 6th "China Chuangyi" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition is currently being registered

The theme of the competition is "Creating a New Era and Realizing the Chinese Dream Together", which is divided into five stages: prefecture-level city competition, provincial preliminary competition, provincial semi-final, provincial finals, national selection competition and finals, and a total of 5 gold medals will be awarded in the Guangdong selection competition, each with a bonus of 200,000 yuan; A total of 7 silver awards, each with a bonus of 150,000 yuan; A total of 10 bronze awards will be awarded, each with a bonus of 100,000 yuan; and a total of 13 winners, who will be awarded certificates.

In addition to the generous prize money, this competition also provides perfect supporting activities for the outstanding projects participating in the competition. During the competition, human resources and social security departments at all levels will actively carry out activities such as entrepreneurship lectures, entrepreneurship training, venture capital docking, seminars and exchanges in combination with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security's "Source to Good Entrepreneurship" resource docking service activities, and strive to create a good employment and entrepreneurship atmosphere and enhance the effectiveness of the activities.

1. How to register

(1) Registration time: from now until May 31.

(2) Registration entrance:

Official website of Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security:

"China Chuangyi" online registration portal:

2. Organizational units

(1) Organizers: Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Guangzhou Municipal People's Government

(2) Organizers: Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Guangzhou Nansha District People's Government

(3) Implementing unit: Guangzhou Nansha District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

(4) Co-organizers: listed human resources and social security bureaus at the local level

3. Event arrangement

The competition adopts the "2+3" model, that is: 2 main competitions + 3 special competitions. The main competition includes two tracks: advanced manufacturing and modern service, and the special competition includes three tracks: rural revitalization, silver economy and green economy.

(1) Main Competition

1. Advanced manufacturing: focus on strengthening the city's real economy, developing strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing clusters, and cultivating new quality productivity to promote high-quality economic development of various emerging industry entrepreneurship projects. It includes strategic emerging industries such as information technology, biotechnology, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, new energy vehicles, green environmental protection, aerospace, marine equipment, etc., as well as the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries.

2. Modern services: including R&D and design, business consulting, supply chain finance, information and data, human resources, modern logistics, procurement and distribution, production control, operation management and other productive services, as well as health, childcare, culture, tourism, sports, housekeeping, property and other life services.

(2) Special competition

1. Rural revitalization: Focusing on the background of the rural revitalization strategy, it is committed to enriching the rural economic format, developing rural industries with different characteristics, optimizing the ecological space for production and living, and building various rural entrepreneurship projects that are livable, workable and beautiful, including agricultural science and technology research and development, cultivation of excellent varieties, characteristic breeding, agricultural product processing, rural e-commerce logistics, rural ecological governance, beautiful rural construction, rural tourism development, cultural inheritance and innovation, labor service brands and local talent cultivation and development.

2. Silver economy: including elderly health care, life care, sports and entertainment, health care, smart pension, R&D and innovation of elderly products and rehabilitation auxiliary products, R&D and production of anti-aging products, etc., to provide products or services for the elderly and promote the development of the silver economy.

3. Green economy: including ecological agriculture, ecological industry, eco-tourism, environmental protection industry, green energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, green service industry, as well as entrepreneurial projects that carry out "green" transformation of existing traditional industries.

IV. Entry Requirements

All kinds of entrepreneurial groups aged 16 or above can register for the above competitions, and the project location is in Chinese mainland.

The registered projects should comply with national laws and regulations and national industrial policies, business norms, have a good social reputation, and have no bad records. Projects that won the first, second, third prizes and excellence awards in the national finals of the previous "China Chuangyi" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition are not eligible to participate. The gold, silver and bronze award-winning projects of the previous Guangdong "Zhongchuang Cup" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition can directly advance to the provincial semi-finals if they meet the conditions for participation.

1. As of May 31, 2024, enterprises or institutions that have been registered with the market supervision and administration department (civil affairs department) and have been registered for less than 5 years.

2. The project has innovative technology, product or business service model, and has strong growth potential and employment potential.

3. The entries must be original and innovative projects, have the legal right to use the technology and products, have no intellectual property disputes, and will not infringe on the intellectual property rights, ownership, use rights and disposal rights of third parties.

4. The products and operations of the project belong to the same participant and are operated independently.

5. Entrants must be the first founder or core team member of the project.

5. Application materials

The list of entry materials includes project information, participation statement (signed and stamped), project plan, etc., all of which must be submitted online. The project plan should include a description of the project overview, innovation highlights, key technologies, core team, market prospects, marketing strategies, financing needs, feasibility analysis, etc. (participants should be responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the information filled in, and the entry materials shall not be modified after confirmation and submission).

6. Supporting policies for participating projects to settle in Nansha

Nansha is the only state-level new area in Guangdong Province, the largest area in the Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone, and a demonstration zone for comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. In June 2022, the State Council issued the "Overall Plan for Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou", giving Nansha the important mission of building a major strategic platform based in the Bay Area, cooperating with Hong Kong and Macao, and facing the world.

The participating projects settled in Nansha can also enjoy industrial resources, investment and financing and other resource links and services. Relevant favorable policies include Nansha's "Nine Special Zones for International Talents", Nansha's "Ten Innovations for Hong Kong and Macao Youth", Nansha District's "Nine Biomedicine", and Nansha's "Ten Science and Technology Innovations".

Seize the opportunity and take the lead! This is a grand event for entrepreneurs across the country, and it is also a big platform for display, exchange, docking and cooperation. Nansha welcomes dream chasers!

1. Nansha "Nine Special Zones for International Talents"

2. Nansha "Ten Innovations for Hong Kong and Macao Youth"

3. Nansha's "Nine Measures for the Metaverse".

4. Nine biopharmaceuticals in Nansha District

5. Nansha "Ten Manufacturing Articles"

6. Nansha "Headquarters Policy 2.0"

7. Nansha "Ten Climate Investment and Financing"

8. Nansha "15 Financial Articles"

9. Nansha "10 Science and Technology Innovations"

10. Nansha unicorn "Golden Ranch" nine

11. Several measures to promote the high-quality development of specialized, specialized, and new small and medium-sized enterprises

12. Measures to promote the high-quality development of the software and information technology service industry

13. Measures to promote the development of the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry

14. Nansha Measures for Promoting the High-quality Development of the Commercial Aerospace Industry

15. Nansha "New Tourism Six"

(Liu Liqing Correspondent: Zhou Hao)

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