
"Men are incompetent, you can know at a glance", unproductive men can't do without these three sentences

author:Birds of struggle

A man who has no prospects, a shackle of three sentences

My name is Zhao Lei, and I was born in an ordinary working family. His father was a diligent worker, and his mother was a gentle and virtuous housewife. Since I was a child, I have been expected by my parents to get ahead and get out of this ordinary family environment.

However, as I got older, I realized that I didn't seem to be who my parents expected me to be. I'm not a top student, I'm not an athlete, and I don't have any extraordinary talent. I'm just an ordinary young man living an ordinary life.

"Men are incompetent, you can know at a glance", unproductive men can't do without these three sentences

I often hear my father sighing in my ear: "Zhao Lei, why are you so unproductive?" "Whenever I do, I feel a nameless pressure, as if I've really become a good-for-nothing person. I began to wonder if I was really that incompetent.

Actually, I've tried. I've tried all kinds of hobbies and wanted to find what I'm good at. I've learned to draw, played guitar, and even tried my hand at programming. But without exception, I ended up failing. I began to believe that I might not really have any special talents.

When I was most confused, I met her - Xiaoya. Xiaoya is a cheerful, lively and lovely girl. She didn't look down on me like other people, but she always encouraged me and gave me confidence. She told me that everyone has their own value and that they don't have to be compared to others. Her words warmed me and helped me regain some of my confidence.

"Men are incompetent, you can know at a glance", unproductive men can't do without these three sentences

Xiaoya and I fell in love, and her appearance made me feel that there was hope in life again. I started working harder and wanted to give her a great future. However, the reality is always cruel. My job wasn't going well, and my income was mediocre. I began to feel anxious and uneasy, afraid that I would not be able to give Xiaoya a happy life.

At this time, I heard my father's words again: "Zhao Lei, why are you so unproductive?" This sentence pierced my heart like a thorn and I couldn't let go. I began to fall into a quagmire of self-doubt and couldn't help myself.

One night, Xiaoya and I went for a walk together. She suddenly asked me: "Zhao Lei, what do you think is outstanding?" I was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer. She continued: "In my opinion, interest is not about how much money you make or how high your status is. It refers to whether you can bravely face the challenges of life, whether you can maintain a kind heart, and whether you can cherish the people around you. You've always worked hard, been kind, and loved me. Isn't that a sign of success? ”

"Men are incompetent, you can know at a glance", unproductive men can't do without these three sentences

Her words woke me up from a dream. I realized that I had been measuring myself by the wrong standards. I'm not a good-for-nothing person, and I have my own values and merits. I began to learn to accept my shortcomings, cherish my strengths, and face life's challenges bravely.

However, change is not easy. Whenever I encountered difficulties or setbacks, my father's words would ring in my ears. It weighed down on me like a mountain and kept me from breathing. I began to realize that this sentence was not only a reflection of my father's expectations and disappointments in me, but also a shackle in my heart.

I decided I wanted to break the shackles. I started working harder, learning new things, and improving my abilities. I no longer focus on what others say about me, but instead focus on my own growth and progress. I also began to cherish my relationship with Xiaoya more and care more about her needs and feelings. Our relationship has become deeper and stronger as a result.

"Men are incompetent, you can know at a glance", unproductive men can't do without these three sentences

After a period of hard work and perseverance, I gradually got rid of that unproductive image. I became a more confident and capable person. I also began to gain recognition and respect from the people around me. I feel relieved and proud that I have finally broken the shackles that have bound me for so many years.

However, when I was at my proudest, my father suddenly fell ill. He lay on his hospital bed, looking at me with guilt and remorse in his eyes. He told me: "Zhao Lei, I used to be too harsh on you. I didn't realize that you also have your difficulties and hardships. Actually, I've always loved you and I'm proud of you. It's just that I didn't express my love and expectations in the right way. ”

When I heard these words, I couldn't help but cry. I realized that my father didn't really look down on me and thought I was unproductive. He just used the wrong way to express his love and expectations. And I, because I care too much about other people's evaluations and opinions, ignore my own heart and feelings.

"Men are incompetent, you can know at a glance", unproductive men can't do without these three sentences

During the time when my father was seriously ill, I put aside all my work and affairs to take care of him wholeheartedly. I accompanied him through the most difficult moments of his life. He also felt my love and care for him because of this. As a result, our relationship has become closer and more harmonious.

One night shortly after my father died, I sat alone in my room and thought about the past. I suddenly realized the phrase - "Why are you so unproductive?" "It's no longer a shackle in my heart. It has turned into a motivator and motivation to work harder to pursue my dreams and goals.

I also learned a truth: everyone has their own value and strength, and we should not measure ourselves by other people's standards. We should be brave enough to face life's challenges, keep a kind heart, and cherish the people around us. Only in this way can we truly live our own wonderful and worthy.

"Men are incompetent, you can know at a glance", unproductive men can't do without these three sentences