
From 0 to 3 months, how much weight does it normal for a baby to gain weight? After this indicator, my mother has a bottom in her heart

author:The starting point of the baby's story


Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoli~

0-3 months is the fastest stage of the baby's development, in just three months of the baby's weight changes quickly, which has become a hot topic for countless mothers, are concerned about the baby's weight changes, in fact, there are differences in this statement.

The weight growth of each baby is different, the well-developed baby grows one kilogram of weight every month, and some babies gain about one pound of weight every month.

The difference in weight gain is also related to the establishment of the baby's foundation, and mothers should also be aware of this, which cannot be the object of comparison.

From 0 to 3 months, how much weight does it normal for a baby to gain weight? After this indicator, my mother has a bottom in her heart

Last week, another mother said: My cousin's child is less than a week away from the baby, but his child has grown more than five pounds in three months, and my child has only grown more than three pounds.

In fact, there are differences when the child is born, his own child is just five pounds, and the cousin's child has reached seven pounds, which is also the difference in the baby's foundation, resulting in a difference in the baby's weight gain.

It does not mean that even if the baby is high in weight, even if the development is good, mothers should check the baby's growth curve, as long as the growth curve is developing normally, there is no problem.

From 0 to 3 months, how much weight does it normal for a baby to gain weight? After this indicator, my mother has a bottom in her heart

0-3 months, how much weight gain is normal for babies?

3 pounds

Some babies are born with low weight, including premature babies, and the growth rate will be relatively slow, but as long as the growth reaches three pounds in three months, mothers do not need to worry, the baby's growth and development is very good.

If it exceeds this indicator, mothers should also be happy, the baby's development is not a big problem, the development is also very good, mothers need to understand.

From 0 to 3 months, how much weight does it normal for a baby to gain weight? After this indicator, my mother has a bottom in her heart

The baby's weight gain is not only related to the size of the bones, but also related to these factors, and mothers should also understand in advance.

01 Nutritional intake

The baby's development is naturally related to nutrition, if the baby's nutritional intake is insufficient, it will also lead to slow weight growth and stunted growth.

The intake of milk should be noted, according to the baby's weight to calculate the baby's daily milk volume, one kilogram of body weight needs 110ML of milk per day, according to the weight to calculate the amount of milk.

02 Sleep quality

The baby's sleep quality should also be noted, if the baby's sleep is less than 12 hours, it will also lead to insufficient growth hormone secretion, which will also affect the baby's growth and development.

Usually babies at the age of one month sleep are very high, of course, some babies may have sleep disorders due to physical discomfort and other reasons.

03 Spleniogastric difference

Weak spleen and stomach will also affect the baby's growth and development.

Some babies have a weak spleen and stomach, which will also lead to poor absorption, poor immunity, and growth and development will also be affected.