
Conquering a woman is actually very simple, learn to be efficient and satisfied, and she will be inseparable from you

Conquering a woman is actually very simple, learn to be efficient and satisfied, and she will be inseparable from you

Full of sincerity, the iron pestle is sharpened into a needle. If you want to get something, you need to impress others with a sincere act.

It is not difficult to pursue a woman, the key is to be attentive. No matter which woman it is, as long as the man puts his mind to it, I believe that he can get her heart.

To win a lady's heart, skill is just as important as sincerity. Only skillful skills can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

And in fact, the skill of conquering a woman is very simple, learn to be efficient and satisfied, and she will be inseparable from you.

Efficient satisfaction one: let her get used to your preferences

All women have desires, big and small, and fast and slow. However, no matter what the desires are, if you want women to be conquered, you must learn to satisfy their desires effectively.

In "The Splendid Stars & the Moon Rises in the Sea", the author Chen Shaoshang avoided Ling Budo at first, but was completely conquered later, all thanks to Ling Budo's efficient satisfaction.

As a left-behind child, Chen Shaoshang has longed to be favored since he was a child, in addition to freedom.

Conquering a woman is actually very simple, learn to be efficient and satisfied, and she will be inseparable from you

Although she can't say it explicitly, she is very envious of those girls who are favored, and hopes to be loved and cared for by her parents.

However, when my mother came home, she did not compensate me for my long-term favoritism, but kept complimenting my cousin, which puzzled me.

Compared with the so-called freedom and vast world, what Chen Shaoshang yearns for most in his heart is a unique love.

Ling Budo's appearance filled her void of love.

Ling Budo knew that someone had framed and slandered her, but she still used her strength to pamper her loved ones; Understand her playful personality and constantly prepare her for everything without interfering; Understand her nature of daring to love and hate, escort her love and hate, and give the firmest support.

He showed her through practical actions that no matter where he was, as long as Chen Shaoshang was present, he would be firmly by her side.

She can show her helplessness in front of him without reservation, and she does not need to worry about what others think.

Just like Mr. He Jiong said, a man should be here to support you, not to reason with you. This view applies at any time, no matter what dilemma you are facing. When you need help, you can safely rely on your man and expect him to support you and give you strength.

Conquering a woman is actually very simple, learn to be efficient and satisfied, and she will be inseparable from you

After experiencing Lou Yao's cowardice and innocence, Chen Shaoshang re-met Ling Budo's endless preference and realized that the latter was more suitable for him.

Since Ling Budo gave her a distinct sense of security, she enjoyed and relied on this preference very much. It made her feel relaxed and official.

It can be seen that immersing a woman in your affection will make her willing to stay with you and never give up.

Efficient satisfaction two: let her trust you completely

Gaining a woman's trust is one of the important ways to conquer her. Only when a woman recognizes you from the inside and lets go of her defenses can you truly conquer her. This is one of the most efficient gratifications for women.

At first, Chen Shaoshang knew nothing about Ling Budo's character, and only regarded him as a cold-blooded and ruthless executioner, and he was deeply afraid of contacting him, let alone trusting him.

After many contacts, she gradually discovered that Ling Budo was not the cold-blooded, ruthless and cunning person rumored by the outside world. This made her breathe a sigh of relief and made a difference in her impression of him.

On the contrary, he was always able to protect himself when he was on the verge of embarrassment or danger, which gradually made Chen Shaoshang identify with Ling Budo's existence.

Conquering a woman is actually very simple, learn to be efficient and satisfied, and she will be inseparable from you

Whether he was ridiculed for his divorce, or almost lost his life because of eavesdropping, Ling Budo was able to keep himself out of the matter superbly.

Gradually, she let down her guard and went from a stranger she didn't know at first to a friend she could trust, and eventually a partner she trusted completely. This story teaches us that in interpersonal interactions, trust is the foundation for building deep relationships.

Chen Shaoshang was very moved to see every bit that Ling Budo did for her because Ling Budo put her in the safest position and protected her from any harm. This protection has made her feel refreshed and happier and more confident.

Women crave men to focus on themselves and be honest, honest, and have nothing to hide from them. They hope that no matter when and where, there is a place in the hearts of men that can make them feel at ease.

Efficient satisfaction three: respect her wishes

In fact, even though Chen Shaoshang had completely trusted and accustomed to Ling Budo's preference, he still failed to fully open his heart.

Conquering a woman is actually very simple, learn to be efficient and satisfied, and she will be inseparable from you

In her heart, if she marries her, the vast world she pursues will become more distant.

After all, once the two got engaged, the first thing Ling Budo did was to let the Chen family live according to their own living habits. This shows the importance he attaches to family harmony, while also reflecting his maturity and sense of responsibility.

For Chen Shaoshang, who has always liked to be free, this kind of restraint is absolutely unbearable for him.

This is a very apt statement, because your good intentions are not necessarily really good.

When Chen Shaoshang was overwhelmed by Ling Budo's enthusiasm and almost out of breath, he finally chose to vent and expressed his thoughts angrily.

Although some of the words may be hurtful, at least it can make Ling Budo understand how to prevent his efforts from disappearing.

After thinking calmly, Ling Budo decided to respect Chen Shaoshang's wishes. He loved her dearly, so he never forced her to live her life as she wanted. It is a vivid example of expressing true love and respecting the wishes of others.

On the contrary, he longed for her to live a happy and pleasant life. He will respect her wishes and let her live as she pleases.

Conquering a woman is actually very simple, learn to be efficient and satisfied, and she will be inseparable from you

As can be seen from the above, winning a woman's heart is not by forcing her to obey, but by making her truly trust you and rely on you.

To pursue a woman, you must learn to build bridges of trust, to get used to you with favoritism, and to make her inseparable from respect with respect.