
A mysterious prophecy book that can predict the next thousand years, banned for a thousand years, the truth of "Tui Bei Tu".

author:Onigiri says things

Legend has it that it was a mysterious prophecy book created by two mysterious figures of the Tang Dynasty, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, and could predict the next thousand years. From the Tang Dynasty onwards, the book was imprisoned for its mysterious prophecies and was not allowed to circulate at will. It wasn't until the end of the Qing Dynasty that the book was published and quickly became a bestseller. How accurate is the prophecy of the "Tui Bei Tu"?

A mysterious prophecy book that can predict the next thousand years, banned for a thousand years, the truth of "Tui Bei Tu".

During the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, in order to explore the future national fortunes of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Emperor Li Shimin specially summoned two mysterious and erudite figures - Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang. Li Chunfeng was a famous feng shui master at the time, while Yuan Tiangang was a master of physiognomy. In a late-night secret conversation, the two used various divination techniques to calculate all the way to the future thousands of years later.

Just when Li Chunfeng excitedly came out of the future one by one, Yuan Tiangang suddenly intervened to stop it, he knew the truth that "the secret of heaven cannot be revealed". At this moment, if the truth is revealed, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary commotion. So, Li Chunfeng had no choice but to stop his calculations. However, in order not to let the results of this divination go to waste, the two decided to secretly record these "heavenly machines", which is the "Tui Bei Tu" that was circulated in later generations.

The content of "Tui Bei Tu" contains various prophecies from the Tang Dynasty to later generations, and its content is mysterious and unpredictable, involving the rise and fall of the country and major events. For example, the famous "Bird has no feet and there is a moon in the mountain", which is interpreted as a symbol of Japan's invasion of China; And "a breath of anger from the east is too arrogant" refers to the arrogance of Japan's eastward invasion. What's more, the prophecy of "the day the sea has sunk has disappeared" magically foreshadowed Japan's surrender in 1945, which happened to be the Year of the Rooster in the Chinese lunar calendar.

A mysterious prophecy book that can predict the next thousand years, banned for a thousand years, the truth of "Tui Bei Tu".

The magic of this book is that it not only predicts the great events in history, but also affects the rulers of every dynasty. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, this book was regarded as a banned book, and anyone who privately possessed "Tui Bei Tu" could be punished with capital punishment. But it is precisely because of this mystery and taboo that "Tui Bei Tu" is even more legendary.

It was not until the last years of the Qing Dynasty that the book was made public. In order to maintain the legitimacy of their rule, the rulers of the time often used the content of the "Tui Bei Tu" to justify their regime. For example, during the Wu Zetian period, he once quoted the prophecy in "Tui Bei Tu" to prove that his status as the empress was destined by heaven.

But as time goes by, people's attitudes towards "Tui Bei Tu" are also quietly changing. Some people are beginning to look at the book more from a historical and cultural perspective than to be completely superstitious about the mystique of its prophecies. With the development of science and the deepening of historical research, more and more scholars have begun to try to analyze the literature and historical background of Tui Bei Tu, in an attempt to unravel the historical truth behind it.

A mysterious prophecy book that can predict the next thousand years, banned for a thousand years, the truth of "Tui Bei Tu".

This combination of science and tradition makes Tui Bei Tu no longer just a simple book of prophecy, but an important window for studying the changes in ancient Chinese thought, culture and history. Through the study of Tui Bei Tu, we can see how the ancients predicted and interpreted the future of the country through their knowledge of astronomy, geography, and personnel.

The most fascinating part of Tui Bei Tu is the mystery and accuracy of its predictions. For example, one of the images predicted "the yellow robe will add to the body", which was later magically mapped to Zhu Yuanzhang's path to the emperor; Another example is "the galloping of iron cars", which was interpreted by later generations as the emergence of trains and automobiles. These contents constantly arouse people's curiosity about the unknown and thinking about history.

A mysterious prophecy book that can predict the next thousand years, banned for a thousand years, the truth of "Tui Bei Tu".

Let's take another look at the modern influence of "Push Back Picture". With the development of the Internet and digital technology, this ancient book of prophecy has also begun to be known by more modern people in various forms. Many netizens even tried to connect the prophecy in "Tui Bei Tu" with current social phenomena, and explore its application and interpretation in modern society.

For such an ancient book as "Tui Bei Tu", which is full of mystery and controversy, we should maintain a rational and critical attitude. While many of these prophecies are amazing, it is also possible that later interpretations have been added based on historical facts. In appreciating this mystery, we also need to use a scientific eye to distinguish the truth from the false.

A mysterious prophecy book that can predict the next thousand years, banned for a thousand years, the truth of "Tui Bei Tu".

Tui Bei Tu is not only a book of prophecy, but also an ancient book containing rich historical and cultural information. It has traversed thousands of years of history, witnessed countless ups and downs, and also reflected people's endless imagination and exploration of the future. Whether it is true or not, the cultural value and historical significance contained in it are worthy of our in-depth discussion and study. In this era of rapid development of science and technology, let us maintain our awe of history, curiosity about the unknown, and continue to look for clues about the future under the mystery of "Tui Bei Tu"!