
In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

author:Xiao Li talks about the past and the present

1. A once dazzling CCTV host is now leaving the stage with regrets

When it comes to the host of CCTV, the majority of viewers will first think of well-known figures such as Kang Hui and Sa Beining. However, among these shining star groups, there was once a shining leader - that is Liang Lu.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

Back then, Liang Lu became the new popular host of CCTV with her professionalism and affinity, and she attracted much attention and love. But who would have thought that when her career was in full swing, she would embark on a misguided path of no return? Now, the former superstar can only barely survive on niche channels, and once he appears, he will attract the number of netizens: "When I see her, I can't help but want to change the channel!" In the face of such humiliation, Liang Lu was speechless, and could only secretly swallow the bitterness in his heart.

2. Go back to Liang Lu's youth

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

The years of pursuing the dream of hosting reappeared in front of me like a marquee. Liang Lu, who has shown extraordinary talent since childhood, has developed a strong interest in this profession.

She has shined in various school activities, with steady typhoon, free and easy speech, and decent manners, which is simply a living "prototype of the host". Such an outstanding performance made her get her wish and be admitted to her alma mater, Shandong University, in advance.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

But Liang Lu did not stop there, she still moved forward and persistently wanted to enter Beijing University of Foreign Chinese for further study. Faced with the opposition of her family and the doubts of her friends, she said to her family categorically: "If I don't get admitted to Beijing Foreign University, I will be obedient and go to the local university."

In the end, relying on her extraordinary performance, Liang Lu won the admission letter of Beijing Foreign University.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

After entering the Beijing Foreign Language, Liang Lu was like a fish in water, and she was even more diligent and hardworking. Although her accent caused cynicism from her classmates when she first arrived, she was not discouraged and used it as motivation to work harder.

In her spare time, she even became a tour guide, in addition to earning a good income, she also exercised her eloquence and conversation, laying the foundation for her future hosting career.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

3. Liang Lu's struggles and changes after entering BWAI

Although Liang Lu studied and lived like a fish in water in Beiwai, her inner world has also undergone drastic changes. In this modern metropolis of higher learning, Liang Lu experienced the pressure of a fast-paced life for the first time.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

At the beginning, her fluent but local Mandarin was ridiculed and ridiculed by her classmates, and she was nicknamed "Tu Baozi". As a proud girl, how could Liang Lu be left out in the cold at the bottom of the chain of contempt of her peers? So she made up her mind to study hard and speak Mandarin impeccably.

Soon, Liang Lu devoted most of his spare time to Mandarin training, practicing diligently day and night. Soon, her Mandarin skills finally improved considerably, completely shaking off those who used to laugh at her.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

But a new problem has resurfaced: although he is eloquent, his image is still clumsy and often looked down upon.

By chance, Liang Lu accidentally saw that her roommate had changed when she was dressing up. It dawned on her that as long as she dressed up a little, she could completely change her appearance! Since then, Liang Lu has gradually indulged in the pursuit of beauty.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

At first, it was just a simple touch-up, but soon she became obsessed with the "drug" of plastic surgery. For her, every move of the knife will make her more perfect, so as to win the envy and praise of others.

Her desire for plastic surgery has reached the point of pathology.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

Fourth, Liang Lu entered CCTV with excellent performance, but was marginalized because of plastic surgery

When she was about to graduate, Liang Lu won the favor of CCTV with her outstanding eloquence and talent, and entered this circle as she wished. But at this time, her dedication to plastic surgery also intensified.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

As soon as she joined the company, Liang Lu received unprecedented attention and praise from her colleagues. Everyone is full of praise for her beautiful and novel appearance, which is simply "the master of CCTV".

This undoubtedly further confirmed her obsession with plastic surgery. So, she stabbed her face several times in succession, insisting on making herself more flawless.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

Voices such as "I want to turn off the TV when I see her" and "As long as she is there, I will never watch the show" are circulating on the Internet. Seeing that Liang Lu was increasingly becoming the target of netizens, the TV station had to take action to ruthlessly transfer her away from the main channel and banished her to the unpopular opera channel.

In this way, the aura of this popular CCTV host suddenly dimmed and gradually drifted away. Just because of a momentary delusion, she dug an abyss for herself that could not be turned back.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

The glory of the past is now just an ethereal dream.

5. After Liang Lu was transferred from the main channel, the reaction of the audience and colleagues to her plastic surgery

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

Since being transferred away from the main channel, Liang Lu has been like a pile of dust that has been swept into a dark corner, almost cut off from the outside world. And when she occasionally shows up, she will attract whispers and undisguised eyes from the people around her.

"Do you see that face? It's a big failure of art!" Someone gloated.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

"I really can't be embarrassed, why is she so obsessed with plastic surgery in the first place?" The other shook his head in confusion.

Some people sighed sympathetically, and some people bluntly reprimanded her for "ruining the image of CCTV". No matter what the reaction, it invariably conveys a kind of absurdity and sadness.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

And the audience who once admired and pursued her also turned away one after another at this moment.

"I used to like to watch the show hosted by Liang Lu the most, she is gentle and friendly, intellectual and generous." A veteran viewer said regretfully.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

"yes, but now...... Looking at her looks, I was really scared. Another member of the audience nodded yes.

Those doubts and criticisms are all like blunt knives, ruthlessly slamming Liang Lu's heart. Her self-esteem has been completely crushed, and she is depressed all day long, and she longs to find a no-man's corner to hide herself.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

And every time she remembered her former glory, tears swirled in her eyes again. The pain in my heart is indescribable.

6. Summarize the lessons of Liang Lu's incident, and expect her to regain her profession and start again

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

Looking back on the whole thing, it is not difficult to find that the root cause of Liang Lu's situation is her persistent pursuit of the edge of perfection. What started out as a fine tuning to create the best possible image quickly turned into a morbid facelift.

She ignored that the inside is the most valuable asset of the host, and was too confined to the decoration of the appearance, and finally pushed herself into a situation from which she could never recover. Once she left the main channel and lost the spotlight, she was completely reduced to a laughing stock, suffering the ridicule and white eyes of others.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

From Liang Lu's experience, we can clearly see that blind pursuit of perfection is not advisable. As a host, you should first focus on improving your professional quality and showing your unique personal charm.

In contrast, appearances are just the icing on the cake and should never be taken as the whole story.

In the past, the famous host of CCTV was marginalized because of plastic surgery, netizens: I wanted to turn off the TV when I saw her

I sincerely hope that Liang Lu can learn from this lesson, re-examine herself, and recognize the essence of the road of hosting. Only by putting down that mask and reshaping her inner professional qualities can she regain her strength, start anew in the field of hosting, and shine her due brilliance.

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