
In these cases, you take the initiative to refuse, but it will make the man's heart and mind

In these cases, you take the initiative to refuse, but it will make the man's heart and mind

As the saying goes, a good love should echo each other, and everything has a result.

Not every "responsiveness" will lead to good results. Sometimes, being slightly inferior in love will make the other person more obsessed.

Most men seem to prefer submissive, well-behaved female partners. However, if you are always accommodating to your man's wishes in your relationship, then you may not be able to get more love and affection. In order to be highly appreciated by him, you need to show your own unique mind and charisma.

Every man has a strong desire to conquer, so make them feel challenged and stimulated. If you surrender yourself completely to him and don't give him any challenges, then after a long time, the man will find it boring. We need to give men some stimulation and challenges at the right time to make the relationship more interesting.

Keep in mind that women's voluntary rejection will make men more fascinated.

1. Refuse when he gives you a gift

In the relationship between men and women, it is normal to give gifts. However, in the process, the mentality of men and women is completely different.

In these cases, you take the initiative to refuse, but it will make the man's heart and mind

Women often think that when men please themselves, they will let down their guard and accept it with ease. However, this idea is actually a way for men to test women.

A valuable gift represents a man's heart and attitude towards you, which is not only a precious gift, but also his love and care for you.

If you light up the moment you see a gift and accept it intently, men may think you're too materialistic. In the future, he will also be more inclined to infect you through material things, rather than more emotionally invested.

If you refuse a gift from a man, he may feel frustrated and think that he is not yet able to please you. He'll try to give it again. This also tells us that the choice and giving of gifts is very important in the relationship between men and women.

A woman who is less materialistic will also be more admired by men. They will try to impress you in a more passionate way, eager to conquer you.

Since you are not a materialistic woman, he will unconsciously treat you with more emotion and try to keep you through love.

2. Refuse to change for men

When we like someone, we often think that it is necessary to change ourselves for his sake. Eventually, however, you will find yourself unrecognizable and not getting the happiness you want. Happiness should go hand in hand with your true self, not changing yourself to please others, but loving yourself, believing in yourself and pursuing your dreams.

In these cases, you take the initiative to refuse, but it will make the man's heart and mind

When many women fall in love, they often subconsciously correct themselves to satisfy the other person, especially in the face of male blame.

When a man expresses his affection for a supple woman, the woman will also restrain her pride and turn her into a lovely and gentle flower of liberation.

Some women hear from men that they have recently gained weight and will seek to lose weight after that.

These seemingly small and normal changes can boost the development of your relationship, but after a while, the man may develop a habit of often commanding and commanding you. Handle this situation carefully and make sure you and your partner are equal in the relationship.

In the face of feelings, I would like to remind everyone that if you want to maintain the initiative in love, don't make changes for the sake of your other half. This is an important decision that requires careful consideration.

As easy as it may sound to change, blindly following a man's words can cause you to lose yourself. In this way, you are no longer who you really are, but become the "perfect companion" in his fantasy.

In the future, he will frequently ask you to change, even without thinking about your feelings. What's more, when you refuse, he may physically attack you, which can be avoided.

In these cases, you take the initiative to refuse, but it will make the man's heart and mind

Let's not follow men's instructions without thinking, but be ourselves. Even if he doesn't like the details of our habits, don't deny yourself easily.

Only by insisting on being yourself can a man truly see the charm of your personality, and what he loves will only be your original self. Only by unswervingly maintaining oneself can it be more difficult for a man to let go of his feelings for you.

3. Refuse when he wants to have an intimate relationship with you

As the saying goes, what you can't get is always in turmoil. You have to admit that in love, if you let a man respond to his needs too quickly, then he will not cherish you nine times out of ten.

In real life, some women lose themselves easily in love. This is a widespread phenomenon.

When a man sends her verbal cues, she tries to avoid hurting his pride as much as possible, despite the discomfort in her heart. This is a normal and natural thing to do under normal circumstances.

She had to endure the discomfort, and even when the man offered intimacy, she couldn't refuse. She had to force herself to accept it, even though it might make her feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. It's a challenge that she needs to face bravely.

In these cases, you take the initiative to refuse, but it will make the man's heart and mind

The desire to follow others does not make a man see you as a beloved. On the contrary, once he achieves his goal, you will be conquered too easily, and he will no longer cherish you. This kind of "obedience" is not beneficial to either oneself or the other person.

If you want a man to be attracted to you, you need to always remind yourself not to fall into the trap of men.

When men try to move forward, we shouldn't be too eager to respond. On the contrary, we should test the man's patience and determination, and at the same time not be afraid that he will leave because of rejection. It's a normal way of interacting with people that helps us get to know each other better and make appropriate decisions.

Remember that a man by nature does not like to lose, and when you reject him, he will try harder to please you and will not give up easily. It's a very common mentality, and if you can make the most of it, you may be able to find more answers that work for you.


He desperately desires your love, but needs to gradually open your heart in order to conquer you.

In these cases, you take the initiative to refuse, but it will make the man's heart and mind

This process is pleasant for men, although it is poignant. They won't hate you, but they will stick to you in their hearts.

Women don't have to be too submissive. The occasional small rebellion can enhance the intimacy between you.

Doing so will make the man more impressed by you, and at the same time, he can inadvertently grasp the initiative of love, so that he is eager to see you and pursue it.