
Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!


With the rapid development of electric vehicles, more and more people are turning to new energy travel. Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, electric vehicles are not only more environmentally friendly, but also more comfortable and quiet to drive. Coupled with the increasingly sophisticated charging infrastructure, the advantages of electric vehicles are becoming more and more prominent in front of consumers.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

In such an environment, many people have begun to have some doubts and worries about traditional gasoline vehicles: is it a "smart" or "stupid" choice to buy a fuel car now?

In this regard, industry veterans gave some opinions. They argue that the issue is not black and white, but needs to be weighed against specific individual circumstances and needs. The key to choosing is to find the travel plan that suits you best.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of gasoline vehicles and trams? What are the "smart" and "stupid" aspects of buying a fuel car now? Let's dive into the analysis together.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

1. The current situation and challenges of fuel vehicles

When it comes to fuel vehicles, you may think of them as synonymous with backwardness and inefficiency. But in fact, after more than 100 years of development, contemporary gasoline vehicles have reached a high level in terms of reliability and maturity.

In terms of reliability, modern gasoline vehicles have rarely had problems such as stalls, breakdowns, system failures, etc., and can be said to be almost absolutely reliable. All of this is due to the long-term practice accumulation and technical precipitation of the automotive industry.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

However, it is precisely because of this stability that gasoline vehicles are gradually showing bottlenecks in terms of technological progress. There is limited room for improving the energy efficiency of internal combustion engines, and the level of intelligence is difficult to match that of electric vehicles. This also makes them seem relatively backward in some ways.

In this context, fuel vehicles are facing greater pressure from electric vehicles. Both luxury brands and ordinary models have seen a decline in sales growth, and discounts have also increased.

For example, in April this year, FAW Toyota and GAC Toyota's sales fell by 20.8% and 32.1% year-on-year, respectively. Even luxury car brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi have begun to be chased by new car companies. Even Lexus and Volvo, which were once leaders, have now been surpassed by cutting-edge brands such as Zeekr and NIO.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

In general, with the continuous increase in the market share of electric vehicles, fuel vehicles are in a very embarrassing situation. Technological progress has encountered bottlenecks, and sales have been strongly impacted by electric vehicles, and the future trend is worrying.

Second, the current challenges of electric vehicles

While electric vehicles are gaining momentum, it's not all smooth sailing. They also still face a number of urgent problems that need to be addressed.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

The first is the limitation of range. Despite advances in battery technology, electric vehicles still struggle to match the range of gasoline vehicles when driving long distances and at high speeds. This kind of "battery life anxiety" has always been a major pain point for consumers.

3. Is it "smart" or "stupid"?

After a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of fuel vehicles and electric vehicles, it is not difficult to find that which model to choose is not a simple question of black and white.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

For consumers with a limited budget or more business attributes, fuel vehicles are more suitable. Mature internal combustion engine technology, whether it is tens of thousands or millions, you can always find a suitable model. Moreover, fuel vehicles still have a more formal sense and status symbol in business negotiations.

4. Opportunities and challenges in the new energy era

While the outlook for gasoline vehicles looks bleaker, that doesn't mean they're failing. On the contrary, the advent of the era of new energy vehicles has also brought new development opportunities for the entire automotive industry.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

From the consumer's point of view, the continuous evolution and popularization of electric vehicles will provide us with a more environmentally friendly and efficient way to travel. Even hard-core fuel vehicle advocates have to admit the advantages of electric vehicles in terms of performance and handling. As battery range increases and charging infrastructure improves, the convenience of e-mobility will continue to increase.

For traditional car companies interested in transformation, the rise of new energy vehicles means an excellent opportunity to rebuild their market position. In the past, those electric vehicle companies that were once ridiculed are now catching up quickly, and even beginning to overtake traditional car companies. This undoubtedly gives the latter a warning that they must catch up and grasp the pulse of the development of the times.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

As far as the maintenance industry is concerned, the popularity of new energy vehicles has also brought a new development direction for it. On the one hand, repair shops need to be upgraded and transformed to electric vehicle maintenance; On the other hand, with the continuous expansion of the electric vehicle market, repair shops will also usher in new development opportunities. As long as they are prepared, they are also expected to gain a foothold in the new era and reap considerable benefits.

In addition, from the perspective of the entire automotive industry chain, the rise of new energy vehicles will inevitably lead to a series of supporting changes. For example, the construction of charging piles, battery recycling, intelligent network technology, etc., will become new growth points. For those companies with a long-term vision, seizing the opportunities in these areas is also a rare opportunity for development.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

At the end of the day, what we are facing today is not just a challenge, but a new opportunity for development. Although the status of gasoline vehicles is irreversibly declining, this does not mean that the automotive industry has reached a dead end. On the contrary, the rise of new energy vehicles is injecting new vitality and impetus into the entire industry.

As long as we can accurately grasp the pulse of the times, take the initiative to adapt and embrace change, then in this industrial reshuffle, we can not only successfully deal with various difficulties, but even may ride the wind and waves to achieve corner overtaking.

Is it "smart" or "stupid" to buy a gas car now? Insiders are broken, understood!

Change is already happening, the wheels of the times are rolling forward, and only by keeping up with this trend can we achieve unexpected development on the new track. For those of you who are still resting on your laurels, it's time to take on new challenges and opportunities.