
陈萍萍的轮椅秘密:剧情Click or Boom?



The wheelchair kept pressing secretly, and Chen Pingping was furious

In the plot of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Chen Pingping's wheelchair suddenly became a hot topic. At that scene, she was shocked to learn of Fan Xian's "death", and her fingers almost touched the mysterious button on the wheelchair, which made people can't help but imagine what would happen if she pressed it.

陈萍萍的轮椅秘密:剧情Click or Boom?

Netizens have their brains opened, and some people guess that there are guns hidden in it, even shotguns. People in front of the screen couldn't help but speculate that if Chen Pingping really pressed that button in a rage, would Emperor Qing be in trouble? However, the audience in front of the TV, like the mysterious button, is still waiting for that moment to come.

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Teacher Wu Gang's Weibo is funny, and the wheelchair becomes the focus

At the same time, Mr. Wu Gang's sentence on Weibo, "Has this been discovered?" It added fuel to the fire. Netizens replied one after another, jokingly saying that they didn't know if the crew was going to use this button to make the final reversal, or if it was just a decoration.

陈萍萍的轮椅秘密:剧情Click or Boom?

In this discussion boom, not only the buttons on the wheelchair were concerned, but even the quarrel scene between Chen Pingping and Fan Jian was re-revealed, and everyone began to carefully observe every detail, trying to find clues.

陈萍萍的轮椅秘密:剧情Click or Boom?

The interaction in the comment section became fiery, and everyone turned into a detective, trying to uncover the secret first.

Netizens ridiculed the truth about wheelchairs, and the tea party began


Netizens were full of curiosity about the buttons in Chen Pingping's wheelchair, and all kinds of hilarious speculations and comments spread on social media. Some people joked that Chen Pingping's wheelchair was more powerful than some smartphones, and some people said that if they pressed it, Fan Xian's life and death contract would pop up.

陈萍萍的轮椅秘密:剧情Click or Boom?

Some netizens even humorously said that Chen Pingping's wheelchair may be the strongest character in the play, after all, no one has dared to touch this button so far. These comments not only add to the fun of the episode, but also allow netizens to share laughter while guessing the plot.

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Mechanisms come in handy, and fans can't wait

The undercurrent below the surface of the water is raging, and the discussion of fans about the secret button on this wheelchair continues to ferment. Some people can't wait to see how this setting plays out in the show, while others pay more attention to the next plot direction.

陈萍萍的轮椅秘密:剧情Click or Boom?

The topic on Weibo #陈萍萍萍wheelchairbutton# has almost become a fixed check-in item every day. Not only fans of the show, but even passers-by by chance were attracted by this craze.

Chen Pingping's wheelchair button, the finale may become a suspense

Will the writers and directors of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" use this wheelchair button to add more suspense to the plot, or is it just a clever distraction? The comment area has become a battlefield for the majority of netizens to express their opinions and start debates.

陈萍萍的轮椅秘密:剧情Click or Boom?

Some people think that this is just a foreshadowing, and it may eventually become groundless; There are also those who firmly believe that Chen Pingping's wheelchair button is definitely the key to the key, and its secret function will eventually turn the tide at a critical moment.

陈萍萍的轮椅秘密:剧情Click or Boom?

Regardless of the outcome, this unsolved mystery undoubtedly increases the audience's sense of anti-expectation to watch the next episode, and also makes the discussion of the plot more lively.

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