
The mother-in-law asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan, and the man asked for a marriage inspection for 250,000 yuan, and the girl's face changed greatly after hearing it

author:Hong Kong Island Diary

My name is Xiao Ming, an ordinary 30-year-old man with an ordinary family background and a stable job. I've always dreamed of finding a girl I really love and spend my life with her. In my eyes, love is pure and beautiful, and should not be measured by material things. However, the reality often makes people face some unavoidable problems.

One day, I met Xiaofang, the girl I had been in love with for a long time. She is gentle and kind, intelligent and lovely, and I am deeply attracted to her. The longer we got along, the more certain I was that she was the person I was looking for.

However, love needs to face various tests, and this time, the test comes from Xiaofang's family. Her mother-in-law asked us for a bride price of 200,000 yuan to get married. That's a huge number for me, and I don't know if I have what it takes to meet that requirement.

I discussed with Xiaofang in distress, and she also seemed to be in a difficult situation. Eventually, I made up my mind to give her the best future I could offer, and I agreed to a bride price of 250,000 yuan and asked for a pre-marital medical examination. The reason for this is that I want to be able to prove my sincerity and have more security for my future married life.

The mother-in-law asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan, and the man asked for a marriage inspection for 250,000 yuan, and the girl's face changed greatly after hearing it

When I firmly expressed this request, Xiaofang's face suddenly changed. She looked a little surprised and disappointed, and I was puzzled. I asked her what had happened, and she was silent for a moment, then finally spoke out of her hesitation and confusion.

It turned out that Xiaofang had experienced an unhappy marriage, and her first husband was not loyal to her and even contracted a sexually transmitted disease. This painful experience deepened her distrust of men, and she feared that her marriage would hurt again. My request touched a knot in her heart, and she felt that I was questioning her past, and thus my sincerity.

I felt so distressed and helpless, I never thought that my sincerity would hurt her. I approached her, held her hand tightly, and whispered, "Xiaofang, I understand your confusion and hesitation. I'm not questioning you, but I hope we can trust each other and manage our married life together. I am willing to accompany you to face the shadow of the past and create a happy future. ”

The mother-in-law asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan, and the man asked for a marriage inspection for 250,000 yuan, and the girl's face changed greatly after hearing it

Xiao Fang listened to my words, and tears welled up in her eyes. She hugged me tightly and told me about the pain and fear in her heart. I couldn't help but be moved to tears, I know that we have all been hurt, but only by supporting each other, understanding and trusting each other, can we truly step out of the shadows and welcome the sunshine of married life.

We have now spent several years of married life. Although we encountered some difficulties and misunderstandings at the beginning, we supported each other and grew together. I watched Xiaofang smile every day, and I knew that I had paid for my persistence in exchange for her happiness.

The mother-in-law asked for a bride price of 200,000 yuan, and the man asked for a marriage inspection for 250,000 yuan, and the girl's face changed greatly after hearing it

In this world where reality and love are intertwined, we must learn to face and solve problems. Marriage is not just about pure feelings between two people, it also needs to take into account the factors of reality and the expectations of the family. But in any case, as long as we have sincerity and trust, support each other, and be honest with each other, we can create our own happiness.