
From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

author:The game is wonderful

Some people say that Hu Xueyan is nothing remarkable!

From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

I don't know if a person who has grown from an ordinary guy to a generation of super-rich, red-capped businessmen, is this a big deal? The hardships and dangers are something that you can deny with a "white glove"?

I think it's not good to deny other people's achievements so lightly, and it's easy to teach bad children!

Virtue can carry things

Hu Xueyan was born in poverty, three generations of ancestors are "poor middle peasants", when he was 8 years old, his father was seriously ill and died, and the children of poor families were in charge of the family early, since then, 8-year-old Hu Xueyan has become a "professional cattle herding baby", herding cattle for farmers to earn some small money to supplement the family.

Hu Xueyan has been shrewd and bold since he was a child, which is extraordinary.

From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

Once, a child of the same age accidentally fell into the ditch while playing, and the other children were frightened, but Hu Xueyan grabbed a branch and climbed down the ditch, bravely rescued the child and sent him home.

Neighbors praised Hu Xueyan for being brave and sensible. Hu Xueyan's mother cried happily after hearing this, and seeing her mother's tears of joy, this child who was not yet ten years old felt the meaning of life for the first time.

is neither humble nor arrogant, and there is a way to make money

In the era of barren smoke and grass, poor children in the countryside with no background and no culture had no choice but to work hard day after day in exchange for a meager remuneration that was only enough to fill their stomachs......

At this time, Hu Xueyan, who was already 13 years old, had not received a day of formal cultural education, and herding cattle and picking up cow dung was all he had in his childhood.

But Hu Xueyan is lucky, because he has a great mother, and his mother taught him since he was a child, what is "neither humble nor arrogant, and there is a way to make money", it is these eight words that have influenced Hu Xueyan's life. When he was 13 years old, Hu Xueyan picked up a package full of gold and silver treasures on the way to herd cattle.

From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

He knew in his heart that this wealth that fell from the sky would turn his family's life upside down, but he still chose to stick to his mother's teachings......

13-year-old Hu Xueyan tied the cow to a tree and sat in the pavilion where he picked up the burden, desperately keeping the burden, for fear that others would snatch it, so he waited until it was dark, and the owner of the package hurried back to the pavilion to take the burden. The owner of the package, surnamed Jiang, is the owner of a grocer store, and the owner saw that 13-year-old Hu Xueyan knew how to collect gold at a young age, and he liked it very much, so he accepted him as an apprentice...

Hu Xueyan danced happily and ran home to tell his mother the good news.

At this time, the blood-red sunset sprinkled on the majestic peaks like a dragon, miracles brewed in silence and ordinariness, the iron of success and defeat is not worth mentioning in the face of opportunities, Hu Xueyan, the king of commerce in the late Qing Dynasty, was reborn at this moment.

From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

God rewards hard work, don't bully young people into poverty

Hu Xueyan left home at the age of 13 and worked as an apprentice in the "Jiang Family Grain Store".

It only took him two years to go from being a small worker in charge of carrying grain to a small housekeeper who saw through the grain industry's entry and price, making price differences, and operating as a whole.

When Hu Xueyan was 15 years old, Mr. Jiang knew that "shallow water is difficult to trap the dragon", so he recommended him to a ham shop as an apprentice.

From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

But Hu Xueyan was not satisfied with the status quo, after accidentally contacting the boss of the bank, he began to yearn for a lifestyle of "having a lot of money", and he was determined to enter the money bank to make a career.

19-year-old Hu Xueyan entered Qianzhuang as an apprentice, he started from chopping wood to burn the fire and serving urinals, step by step, and worked for eight years!

In the past eight years, he has learned to observe words and expressions, flattery, and the dead debts that others will not come back to, but in his hands he can always "bring the dead back to life", and the boss of the money bank has never been stingy in praising him. The owner of Qianzhuang had no children under his knees, and before his death, he decided to hand over Qianzhuang to Hu Xueyan to inherit, and Hu Xueyan was only 27 years old that year.

After Hu Xueyan took over Qianzhuang, he began to build his own "business empire", "grain shop", "silk shop", "tea shop", "restaurant" his business involved various industries, and once in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions showed a "commercial monopoly" situation, 37-year-old Hu Xueyan from a rural cattle herding baby, step by step to the rich country "Zhejiang Shangsheng".

From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

Succeeded in Zuo Zongtang and defeated by Li Hongzhang

Hu Xueyan is a wolf roaring under the silver moon, and the commercial field is his grassland and his paradise.

But with the continuous expansion of ambitions, he gradually stepped into the officialdom of the dragon and tiger, Hu Xueyan successively got acquainted with Wang Youling, the prefect of Hangzhou, and Zuo Zongtang, the governor of Zhejiang.

In 1862, Hu Xueyan was promoted by Zuo Zongtang to be the chief financial officer of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, in charge of the supply of food and weapons for the government army.

From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

In 1877, Hu Xueyan borrowed 18.7 million taels of silver from foreign banks as collateral for all his family property, helping the Qing Dynasty, whose treasury was empty, to conquer Xinjiang and make indelible contributions to the territorial integrity of the motherland.

In 1882, when foreign countries tried to use economic warfare to control the Qing Dynasty's financial revenues and expenditures, Hu Xueyan relied on his strong financial resources to gain the upper hand in several commercial confrontations with foreign powers.

From a cowherd baby to the richest man in the Qing Dynasty, what kind of legendary life does Hu Xueyan have?

But Zuo Zongtang's nemesis, Beiyang Minister Li Hongzhang, used his power to make things happen, secretly made Hu Xueyan lose nearly 10 million taels of silver in an instant, and those rich people who invested in Hu Xueyan came to the door to ask for accounts, although Hu Xueyan bought most of the real estate and real estate to pay off the arrears, but the Qing government, which has always been accustomed to "unloading the mill and killing the donkey", put the reason for the failure of the trade war on Hu Xueyan's head, not only removed him from his official position, but also confiscated his last bit of property.

In 1885, Hu Xueyan died in his hometown in Anhui at the age of 61.