
Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

author:An ordinary citizen

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Filial piety, a word that has made countless people feel stressed. Many people believe that filial piety is to give parents the best material life, live in a mansion, drive a famous car, and eat delicacies from the mountains and seas. When I saw the news of a woman in Chengdu who drove a Bentley to send her mother to a hot pot restaurant to wash dishes every day, I suddenly realized what is the most difficult filial piety to do.

Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

Obeying the wishes of one's parents and respecting their way of life is true filial piety. Just like this woman, although she has a wealthy family, she did not force her mother to stay at home to enjoy Qingfu, but respected her mother's desire to be busy. Mom is used to hard work, and once she is idle, she will feel uncomfortable.

This considerate daughter did not ask her mother with her own concept, but empathized and understood her mother's needs from her mother's point of view. She understands that letting her mother do what she likes happily is the real filial piety

Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

We often say that "filial piety comes first", but many times, our understanding of filial piety is wrong. We always follow our own ideas to "filial" our parents: we think that eating better and living comfortably is filial piety, but we ignore the real feelings of our parents.

Parents have worked hard all their lives, and it has become a habit to bear hardships and stand hard work. They don't care about luxury houses and cars, nor do they rarely enjoy the delicacies of the mountains and seas, what they really want is the understanding and support of their children.

Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

True filial piety is not to change parents, but to conform to parents; It is not to give parents the most expensive material enjoyment, but to give parents the most sincere emotional care; It's not about letting parents live the happy life they imagined, but letting parents live the life they want.

Every parent has their own way of life and values, and as children, we should learn to understand and tolerate, rather than transform and deny.

Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

I remembered that the blogger @二两清风 once told the story of his neighbor, Uncle Lin. Uncle Lin worked hard outside when he was young, made a lot of money, and went back to his hometown to build a new house for his mother, wanting his mother to enjoy Qingfu. But my mother couldn't get rid of the habit of decades, picking up rags and exchanging money all day long.

Uncle Lin also persuaded his mother to get rid of this "problem" at first, but after persuading him several times to no avail, he found that as long as his mother was busy, he would be very happy. So he no longer stopped it, but took the initiative to help his mother and used a luxury car to pretend to be in tatters. The trunk of Uncle Lin's luxury car is not only tattered, but also full of filial piety.

Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

The core of filial piety is "obedience" and "respect", not just "raising". Only by putting oneself in the shoes of one's parents, understanding the hearts of one's parents, and following the wishes of one's parents, can one be called true filial piety.

Filial piety is not in the amount of material, but in the depth of understanding; It's not about changing your parents' lives, it's about fulfilling your parents' wishes. Sometimes, chatting with their parents, taking a walk, or helping them take care of their parents can make them feel extremely happy and happy.

Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

No matter how late and tired you are, please don't forget to call your parents to say hello; No matter how busy and far away you are, you have to take the time to go home to see your parents. This is the filial piety they crave the most.

In your youth, there are always parents waiting for you; In your memory, there is always the care of your parents. Now that they are old, we need to learn to love them in a way they can understand, and to repay them in a way they can feel. Filial piety is not a slogan on the lips, but an action that is implemented in the bits and pieces of daily life.

Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

I hope that the children of the world can understand the true meaning of filial piety as soon as possible, and in the twilight years of their parents, they will understand more and complain less; Be more tolerant and less demanding; More company, less fumbancy. Only in this way can it become a "home" and family affection can be integrated into the heart.

Let's start from now on, treat our parents with a softer heart, listen to our parents with more patience, and express our love for our parents with more actions. Because they don't need your Bentley, their mansions, they just want a you who "puts them at ease". This is the most precious filial piety.

Envy! The woman drove a Bentley every day to pick up her mother to work and wash dishes. Epiphany of what true filial piety is

Dear friends, are we being filial sons and daughters today? Is it true to be a child who can "conform" the hearts of parents? It's still too late to change, let's tell parents with practical actions from now on, "Children need you, children will always love you". This will surely become the most regretless choice of your life.

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