
Why can't we talk about the five nonsense chaohua, the Han nationality has suffered the disaster of darkness!

author:The game is wonderful

When it comes to the five nonsense in the history books, it has always been mentioned in one stroke. So why can't we talk about the Wuhu Chaohua, because the Wuhu Chaohua period was the nightmare of the entire Han nation, the entire Central Plains fell, and the entire Chinese nation almost ceased to exist. Therefore, for Chinese, Wuhu Chaohua is naturally the darkest part of history, more terrifying than the Japanese invasion in World War II......

Why can't we talk about the five nonsense chaohua, the Han nationality has suffered the disaster of darkness!

If the Jin Dynasty was the darkest dynasty in Chinese history, then the Wuhu Chaohua period after the fall of the Jin Dynasty was the darkest nightmare period for the entire Han nation. At that time, because of the instability of the Western Jin Dynasty, it was caused

Hachiō no Ran

At this time, the Hu people also took the opportunity to start turmoil. During this period, the Chinese nation can be said to have suffered a catastrophe.

Why can't we talk about the five nonsense chaohua, the Han nationality has suffered the disaster of darkness!

From the war of the Western Jin Dynasty in the early 4th century to the fall of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the early 5th century, in more than 100 years, the warlords of the ethnic minorities, mainly the Xiongnu, Qian, Di, Xianbei and Qiang, established more than 10 regimes in northern China, called the king and the emperor, and from time to time fought with the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the south. The Wuhu Chaos has caused devastation and corpses all over the land of China, especially in the north, and has caused great economic and cultural destruction.

Why can't we talk about the five nonsense chaohua, the Han nationality has suffered the disaster of darkness!

So why can't we talk about the five nonsense and chaos, because if we continue to study deeply, it will become a national contradiction. The Wuhu Rebellion overthrew the entire Central Plains and the Han people were expelled to other places, which lasted for more than 300 years, with an average of one dynasty change every 11 years, making it the historical period with the longest division and the highest frequency of turmoil in ancient China after the Qin Dynasty. Therefore, it is often referred to by historians as "troubled times".

Why can't we talk about the five nonsense chaohua, the Han nationality has suffered the disaster of darkness!

The extreme political instability has made the occurrence of war "normal". The result of this devastating war is that "all people cannibalize", "white bones are everywhere", and "there is no smoke for thousands of miles, and there are no people with crowns and belts in China". The struggle for power and profit among the ruling class, coupled with the brutal exploitation of the people, led to "the people being displaced, the towns all deserted, robbing and stealing", and the poor revolted one after another.

Why can't we talk about the five nonsense chaohua, the Han nationality has suffered the disaster of darkness!

It is really impossible to imagine what the final direction of history will be if the final outcome of this Wuhu chaos is slightly confused. It may be that after millions of Caucasian Hu people breed tens of millions of people in the Central Plains, they will inevitably expand their living space to the south, and then exterminate the Han people in the south, and the Han nationality, the main ethnic group in China, will be replaced by foreign races, and eventually the whole of China will be completely occupied by these Caucasian Hu people.

Why can't we talk about the five nonsense chaohua, the Han nationality has suffered the disaster of darkness!

If this were the case, the Han Chinese would probably become the most despicable people, driven away, reduced to slaves and tortured by animals. Just like in the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols thought the Han people were the lowest, so they wantonly slaughtered. What is China, the Chinese nation is naturally the most basic, if there is no Han people, China is naturally not the real China.