
What should I do if my skin barrier is compromised? Avoid "2" stimuli and stick to the "1" fix!

author:Wisdom Drawing Board

What should I do if my skin barrier is compromised? Avoid "2" stimuli and stick to the "1" fix!

In our daily lives, we often overlook an important fact: skin is the largest organ in our body and the most direct point of contact between us and the outside world. However, skin is not indestructible. In the face of increasing environmental stress, frequent makeup changes, and improper skincare habits, the skin barrier can be easily damaged, leading to a series of problems such as dryness, redness, itching, etc.

Today, we're going to explore the causes, symptoms, and repairs of damaged skin barriers. Let's learn together how to avoid over-cleaning, frequent makeup changes, and the importance of sticking to gentle repair products. Only by treating your skin correctly can you have healthy and beautiful skin!

What should I do if my skin barrier is compromised? Avoid "2" stimuli and stick to the "1" fix!

The importance of the skin barrier

The skin barrier is an important protective barrier of the skin, similar to the skin's "protector". It is mainly composed of the stratum corneum and sebaceous film, which has functions such as preventing water loss, resisting external irritation, and keeping the skin smooth and soft. The integrity of the skin barrier is essential for skin health, and once damaged, the skin is prone to problems such as dryness, sensitivity, roughness, etc.

Causes of compromised skin barriers

There are many reasons why the skin barrier is compromised, including the following:

Over-cleansing: Frequent use of cleansers or products that are too powerful can damage the skin barrier.

Improper use of cosmetics: Choosing the wrong makeup, or using too much of it, can lead to a compromise of the skin barrier.

Environmental factors: External environmental factors such as air pollution and ultraviolet radiation can also cause damage to the skin barrier.

Bad lifestyle habits: Staying up late, drinking too much alcohol, and not eating a balanced diet can also affect the health of the skin barrier.

Recommendations: To maintain the integrity of the skin barrier, it is recommended to choose gentle cleansers, avoid frequent changes of makeup, pay attention to moisturizing and sun protection, and cultivate good lifestyle habits.

What should I do if my skin barrier is compromised? Avoid "2" stimuli and stick to the "1" fix!

Manifestations of damaged skin

Dry skin

One of the most obvious manifestations of damaged skin is dry skin. As the skin barrier is damaged, the skin loses its ability to retain water and is prone to dryness and roughness. When observing, you can pay attention to the appearance of fine wrinkles on the skin, which is a noticeable sign of dryness.

Redness of the skin

Damaged skin tends to show redness, which is due to the inflammatory response caused by the skin being more susceptible to external irritants when the skin barrier is damaged. When observing, you can pay attention to whether there are local erythema on the surface of the skin, and whether there is a feeling of heat when you touch it gently.

Itchy skin

Itching may occur on damaged skin because the skin nerve endings are more susceptible to irritation when the skin barrier is damaged. When observing, you can pay attention to whether the skin often has an itching sensation and whether there is an uncomfortable stinging sensation.

Redness of the skin

Damaged skin may experience localized redness after irritation, which is caused by dilated blood vessels in the skin. When observing, you can pay attention to whether the skin turns red quickly after being stimulated, and if there are persistent red areas.

Fragile skin

Damaged skin loses its original elasticity and toughness, becoming fragile and vulnerable. When observing, you can pay attention to whether the skin is susceptible to external friction or pressure, and it is red, swollen or broken.

These are some of the common signs of a compromised skin barrier, and if you notice that your skin is experiencing any of these conditions, it is recommended to take timely repair measures to restore the health of your skin.

What should I do if my skin barrier is compromised? Avoid "2" stimuli and stick to the "1" fix!

How to repair damaged skin

Choose a gentle repair product

Choosing a gentle repair product is key to repairing damaged skin. These products often contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and lanolin, which can help repair the skin barrier, improve the skin's ability to retain moisture, reduce water loss, and relieve dry, itchy skin. When choosing a product, it is recommended to pay attention to the product ingredient list and avoid products containing alcohol, fragrances and other irritating ingredients to avoid further damage to the skin barrier.

Maintain the skin's moisture and oil balance

Maintaining your skin's water and oil balance is essential for repairing damaged skin. Choosing moisturizing products that contain natural plant essential oils, such as olive oil, grapeseed oil, etc., can help repair the skin barrier and enhance the skin's ability to retain moisture. In addition, avoid using an over-cleansing cleanser and choose a product with gentle cleansing power to reduce skin irritation and help repair the skin barrier.

Avoid frequent changes in makeup

Frequent changes in makeup may cause unnecessary irritation to the skin and worsen the damage to the skin barrier. Therefore, it is advisable to choose products with good stability and low irritation to the skin when using cosmetics, and to do an allergy test before using new products to avoid skin discomfort.


When the skin barrier is damaged, the skin's ability to retain moisture decreases, and it is prone to dryness and roughness. Therefore, timely hydration is essential to repair the skin barrier. You can increase the skin's moisture levels by drinking plenty of water and using a moisturizing mask to help repair the damaged skin barrier.

The above are the ways to repair damaged skin, I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to ask.