
She herded the cow to work at the nun's house, and when he saw that he was not clothed in winter, he put salt in the wine

author:Chuangyi is important

Herding cows and nuns

In ancient times, there was a place called Qingniu Village, where the mountains and rivers were beautiful and the people were simple. There is a cowherd baby in the village, named A Niu, although he is young, but he is hardworking and kind, and he is deeply loved by the villagers.

Ah Niu's family was poor, his parents died early, and he learned to herd cattle from the old cowherd in the village since he was a child. He goes out early and returns late every day, with the cow as his companion, although the life is hard, but Ah Niu is always happy.

There is a nunnery near Qingniu Village, where an elderly nun lives in the nunnery, her name is Jingci, and she is a respected elder in the village. As a young woman, she traveled far and wide and was well-informed, she was withdrawn but kind-hearted and often helped the poor in her village.

One day, when Ah Niu was herding cattle, he inadvertently passed by the nunnery. When he saw that the door was ajar, he walked in curiously. I saw that Nun Jingci was meditating in the nunnery, her face was kind and her expression was serene. Ah Niu stepped forward to salute, and the Jingci nun smiled slightly and asked him why he came.

Ah Niu told Nun Jingci about his family background and the hard work of herding cattle every day. When the nun Jingci heard this, she felt pity and said to Ah Niu: "You work hard to herd cattle every day, why don't you come to the nunnery to help do some chores, and I can give you some food to feed you on." ”

After hearing this, Ah Niu was grateful, and hurriedly agreed to the request of the Jingci nun. Since then, Ah Niu has been helping to work in the nunnery, he goes out early and returns late every day, herding cattle and helping the nunnery clean and carry water and wood. Nun Jingci was very happy when she saw that Ah Niu was diligent and willing to work, so she often taught him some principles of reading and writing.

She herded the cow to work at the nun's house, and when he saw that he was not clothed in winter, he put salt in the wine

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it's winter. On this day, Ah Niu came to the nunnery to work as usual. He found that Nun Jingci was not wearing a coat, but only a thin monk's robe. Ah Niu was puzzled, but it was inconvenient to ask directly. He saw that there was a jar of good wine in the nunnery, so he wanted to warm up with wine, and at the same time, he also wanted to take the opportunity to observe if there was anything abnormal about the nun Jingci.

So, Ah Niu secretly put some salt in the wine. He thought to himself that if there was really something unusual about Nun Jingci, this salt wine would definitely be able to make her show her feet.

Ah Niu brought the salt wine to Nun Jingci and said respectfully, "Master, this is a good wine brought by the disciple from home, and I have come to honor your old man." Nun Jingci smiled and took the wine and took a sip gently. After tasting it, she had a surprised look on her face, but quickly regained her composure.

Nun Jingci put down the wine glass and said to Ah Niu, "Ah Niu, why do you add salt to this wine? Seeing that Nun Jingci had noticed the strangeness in the wine, Ah Niu was shocked, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Master forgive your sins!" Disciple just wants to test if there is anything unusual in your old man......"

After hearing this, Nun Jingci smiled slightly and said, "You get up, I'm fine." It's just that the salt in this wine really surprised me. But that's the secret I want to share with you today. ”

When Ah Niu heard this, he was curious, and hurriedly asked, "Master, what is the secret of adding salt to this wine?" Nun Jingci sighed and said slowly, "This is actually a practice method that I learned when I traveled around the world when I was young. In the cold winter days, by drinking salt alcohol, you can exercise your body's ability to endure cold, so as to achieve the purpose of spiritual practice. ”

After hearing this, Ah Niu suddenly realized, and the admiration for Jingci nun in his heart spontaneously arose. He hurriedly apologized to Nun Jingci and said that he would no longer suspect her old man in the future. Nun Jingci smiled and nodded, indicating that she forgave Ah Niu's ignorance.

She herded the cow to work at the nun's house, and when he saw that he was not clothed in winter, he put salt in the wine

Since then, Ah Niu has been more industrious and willing to work in the nunnery, not only in cattle herding and chores, but also often asking Nun Jingci for the truth of reading and literacy. Nun Jingci was very pleased to see Ah Niu so motivated and studious, so she taught him more carefully.

Under the guidance of Jingci nun, Ah Niu gradually grew into a young man with both knowledge and morality. He used his diligence and wisdom to win the respect and love of the villagers. And Nun Jingci was also very relieved and proud because she saw hope and future in Ah Niu.

However, the good times did not last long, and as the years passed, the body of the Jingci nun gradually weakened. On a cold winter day, she passed away quietly. Ah Niu was grief-stricken, but he was well aware of Master's teachings and expectations, so he inherited Master's legacy and continued to serve the villagers. He uses his actions to interpret Master's practice and benefit more people.

The death of Jingci Nun has brought endless sorrow to Qingniu Village, but the villagers also know that her spirit will live on in their hearts forever. As a disciple of Jingci Nun, Ah Niu has endured great grief and responsibility. He knew that he could not live up to Master's expectations, so he decided to continue to stay in the nunnery and carry on Master's legacy.

Ah Niu began to study and practice harder. Not only did he study the scriptures in depth, but he also often consulted the village elders on various life skills and medical skills. He hopes that he can become a person who is both knowledgeable and capable, and can bring hope and light to the villagers like Master.

With the passage of time, Ah Niu's fame gradually spread throughout Qingniu Village. Not only did he excel in herding cattle and chores, but he also had a unique insight into medicine and education. The villagers came to ask him all kinds of questions, and Ah Niu always took the trouble to answer their doubts.

She herded the cow to work at the nun's house, and when he saw that he was not clothed in winter, he put salt in the wine

With the help of Ah Niu, Qingniu Village became more and more prosperous. The quality of life of the villagers has improved significantly, and their spirits have been renewed. Ah Niu has proved that a person's power is infinite with his actions, as long as we are willing to work hard, willing to learn, willing to pay, we will be able to create a better future.

However, Ah Niu was not complacent because of this. He knew that his growth was inseparable from Master's teachings and the support of the villagers. Therefore, he always maintains a humble and cautious attitude, constantly learning and improving. He hopes that through his own efforts, Qingniu Village will become a better place and benefit more people.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Ah Niu is already a gray-haired old man. Looking back, his heart was full of emotion and relief. He thanked Master Jingci for her teaching and care, as well as the villagers for their support and trust. He knows that his mission has been accomplished, but he also understands that the legacy never ends.

So, Ah Niu began to look for a suitable heir. He hopes to find a young man who is both talented and virtuous, who can continue to carry on Master's legacy and the spirit of Qingniu Village. After a long period of observation and consideration, he finally found a suitable heir - a smart, studious, hard-working young man named Xiaojie.

Ah Niu has passed on all his experience and knowledge to Xiaojie, hoping that he can continue to serve Qingniu Village. Xiaojie also lived up to Ah Niu's expectations, and he proved his talent and character with his actions. He continues to carry forward the spirit of Qingniu Village and lead the villagers to a better future.

Under the teaching and inheritance of Ah Niu, the spirit of Qingniu Village has been continued and carried forward. The villagers have created one miracle after another with their hard work and wisdom. They know that only by constantly working hard to learn and improve can they make Qingniu Village a better place. Ah Niu and Xiao Jie have become the eternal legends of Qingniu Village, and their names will forever be engraved in the history of Qingniu Village.