
When is the cheapest time to buy Taobao 618 in 2024 (many years of experts tell you)

author:Wireless Linyi

When discussing when to buy the cheapest and most cost-effective Taobao 618 shopping festival in 2024, we can learn from the rules and strategies of previous years, combined with the general model of e-commerce promotion. The detailed event period for 2024 will last from May 20 to June 20, a total of one month.

【Focus】No threshold red envelope

Directly linked to the discount (must receive)

Taobao collection method:

Open the mobile phone Taobao and search for [Red Envelope 1177] to receive it.

How to collect JD:

Open your mobile phone Jingdong and search for [Heavenly Red Envelope 678] to receive it.

When is the cheapest time to buy Taobao 618 in 2024 (many years of experts tell you)

Overview of 618 activities

Taobao 618 Shopping Festival, as one of the important promotional activities in the field of e-commerce, attracts many consumers to participate every year. Originally launched by to celebrate its anniversary, the festival has since evolved into a massive industry-wide promotion that is on par with Singles' Day. Taobao (including Tmall), as a leader in e-commerce platforms, will naturally not miss this opportunity to increase sales and user activity.

The best time to buy

1. Pre-sale stage: According to past experience, the 618 pre-sale stage can often enjoy greater discounts. In order to lock in sales, merchants will provide rich coupons, deposit doubling and other promotional means during this period. Pre-sales events usually start about a week to two weeks before the official event, so if the target product has been determined, following and participating in the pre-sale may be a good opportunity to get the lowest price.

2. The first day of a good start: that is, June 1, this is the day when many platforms officially launch the 618 activity, in order to quickly increase sales, merchants often issue a large number of consumption coupons and limited-time discounts at this time, especially the first wave of activities, fierce competition, large discounts, is a good time to shoot.

3. Focus on specific categories in the middle period: Throughout the 618 event cycle, there will be different category-themed promotions at different times, and if your target product belongs to a specific category, pay attention to the main promotion day of that category, there may be additional surprises. For example, 3C digital, home appliances, beauty, clothing, etc. may have special offers at different times.

4. June 18: As the climax of the event, most merchants will launch the lowest price of the year on this day, which is also a concentrated display of all category promotions. Despite the strong discount on this day, it is also accompanied by fierce rush to buy and popular items may sell out quickly, so it is necessary to add orders in advance and set reminders.

When is the cheapest time to buy Taobao 618 in 2024 (many years of experts tell you)

Shopping strategy

Compare prices: Use a price comparison tool or browser add-on to compare price changes before and after the event to make sure you're getting the deal.

Pay attention to store coupons and platform red envelopes: In addition to the discounts of the product itself, store coupons, platform red envelopes, and cross-store full discounts are also important ways to save money, and reasonable use can further reduce costs.

Join or engage with members: Some platforms offer additional benefits to members or users who participate in certain interactions (e.g., live streams, games, etc.), so try participating.

Rational consumption: Although there are many discounts, do not impulsively shop, buy the goods you really need, and avoid unnecessary waste caused by greed for cheapness.

When is the cheapest time to buy Taobao 618 in 2024 (many years of experts tell you)

To sum up, during the Taobao 618 Shopping Festival in 2024, it is a critical time to start paying attention from the pre-sale stage, especially on June 1, the promotion day of specific categories, and the day of June 18. Combined with your personal needs and the above strategies, I believe you can get a satisfactory shopping experience in this shopping feast.