
In that era of gunpowder, Zeng Guofan was engaged, why didn't he rebel?

author:Meow meow talks about things

In that era of gunpowder, the name Zeng Guofan was undoubtedly a banner. In 1854, in the fourth year of Xianfeng, the Hunan army led by him suffered a heavy setback in its first attempt. Zeng Guofan's military career was from standing up from setbacks again and again, and then to fighting earth-shattering victories. His road is not smooth, how many cold arrows are shooting from behind, how many political enemies are stumbling?

In that era of gunpowder, Zeng Guofan was engaged, why didn't he rebel?

Zeng Guofan, an ordinary scholar from Hunan who eventually became the backbone of the fight against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, his life was full of drama and legend. But behind this, there is endless sadness and helplessness. In the spring of 1854, the Hunan army led by him encountered Waterloo in the first battle of Jinggang, which made him feel miserable, and even committed suicide by throwing himself into the river for a time, but was fortunately rescued by his cronies.

The facts are always jaw-dropping. Just when he saw his military career as a nightmare, the war in the autumn put his military talents on display. Zeng Guofan led the Hunan army out of the province and recaptured Wuchang in one fell swoop, which not only made him famous, but also made Emperor Xianfeng see his usefulness. The emperor's appreciation seemed to herald his coming spring, and Emperor Xianfeng even wanted to make him the governor of Hubei.

In that era of gunpowder, Zeng Guofan was engaged, why didn't he rebel?

But the good times didn't last long, and just two days after Zeng Guofan was ready to accept his new position, an unexpected decision pushed him back into the abyss. It turned out that Tao Enpei, who had always been inseparable from the Hunan army, was suddenly appointed as the governor of Hubei, and Zeng Guofan's original position was not promoted but demoted, and it was still a false position. The black hand behind this is none other than the scholar Qi Junzao, who made a statement in the imperial court that Zeng Guofan was too powerful and might become the second Hong Xiuquan.

Such a blow was undoubtedly heavy for Zeng Guofan. But he did not choose to give up, but patiently taught his subordinates to put the interests of the country first and not to affect the overall situation because of personal emotions. This sense of overall situation and responsibility allowed him to continue to lead the Hunan army in fierce battles in the four provinces of Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, and Anhui in the following years, and finally did not let these areas fall into the hands of the Taiping army.

In that era of gunpowder, Zeng Guofan was engaged, why didn't he rebel?

Zeng Guofan's series of military operations were not only tactical victories, but also his personal beliefs and ideals. Every decision he made on the battlefield reflected his deep loyalty and love for his country. Although he was repeatedly victimized by villains in the court, he still stuck to his post and did not want to cause a bigger political turmoil due to personal grievances, and this selfless spirit gradually won the respect and trust of more people.

Zeng Guofan's life is not only glorious and praised, his life is also full of contradictions and struggles. As a scholar well versed in Confucianism, he had to learn to be flexible and compromise in the real political struggle. The trajectory of his life reflects the changes of an era, as well as the plight and struggle of intellectuals in that era.

In that era of gunpowder, Zeng Guofan was engaged, why didn't he rebel?

What is even more ironic is that despite Zeng's contributions to the Qing Dynasty, he was unable to escape the quagmire of political struggle in his later years. His later years were spent more in dealing with relations with other political factions and cleaning up the portal, and this helplessness of being in a high position but difficult to really govern is also a microcosm of the officialdom of the late Qing Dynasty.

Zeng Guofan's life is the epitome of that turbulent era, and his experience is like a historical drama, full of twists and turns. From a scholar to a military general, to a high-ranking official, behind each of his identities there are heavy pressures and responsibilities. His success is not only a personal glory, but also an inevitable product under specific historical conditions.

In that era of gunpowder, Zeng Guofan was engaged, why didn't he rebel?

Zeng Guofan, a famous politician and military strategist in the late Qing Dynasty, had such ups and downs and was full of drama. The inspiration of his story lies not only in his personal struggle and talent, but also in his understanding and commitment to responsibility and the overall situation. In the whirlpool of power, Zeng Guofan was able to maintain himself and stick to his beliefs, and this spirit is worth learning from people of every era.