
It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

author:Wang Xianzhi
It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

Maybe everyone has two sides, there is a good side that belongs to him, and there is an evil side that belongs to him.

And the character we talked about above, she has always given people the impression of a very evil side, this person is the former US Deputy Secretary of State Nuland with blood on her hands.

Nuland is sure that anyone who knows international news will be familiar with her, and she is a very important role in inciting the peaceful evolution of Ukraine and the color revolution.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

And in Ukraine's shadow president and anti-Russian agenda, she also plays a more important part.

For a long time, everyone has been known to have the impression that she is a very cold and very aggressive American diplomat, and what are the stories about her, let's read on together.

Nuland's birth background

Nuland, a Jew of Ukrainian origin, was born and raised in a Ukrainian oblast, and as she grew up, her family immigrated to the United States during the Soviet era.

During the Cold War, she received a very strong anti-Soviet education, which also had a profound impact on her diplomatic stance.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

At a young age, she was already proficient in Russian, and this skill also helped her quickly integrate into the deep state of the United States and establish a good relationship with some politicians.

As she grew up, she met her husband, Robert Kagan, who was also an important figure who represented neoconservative views.

The idea is that not only do they have a Jewish background, but they also strongly believe in American exceptionalism.

Kagan believes that the United States is very different from many European countries, and has enough strength to directly use force to resolve international disputes.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

Not only that, but Nuland's proficiency in the Russian language and experience in anti-Russian diplomacy have made her an expert on Ukraine.

Since her tenure, she has played a very important role in the process of NATO, responsible for promoting NATO's eastward expansion, and also compressing Russia's strategic space.

With her efforts, she has actively participated in the political changes in Ukraine, and has also promoted Ukraine and the West to fight against Russia together.

It may be due to some ethnic reasons that she hates Russia very much, and at the same time hates China very much. Most of the measures taken were aimed at Russia, with the aim of destroying it completely.

She was very angry because she did not become the No. 2 person in the US State Department, and she left the US foreign policy agency, but this does not mean that she completely left the international military forum, and she has now joined a faculty at Columbia University.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

Although she said that she left the diplomatic service, she still spoke out about the war in Ukraine. According to some US politician websites, Nuland still has a very strong sense of belief in the strength of the United States, so she also looks at the problem from the perspective of strength.

She believes that power is justice, and for the situation in Ukraine, she believes that Ukraine does not have a large enough position now, so she will choose to conduct military negotiations with Russia.

On the whole, her style is more radical, and at the same time it is strongly individualistic, because of her background, so she hates Russia very much.

Nuland's career

Nuland began her career as a diplomat after graduating from Brown University in 1983. In fact, Nuland's official career as a diplomat began in China.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

From 1985 to '86, she worked at the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou, when he was still relatively immature and not so radical.

But in 2005, she began serving as the U.S. representative to NATO. It is mainly responsible for European affairs, but also mobilizes European support for the US occupation of Afghanistan.

In 2013, during the Obama administration, Nuland served as secretary of state for Europe, went head-to-head with Russia, and began her own radical path.

In dealing with Russia, she always irrationally believes that Russia should be completely eradicated, which may have something to do with his childhood experience.

In 2014, when there was turmoil in Ukraine, he also worked very hard to support the color revolution in Ukraine, promising to provide loans to Ukraine, and also high-profile support for the revolution in Kiev Square, personally giving some protesters cookies on the streets to inspire them to continue their efforts.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

In 2014, the recording of Nuland's call with Piat was leaked by someone with a heart, triggering a diplomatic incident, in which they kept discussing the chaos in Ukraine, and Nuland was also complaining that Europe was very slow to act, and at the same time, it also made a statement, which caused strong dissatisfaction in the European Union.

At the same time, Nuland also targeted Russia even more, believing that Russia used a means to tap the phone, and made the content of the call public.

In the course of multiple rounds of sanctions and countermeasures, Nuland was also completely listed as the target of sanctions by Russia.

After Trump took office, Nuland chose to resign, but he did not stop calling for a tough attitude towards Russia, and in 2020, he still wrote that Russia was actually a greater threat to the free world than the Soviet Union was during the Cold War.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

Therefore, we should unite against Russia, and at the same time, we should establish a permanent base on NATO's eastern borders, so as to better promote a peaceful world.

After Biden came to power, he also returned to the stage of history. As a very hard-line faction against Russia, he believes that he can only take a tough counterattack against Russia, and cannot solve the problem peacefully, because if the problem is resolved peacefully, it may lead to a catastrophe that will never be recovered.

In 2021, Nuland visited Russia, and Nuland was allowed to enter the country only when Russia was discussing issues in the United States, but this entry was not received by the president.

All in all, Nuland's career can be said to be very bumpy, no matter where he worked, he always took a more drastic attitude, and adopted the method of war to solve all problems.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

Whether it is the United States against Afghanistan, or Ukraine and Russia, etc., he believes that only by grasping the initiative can we better fight back or fight better.

Evaluation of Nuland

Many of Nuland's initiatives during her tenure have had a very large impact on the international community. The first is that Nuland has caused a very big controversy on the issue of Ukraine.

In 2014, when the political situation in Ukraine was very turbulent, he worked very closely with Biden to promote the complete collapse of the Yanukovych regime by agitating the opposition and fighting for sovereignty through some demonstrations.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

But his activities on the Ukraine issue did not stop because of this, but became more vigorous. Together with Biden, he lobbied the country to provide some loans and some assistance to the Ukrainian side.

It is hoped that the Ukrainian government will be able to better confront Russia after receiving these aids, and at the same time, it will be able to better protect the United States.

Nuland's efforts are not limited to diplomacy, but also by nurturing armed institutions such as the Azov Battalion. A number of weapons and equipment and personnel training were provided to the Ukrainian side.

In many military aspects, he has provided a lot of valuable advice to help the United States better assist Ukraine, and it can be said that many decisions are inseparable from Nuland's promotion.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

But the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine has not brought many benefits to the Ukrainian population, but has brought them a lot of suffering.

Due to the internal division of the Ukrainian government as a whole and the outbreak of war, the whole of Ukraine has been plunged into chaos and fragmentation, and the war has not brought them benefits, but has displaced them and destroyed their families.

As a bargaining chip in the hands of Nuland and others, many Ukrainians died innocently in this battle, and this behavior at the cost of people's lives made people have a very malicious view of Nuland, and at the same time began to discuss whether the United States' decision was really correct.

In addition to the actions in Ukraine, Nuland is very radical in many ways. Not to. Peace is for the sake of peace, but for the sake of rights, for the sake of better arguments, so she is also considered a very big villain.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it


There are certain reasons why Nuland is so notorious, first of all, he is not able to deal with things in a more rational way, most of the time he chooses a more radical attitude, and he also supports the war aggressively. In the fierce confrontation between Ukraine and Russia at that time, he did not want to solve this problem peacefully, but wanted to make the conflict more aggravated, provided a certain political loan to Ukraine, and actively encouraged Ukraine to fight back.

It's not hard to do a bad thing, it's hard to do a bad thing for a lifetime, and Nuland did it

Nuland's move towards Russia also caused a lot of dissatisfaction in the international community at that time, but Nuland did not take it seriously, but continued to carry out her own actions.

After his resignation, he did not stop, but continued to express his views and opinions in a faculty at Columbia University.

Maybe Nuland will continue to take action to find a better way to make his statement, but in the face of such an international community, he may not be able to get more support.

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