
Liver and kidney deficiency, teach you two flavors of medicine, easy to get

author:Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Traditional Chinese medicine often says that the liver and kidney are homologous, water can grow wood, a main tendon, a main bone, the two are interdependent, when the liver and kidney are deficient, what problems will be waiting for us, and how to solve it? Like the collection, I'll teach you.

Liver and kidney deficiency, teach you two flavors of medicine, easy to get

First of all, the liver stores blood, the kidney stores essence, the essence and blood are homologous, when the liver and kidney are insufficient, the eyes may appear dry, blurred vision, or the complexion is unpretentious, and the waist is the intestine of the kidneys, and there will be backache, or yin deficiency and internal heat.

Liver and kidney deficiency, teach you two flavors of medicine, easy to get

The first is ligustrum, which replenishes the true yin, cleanses the liver and fire, nourishes the liver and kidneys, can treat the liver and kidney yin deficiency, and can also benefit the shrewd eyes.

Another one is dodder seeds, tonifying the kidney and filling sperm, nourishing the liver and kidneys, brightening the eyes, stabilizing the fetus, stopping diarrhea, solidifying sperm and shrinking urine, for spermatozoa, enuresis, men's kidney deficiency and low back pain, impotence and premature ejaculation, infertility have a good effect, usually take about 8g each, boil water instead of tea, for kidney essence deficiency, kidney yin deficiency has a good effect.

Liver and kidney deficiency, teach you two flavors of medicine, easy to get

Remember that everyone's physique is different, and you can ask the doctor whether the medication is in line with your own physique before choosing