
Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

author:Aunt Mao looks at the world

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China has been growing rapidly and strongly, and today our motherland has become extraordinarily powerful. On the international stage, China has always been known as the second largest country in the world, and the first is the United States. The United States has long practiced hegemonism and power politics and is worried about China's rise, which in fact reflects China's strength enough to worry the United States.

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Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

China's rise is a fact that cannot be ignored. Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has continued to grow, its scientific and technological strength has been continuously improved, and its international influence has gradually expanded. China has become a global manufacturing hub, an important trading partner, and an important player in international affairs. China's development achievements have attracted the attention of the world, but also shocked and awed some countries.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

The United States has always been the global hegemon, but with the rise of China, the United States is beginning to feel the pressure of competition from China. China's military strength is growing, major progress has been made in the modernization of its national defense, and China is ready to meet a variety of challenges, including a possible military conflict. China is not afraid of the United States, and this self-confidence stems from China's strength and the country's stable development.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

China's rise does not mean that it is an enemy of other countries, on the contrary, most countries are willing to cooperate and do business with China. China adheres to the concept of peaceful development, advocates the concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance, and is committed to building an open and inclusive world economic structure. China has carried out mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries to promote common development and contribute to the prosperity and stability of the world economy.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

China's military power has grown tremendously in recent years and has become very powerful, showing great strength and influence. China has made great strides in military modernization, with its military equipment constantly upgraded and its military technology constantly innovating.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

The first is that China has one of the largest army and navy in the world. China's army has a huge number of troops and modern equipment, and its navy has continued to grow and develop, building modern ships and submarines, and has a strong ocean-going combat capability. And the Chinese Air Force is also growing and developing, with advanced fighters and missile systems. China's air force has made remarkable progress in air operations and air defense, and has a strong air combat capability.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

In addition, China has also made major breakthroughs in the development of military science and technology, such as the development of artificial intelligence, unmanned systems, and space technology, which are all leading in the world.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

China's political system and patriotic education are also promoting the unity of the people of the whole country to contribute to the country's development and security. Through education and publicity, the Chinese Government has emphasized core values such as patriotism and ethnic unity, thus enhancing the sense of identity and cohesion of the people of the whole country.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

By contrast, the U.S. government faces serious divisions and a crisis of confidence at home. Many Americans have lost trust in the government and believe that it cannot represent their interests, which has led to increased instability and divisions in society.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

China's political stability and national solidarity have provided strong support for the country's development, which is far beyond the United States. The trust and support of the Chinese people for the country has gathered great strength for the country in the face of challenges, which is one of the important factors for China to win the war.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

In addition, China has demonstrated sincerity and responsibility in international cooperation, which has been welcomed by many countries. China adheres to the concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, advocates multilateralism and win-win cooperation, carries out mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries, and makes positive contributions to world peace and development. In contrast, the United States has always acted in a hegemonic posture and has been resented and resisted by many countries.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China
Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

Therefore, China's strong military power, political stability, and national unity have won the country an international status and reputation, which is an important guarantee for China's success in the international arena. China will continue to unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and make greater contributions to world peace and prosperity.

Australian media: China is not afraid of the United States and is ready to fight at any time, and most countries want to do business with China

China's rise is an opportunity, not a threat, for the world. China is ready to work with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind and promote an open, inclusive, cooperative and win-win international order. China is not only a responsible bearer of the world, but also a peace-builder and a contributor to global development. China's rise will bring more opportunities and hope to the world, and make the world a better place. May China and the world join hands to create a better future.

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