
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

author:Historical data is not available
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

Text: Mirror

All of the statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are reproduced at the end of this article


"Three fires for new officials to take office" is a "tradition" that has existed since ancient times.

However, the fire of the newly appointed Russian defense minister "burned unusually."

On his first day in office, he called out to China.

After listening to his shouts, the United States and Ukraine panicked, could it be that the Sino-Russian alliance that they feared the most was still coming after all?

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

Unusual shouting

On the evening of May 14, the new Russian president, Vladimir Putin, signed a new presidential decree approving the names of the members of the new government and the heads of departments.

The economist Belousov, who was only nominated to be Russia's new defense minister, also officially assumed the "military post" from a "civilian official".

Dawan News, May 15, 2024 "Putin Signs Presidential Decree Approving the List of Composition of the New Government"
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

The newly appointed Russian defense minister made a speech as soon as he took office, expressing his unique views on how Russia as a whole should develop in the world as a whole.

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

He believes that Russia is currently committed to promoting the construction of a multipolar world order, but countries in a multipolar world should have sovereignty.

At present, there are not many sovereign countries in the world, and many countries are even "vassals" of other countries., May 15, 2024, "Russia's new defense minister: China, India, and Indonesia are all sovereign countries, but Europe can't"
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

There are many countries in Europe that have lost their sovereignty, and according to him, Western countries want to rule the world, and they believe that the world order should be unipolar.

This is contrary to the multipolar world order that Russia is currently promoting, which he believes is about a country's ability to develop self-sufficiency.

And this capability is something that all sovereign states should have, and it is also something that non-sovereign states cannot have.

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

Belousov believes that this also stems from the culture of a country itself, while China is a country with a culture of origin, and compared with Russia's cultural history with the characteristics of division, China has an absolute advantage in this aspect.

He said frankly that Russia needs to maintain a sustainable development strategy for 5 to 10 years, and in the coming period, it will further develop relations between friendly countries.

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

In addition, he proposed the need to build a system of alliances in which different countries would join different international organizations, including multilateral and bilateral organizations.

He said that his current goal as defense minister is to bring Russia to victory in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and he will use everything effective and advanced to support Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine.

Reference news: May 15, 2024 "Russia's new defense minister: the key task is still to achieve victory"
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

Belousov's recent rhetoric is undoubtedly a message to China and Europe as a whole, and his argument is a formal endorsement of the attitude that Europe is no longer a vassal of the United States.

He wants to warn Europe by knocking on the side, hoping that European countries can take back their sovereignty, dare to try on their own, like China and Russia, abandon the title of "vassal of the United States", and find their true selves.

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

As for China, it hopes to continue to maintain or further develop relations between China and Russia.

According to the data, Belousov has many years of experience in exchanges with China and has a deep understanding of China, and calling out China at this critical moment is an intention to announce to the world that China and Russia will be a good cooperative partner.

As for the "alliance system" he proposed, it represents his attitude towards other countries in the world, and it also has a certain deterrent effect on some countries.

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

An alliance between China and Russia?

If China and Russia can form an alliance, then the United States should be most worried, followed by Ukraine.

You must know that Ukraine and Russia have not yet completely resolved the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the United States has always been behind the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Xinhuanet, May 11, 2024 "The United States is the real creator and archer of the Ukraine crisis"
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

The United States has expressed its resistance to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the surface, but behind the scenes, it has been providing assistance to Ukraine, and even specially proposed a bill to aid Ukraine, providing Ukraine with funds and weapons.

And it has also made denunciations against China, accusing China for providing help to Russia that has led to a long-term conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

The reason why the United States has made "false accusations" against China is precisely because they are afraid that China and Russia will join forces, and that China and Russia will become an alliance as a whole.

However, long ago, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned China that "if China continues to cooperate with Russia, it will bear the consequences."

In addition, Biden also called the mainland, in which he clearly warned about China's "aid behavior" to Russia. Military, April 12, 2024 "The United States is really afraid of something, worried that as soon as the voice of the Sino-Russian joint effort falls, the Russian Foreign Minister's special plane will arrive in Beijing"
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

However, the fact is that China has never provided any military assistance to Russia, and the United States has no evidence to prove that China has provided military assistance to Russia.

On the contrary, the various actions of the United States represent their fear of cooperation between China and Russia, and they are afraid that China and Russia will get closer and closer.

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

This will lead to the Ukraine, which they have been helping, in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which will lead to an even more serious defeat due to China's accession.

In fact, for this kind of worry, the United States and Ukraine can completely put this heart in their stomachs, and China will not use it for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict for such a thing as an alliance.

China has said more than once that it will uphold an objective and fair position in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, actively maintain communication with all parties, and make efforts for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

Jiemian News, May 15, 2024 "Upholding an objective and fair position, China will continue to make unremitting efforts for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis"
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

As for the exchanges between China and Russia, Russia is a friendly diplomatic country of China, and this year also marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia.

China and Russia have made it clear that China-Russia relations will always uphold the principles of non-alignment, non-resistance, and non-targeting of any third party, and will not be affected by factors of any third party., May 15, 2024 "Jointly Write a New Chapter in China-Russia Relations"
What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

China and Russia will always uphold the United Nations and international law and actively promote the development of economic globalization.

China will, as always, proceed from the long-term interests of the two countries, safeguard world peace and regional stability, and jointly promote the further development of China-Russia relations in the new era and comprehensive strategic partnership.

What the United States and Ukraine are worried about is still coming! On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister called out China, and his attitude was obvious

brief summary

It is certain that China and Russia will not form an alliance, but this does not mean that China and Russia will not have normal exchanges and cooperation, and normal exchanges between China and Russia have formed a good tradition, and this is not something that anyone can change.

China and Russia will not stop communicating with Russia because of the dissatisfaction of the United States, or even threats and warnings.

And just today, Putin is also leading senior Russian officials to China to start a new round of visits to China.

bibliography, May 15, 2024 "Jointly Write a New Chapter in China-Russia Relations"

Jiemian News, May 15, 2024 "Upholding an objective and fair position, China will continue to make unremitting efforts for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis"

Dawan News, May 15, 2024 "Putin Signs Presidential Decree Approving the List of Composition of the New Government" Military, April 12, 2024 "The United States is really afraid of something, worried that as soon as the voice of the Sino-Russian joint effort falls, the Russian Foreign Minister's special plane will arrive in Beijing", May 15, 2024, "Russia's new defense minister: China, India, and Indonesia are all sovereign countries, but Europe can't"

Reference news: May 15, 2024 "Russia's new defense minister: the key task is still to achieve victory"

Xinhuanet, May 11, 2024 "The United States is the real creator and archer of the Ukraine crisis"


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