
Uterine polyps, a medicine that others dare not use, I dare to use, this method has helped many people

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

Endometrial polyp is a mass of "flesh" that protrudes or shifts outward from the surrounding block surface, and the age distribution of patients is relatively wide, and it is generally benign, but it must be intervened and treated in time, otherwise it will affect the uterine environment, which will lead to infertility, irregular menstruation, and heavy bleeding before and after menstruation......

The meat block is called "癥" in traditional Chinese medicine, and the essence is blood stasis and stagnation, because we women are yin and afraid of cold, and some bad living habits are easy to cause yin and yang decline, and yin and cold hinder yang qi and cause qi and blood stagnation.

Uterine polyps, a medicine that others dare not use, I dare to use, this method has helped many people

The qi, blood, and fluid in the human body are different components of the same river. Cold will cause the flow of qi, blood and fluid to slow down, gradually stay in the body, blood stasis and phlegm dampness collude, and after a long time, it will form a "lump", which is the main reason for the production of endometrial polyps.

Therefore, the old Chinese medicine knows that this disease can be treated with Guizhi Poria Pill to invigorate blood and dispel blood stasis, and to dissolve knots with softness and firmness. The cinnamon branch is the king and the yang, and the meridians are warm; The peach kernel is supplemented by yin, which can accumulate heat caused by blood stasis accumulation; Poria cocos can dissolve phlegm, and dilute water to infiltrate wet, and wash down "stains" such as blood clots and sputum clots; If the blood stasis is not cleared for a long time, it will inevitably affect the regeneration of new blood, so it is necessary to add a red peony to regulate qi and blood.

This prescription is a panacea, anyone can use it, why is the patient's endometrial polyps cured for a long time without success?

So what's the difficulty? It's in the word dialectic.

Dialectical addition and subtraction need to depend on the specific condition of the patient, and if you do not seek to understand the script, the treatment effect will be prolonged, and even the expected effect will not be achieved.

For example, one of my patients, I read her report card, multiple uterine fibroids with concurrent pelvic effusion. She is not typical, there is no bleeding before and after menstruation, but it is not on the verge of menstruation.

Diagnosis: fat tongue with tooth marks, thin white moss, smooth pulse. This is a sign of spleen and kidney yang deficiency.

After the diagnosis, I prescribed her Guizhi Poria Pill, who knew that the patient was anxious when he saw it, and said that the previous doctors had also prescribed this medicine, all of which were fooling, and it was useless to take it for three months.

I smiled, other doctors use Guizhi Poria pills and my usage is different, you can rest assured, take my prescription, after a course of treatment, you go to B ultrasound, if the polyps are not gone, you come over again, take away the brand of Hastelloy gynecology.

Uterine polyps, a medicine that others dare not use, I dare to use, this method has helped many people

How did I do it?

When using Guizhi Poria Pills, I increase the amount of Guizhi and Red Peony, why? Because the patient's menstrual period has not yet arrived, it is necessary to strengthen the power of cinnamon and danpi to promote blood circulation and menstruation. How can we achieve the desired effect with only dead recipes?

I also added the following flavors: Radix Radix and Motherwort to promote water and dampness, and remove pelvic effusion; In addition, there are two pairs of medicines, which are the finishing touches of this prescription: ephedra and rehman! Seaweed with licorice!

Ephedra warms and circulates yang qi, complements the cinnamon branch, so that the qi is unobstructed, and rehmannia can nourish yin and blood, and the two work together to nourish yang and yin. Rehmannia will not make ephedra too divergent, and the yang energy will be hyperactive and consume yin blood.

Seaweed is toxic, but it can be used to use its toxicity to soften and disperse knots, dilute water and reduce swelling, "no strong knots meet seaweed and do not disperse"; Licorice strengthens the spleen and invigorates qi, eases the medicinal properties, and makes the seaweed disperse without harming the righteous qi. The two belong to the compatibility taboo, and they are classic anti-drugs recorded in both the "Qianjin Prescription" and the "Commentary on the Collection of Scriptures".

I use it a lot in clinical practice, and the results are very good. Why do I dare to use it? Because I have the right differentiation and accurate dosage. It is better not to read books than to believe in books, and the records of ancient books must be correct? After more than 30 years of clinical practice, I will never die of books and not think.

Uterine polyps, a medicine that others dare not use, I dare to use, this method has helped many people

However, many Chinese medicine practitioners read books to death, not knowing the pathogenesis of patients, the complexity of their symptoms, and the flexibility of the combination of herbs, so they will only use drugs in accordance with the rules. In essence, there are actually two reasons, one is that medical skills are limited, and the other is afraid of not making money.

In this way, there is a distinction between Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine.

In fact, why can Chinese medicine be respected and trusted by the world today? It is one thing to have a long history and a lineage, but we must also dare to be the first and dare to explore. Five generations of our family have practiced medicine, and if we can't try to explore, explore a new way of combining Chinese and Western medicine, and explore a new method of combining Chinese medicine, we will definitely not be able to go so far.