
Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

author:Amei's circle of friends

When you encounter a pine cone when you climb a mountain outdoors, you must pick it up and take it home, because a pine cone is a mini bonsai, which is delicate and durable, has a unique temperament, and has a super high appearance.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

My wife picked up a pine cone and went home as a green plant, but it became popular in the family group and was praised by her uncles and uncles.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

During the May Day holiday, I took my wife and children to climb the mountain, and my wife picked up a lot of pine towers and went home.

As a result, he was slapped in the face, and the garbage picked up by his wife really became a treasure.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

The wife exposed the pine tower moss pot to the family group, and the dead family group rang for a while, and the news was all recognized and praised. There were even two uncles and an uncle who privately messaged me, saying that I had found a treasure and married such a talented wife.

I feel that I am not worthy of my wife who doesn't go to work, I am their parent, and my wife is just what I married.

But my wife was so happy to be praised, to be honest, the combination of pine cones and moss is really beautiful.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

My wife said that making a pine cone pot is very simple, and the only important step is to add moss.

1. Pre-processing

The pine cones picked up are selected to be plump, complete and beautiful, and then washed and brushed.

2. Soak in water

The pine cones we picked up are generally relatively dry, and the scales are in a state of opening, and when we soak the pine cones in water, the scales will close.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

Keep soaking in water, and when the pine cone drinks enough water, the scales will open again, which is amazing.

When the pinecone is fully watered and the scales are opened, it can be filled with moss.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

3. Filling

If you have moss, fill it with a little moss deep inside the scales; If you don't have moss, fill it with wood chips or sand.

4, Reload

Then little by little, the moss is filled in, and to put it bluntly, the moss is planted on the pine cones.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

And the moss is also easy to find, damp tile cracks, roadsides, ditch edges, rocks have its figure, Bala a little back is good, proper 0 yuan to buy, the main one does not cost money.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

These small and delicate green elves, growing in the cracks of pine cones, not only decorate our living space, but also bring a touch of tranquility and healing in the busy.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

If you don't want to dig moss, you can play some other tricks.

For example, if you stuff dragon fruit seeds into the pine cone scales to raise flowers, it will grow into a green ball, lush and vibrant.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

Or implant other fruit pits in the scales, such as apple cores, orange cores, strawberry seeds, etc., and let them sprout, which is also very interesting and fun.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

The joy of playing bonsai lies not only in its beauty and delicacy, but also in the tranquility and healing it brings us.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

In these fast-paced times, we all need a space where we can slow down and relax.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

And micro bonsai is just such an ideal choice.

It allows us to find a little happiness in our busy lives.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

In life, there are always some small objects that can bring endless fun and surprises to people, and microbonsai is one of them.

Especially if you can get it without spending money, especially if you make it yourself.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

Playing bonsai is not only a hobby, but also an art of life.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

It allows us to learn to appreciate the beauty in life and learn to find fun in the busy.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

If you are particularly lucky, there are pine nuts in the pine cones you picked, soak them in water directly and raise them, spray water regularly, and the pine nuts will sprout in the pine cones and grow small lives one by one.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

You can choose hydroponic or soil culture, soil cultivation only needs to bury the pine tower in the soil half-buried in the soil to ensure that the soil is loose and breathable, the soil is moist, and it will sprout soon.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

After the pine tower sprouts, it slowly grows into small seedlings, and at this time, you can thin the seedlings, shape them, or transplant them according to your preference.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

The next maintenance is as you like, you can pave the pot with moss, stones, or add small things to landscaping, all for our small potted plants to become more and more beautiful, the process is happy, quite healing.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

Through continuous pruning, modeling, and landscaping, perhaps in two or three years, we will have an elegant and noble bonsai pine.

It's fun to think about it, this is the little joy of life, healing people's hearts.

Mom, this pine cone moss has been exaggerated, just buy it for 0 yuan, it's still so good-looking

So, are you intrigued?

A beautiful pot can double the appearance, go and pick a small flower pot↓

Delicate small pots for small bonsai ¥5.71 to buy