
drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

author:Susu Historical Pavilion

One day, a courier brother went to a remote place to deliver goods. When he was about to knock on the door, he found that the door was not closed, so he looked through the crack in the door, and this glance made him sweat with shock.

There were several pregnant women inside, and even the cries of several babies could be heard. This kind of unusual signs made the courier brother think a little more: This can't be a den of thieves who abduct and sell pregnant women and children, right?

Thinking of this possibility, the courier brother quickly turned around and ran to a safe place, took out his mobile phone and called the police.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

The police soon arrived, and the courier guy led them to the house. The pregnant woman inside did not show surprise when she saw the police, but showed a frightened look.

Seeing this, the staff in the house quickly made a phone call, and the person who spoke to him explained the matter. Not long after, a monk hurried in.

When the police saw him, they showed a look of sudden realization, and said to the courier brother that it was a misunderstanding, and then after explaining to the monk, they all evacuated.

After this misunderstanding, the monk hurriedly called someone to transfer the pregnant women and children overnight to another secret place.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

After that, the monk asked these pregnant women not to buy things online without permission to their place of residence, but to transfer them through the temple; You can't send positioning to the outside world, and you can't send photos of pregnant women and children.

Speaking of which, this monk made such a decision out of desperation.

This monk's original name was Wu Bing, and he was a native of Baipu Town, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province. He made a lot of money in the foreign trade business in his early years, and when others were still holding more than 2,000 wages, he earned more than 10,000 yuan a month, drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and even bought several horses to raise.

In 1999, he married a cousin. Because of the close relative, Wu Bing was worried about the health of the child, so he went to the Dharma Treasure Temple to pray: if the child born is healthy and healthy, after the age of 50, he will be ordained.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

Fortunately, the wife gave birth to a healthy daughter. But Wu Bing's decision to become a monk was advanced. Because of the perennial running in the mall and neglecting the family, the relationship between the two parties broke down, and the wife left the house with her daughter.

After that, Wu Bing fell into 2 emotional entanglements, and finally saw through the red dust and officially became a monk at the age of 35. He became a monk in Puguang Temple in Xiamen, and his Dharma name was Daolu. Two years later, he returned to his hometown and entered Fugenji Temple.

It was here that he began a different path of rescue.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

One evening, Daolu went to close the temple door as usual, but a woman suddenly appeared, grabbed the door and did not let go, and said to him with tears in her eyes: "I want to spend time for my children." It turned out that the woman had just had an abortion not long ago.

Daolu sighed, since he became a monk, he has met many young mothers who have had abortions to overtake their children. There are also many tablets in the temple that are dedicated to those mothers. They hope that the children who were beaten before they were born will go better.

That night, Daolu tossed and turned. Thinking of those children who haven't had time to see the world yet, Daolu is sad. Some of those mothers are 16 or 17-year-old girls, and some are women who have been deceived and abandoned by scumbags and are unable to take care of their children.

Children are innocent and should not be disturbed by the world. So, Dao Lu made an amazing decision: to help these pregnant women and save those unborn children!

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

Not long after, Daolu, as a monk, posted a post on the Internet: If you have a last resort and need an abortion, you can come to me for help.

As soon as the post was posted, many ladies came to ask for help. In order to settle them, Daolu transformed the three-story villa that was originally intended to be reserved for his daughter into a rescue home, named "Nursing Residence".

He personally took care of those women, drove to almost all hospitals in Nantong City, and was busy taking different women to prenatal checkups. When it was time for them to give birth, Daolu waited directly at the door of the delivery room, chanting and praying for the people inside.

When the doctor came out with the child in his arms and asked, "Who is the father of the child?" He would always stand up and say, "I, when the pregnant woman is embarrassed." And in the strange eyes of others, he signed his name in his father's column.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

In this way, there are more and more children under Daolu's name. But trouble followed.

In 2017, the number of pregnant women he helped reached a small peak, and his nursing home ushered in a notice: such a private act of helping pregnant women raise babies did not comply with current regulations.

The temple also caused a lot of disputes because of him. People who didn't know the truth saw that he often went in and out of the hospital, and began to spread rumors that he had children with many women.

Seeing the rumors intensifying, the abbot reluctantly asked Daolu to close the nursing residence. But as soon as Daolu stopped, those unborn children would probably be dead.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

Daolu has gone all the way, and if there is anything that is powerless and heartbroken, it is none other than those children who can't be saved.

In public hospitals, labor cannot be induced after 27 weeks of pregnancy, and some private hospitals will use the method of inducing abortion, and many of those children who are induced are still alive. When these children came into the world and did not get a hug, they were rushed to another room and were not recovered until they were silent.

Thinking of those powerless pictures, Dao Lu couldn't stop. Therefore, he was forced to leave the monastery and became a wandering monk.

However, Doroku's actions were still hindered, and when he took the pregnant woman to the hospital, he learned that the hospital had been notified that it could not accept the pregnant woman he was rescuing.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

In desperation, Daolu had to go "underground". In a more discreet way, the pregnant woman is sent to the delivery room.

He began recruiting male volunteers to take pregnant women to give birth. And tell them about your experience to avoid unnecessary trouble.

In this way, the pregnant women were accommodated. Daolu is divided to solve new problems.

He once calculated that on average, the cost of a pregnant woman was 12,000 yuan. The cost of raising a child is between 25,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

As more and more people he rescued, the savings he had saved in his early years would also bottom out. He can only save money, use every money on the blade, and then think of ways to make money.

After the child is born, most of the children are taken away by their birth mothers or sent to monasteries to become monks, while some children remain with him.

And those children who stay, under the age of 3, he will find a suitable family, give thousands of yuan every month, and foster them with the elderly. Wait until the child is 3 years old, and then take it back to ask the aunt, and there are pregnant women waiting to give birth to raise it together.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

That would save a fortune, and Doro's expectation was to raise the children until they were 18 years old, and then let them go when they were viable. If the biological mother comes to the door halfway to take it away, Daolu will not stop it.

In order to take better care of them, Daolu gave full play to his talent for business, selling tea, moon cakes, taro, etc. on his circle of friends and micro-stores. It can bring millions of dollars in income a year, and these are basically all spent in aid stations.

The aid station survived. To date, Daolu has helped more than 300 pregnant women.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

Someone once asked him how long he planned to help? He replied with a smile: "As long as I am alive, I will always help!" ”

During this period, he was not undeceived.

A woman once lied to Daolu, saying that she was working alone in Shanghai, her parents were dead, and she owed 40,000 yuan on her credit card. After receiving the help, she secretly asked the volunteers if the child in her womb could be sold for money after birth.

This attempt to exchange the child for money made Daolu extremely angry, and after giving her 1,000 yuan, he rushed out of the aid station.

There is also a woman who divorced her ex-husband and did not leave home, and was pregnant with a child from the same township, and when she contacted Daolu, she was more than 6 months pregnant. That fellow villager has a monthly salary of more than 100,000 yuan, and the woman can get his millions of child support every year. Daolu overheard her calling her ex-husband on the phone, so he found out about it and drove her away.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

In addition to being deceived, he also received a lot of criticism.

Many people think that his behavior is wrong, and it breeds many unhealthy tendencies.

But he stopped, what should those teenage girls do. He always remembered that he once rescued a girl who was accompanied by his mother when she appeared.

The girl still has half a year to reach the legal age and looks immature. She spends most of her time leaning against her mother, looking down at the screen of her phone, and saying little.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

She was a child herself, but she had children. Abortion creates evil, and birth affects a lifetime, so what should be done?

Daolu just wants to save the child and save this girl......


Many people have accidentally snooze on the road of life and let their path go off the rails. They may wake up in time to get the steering wheel back in their hands and get back on track, or they may hit their heads and bleed.

But they still have a choice.

It's just that those unborn children are short-lived in this world, but they don't have a choice.

drove a luxury car, lived in a villa, and had to be a monk after marrying his cousin, and gave birth to a baby with 300 women 10 years later

And Daolu gave them a third way, although he became a monk halfway, he had a true Buddha heart.

For him, all the reproaches and incomprehensions cannot withstand his awe and protection of life.

Source: "A Monk's Imperfect Rescue: 300 Women and Children"; The Paper: "Monk Dad": Living is the Most Important