
Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

author:Yan Ling【Special Topic】

In the long course of history, many decisive moments have taken place on quiet and ordinary days. In an unknown apartment in Taipei, two old men who have gone through ups and downs are reunited, and the exchange between them outlines the changes and joys and sorrows of half a century. This is not only a dialogue between two people, but also a microcosm of an era and the intertwining of the destinies of the two sides of the strait.

Chiang Ching-kuo, once the core leader of Taiwan, bears the glory and controversy of the Chiang regime behind him. And Sun Liren, he is the general who is not known to most of the younger generation, a man who sacrificed his life for the country, but was misunderstood and imprisoned for 30 years. Their meeting is not only an arrangement of fate, but also an irony of history.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

In General Sun's eyes, there is not only nostalgia for his homeland, but also incomprehension of the misunderstood years in the past. He had no blame, no hatred, only hope for future peace and a deep nostalgia for the time that had passed. And when he made those three requests, even the heart as tenacious as Chiang Ching-kuo's trembled.

01 Colorful Destiny: Sun Liren's growth road

In that distant era, a glorious child of a family, Sun Liren, was born on December 8, 1900 in Lujiang, Anhui Province, China, and was destined to shine on the stage of history. His birth was not as ordinary as that of other children, because he was burdened with an extraordinary family background.

Sun Liren's father, Sun Xize, was a politician and educator with a great family reputation. My mother also came from an extraordinary background, and the family has passed on the glory from generation to generation. In this wealthy family, Sun Liren thrives in a superior environment and enjoys meticulous education and care.

However, when he was 9 years old, Sun Liren's fate ushered in a major turning point. He followed in his father's footsteps to Qingdao, which was then under German rule. Sun Xize maintained friendly relations with the Germans, encouraged Sun Liren to learn German, and hoped to /span >

However, despite Sun Liren's family in an aristocratic family, he was not blinded by this aura, nor did he have a deep understanding of the suffering of the people at the bottom. His world seemed to be limited to those high walls and verdant meadows, and his mind had never set foot in the plight of the common people.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

Things began to change, and when he went to Beijing to study, his fortunes took another upside down. However, this change was unexpected and a great test in his life.

The closure of the school in Beijing due to financial problems brought him into contact with the plight of society for the first time. Faced with the closed doors of the campus, he realized that there were many poor people in society who were out of step with his world.

Sun Liren did not sink into setbacks, but rose to the occasion. This young gentleman, who had lived in a sheltered paradise, finally understood the suffering of the people at the bottom. He decided to stop avoiding reality and bravely embark on a path to change his fate. This time, his life story will shift from a wealthy family background to another kind of wonderful.

02 The Road of Destiny: Sun Liren's Tenacious Choice

In the bustling city of Beijing, Sun Liren's life seems destined for an enviable and privileged life. However, during his stay in the city, the hardships of the people's livelihood and the suffering of the poor people deeply touched his heart. This young gentleman decides to put his fate at a challenging crossroads, a choice that will shape his entire life.

The Tsinghua School in Beijing was the jewel of the time, however, the tuition fees were expensive and unaffordable for ordinary people. Fortunately, Sun Liren's father, Sun Xize, supported his choice, hoping that he would improve the family's social status by associating with foreigners. This decision seems wise, but Sun Liren has other plans in his heart. He has experienced the suffering of the people at the bottom, he empathizes, and he longs to change all this.

Despite the challenges of an uncertain future, Sun Liren applied to Tsinghua University, but contrary to his father's expectations, he chose civil engineering instead of finance. His decision reflects his inner perseverance and persistent belief in improving people's livelihood.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

At Tsinghua School, he stood out with outstanding grades and became the top student, however, he was not satisfied with this. He knew that to achieve his ideals, he needed more knowledge and skills.

So, Sun Liren's next stop was Purdue University in the United States. In this industrialized city, he witnessed first-hand prosperity and progress, but he also felt the plight of his hometown. This study abroad experience awakened his sense of national consciousness, and he understood that a strong country can improve people's lives, and it became his responsibility.

However, his decision didn't stop there. Sun Liren resolutely gave up his degree in civil engineering and devoted himself to the study of military theory. He believes that peace and prosperity can only be achieved through firm determination and unremitting efforts. This decision marks the official start of Sun Liren's military career, and he will take on even greater challenges and fight for the future of his country.

03 Pioneer in Saving the Country: Sun Liren's Return and Military Innovation

It was a turbulent and unpredictable era, and Sun Liren traveled to Europe and experienced first-hand the military technology and management experience of Western countries. In this foreign land, he deeply felt the reality of the disparity between the power of China and the West. This outstanding young man, with the ideal of rejuvenating the country, finally decided to return to China, and this decision will write a new chapter in Chinese history.

In 1928, Sun Liren returned to his motherland on a sea ship, and this return road marked that he would devote himself to the cause of the country. The Central Committee of the Kuomintang quickly learned of his talents, especially Chiang Kai-shek, who, upon hearing of Sun Liren's talent, did not hesitate to invite him to join the government. Sun Liren had the ambition to serve the country, resolutely agreed to this invitation, and since then he has stepped into the center of the political arena.

He was appointed Lieutenant Training Captain, a position that was challenging but also full of opportunities. Sun Liren made full use of the military experience he had learned while studying in the United States and launched an unprecedented reform. His reforms fully integrated Western military concepts with traditional Chinese education systems to create a unique military discipline.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

This innovative military discipline focuses on the training of soldiers' theoretical knowledge and physical fitness. Sun Liren knows very well that only by cultivating an army with a solid theoretical foundation and excellent physical fitness can we meet the challenges of the future. He developed a rigorous training program for his soldiers, which allowed them not only to excel in tactics, but also to improve intellectually.

Sun Liren's military training team soon became one of the most representative armies of the Kuomintang, and was praised by Soong Meiling as "a knife in the hands of the Kuomintang". His team was not only distinguished in military affairs, but also emphasized the moral cultivation of soldiers and the inheritance of Confucianism. All these are the efforts made by Sun Liren to make the country strong and prosperous.

His work was highly praised by the statesman Song Ziwen, and Sun Liren used his actions to integrate military experience and Confucianism, contributing his wisdom and strength to the rejuvenation of the country. He became an outstanding figure in Chinese history and laid a solid foundation for China's modernization path.

04 Iron-blooded Loyal Soul: Sun Liren's Suzhou Creek Oath

In 1937, the land of China was engulfed by the war of the invader Japanese Empire, and the Battle of Songhu broke out, becoming the decisive battle place between the Chinese nation and the invaders.

Chiang Kai-shek was desperate to enlist British and American support through this campaign, but the delay in the arrival of support led to a lengthening of the battle line and the Chinese army in a difficult situation. However, at this critical juncture, a military leader, Sun Liren, stepped forward, and his courage and determination changed the tide of the war.

In the area of Suzhou Creek, the smoke of war was everywhere, and the troops led by General Sun Liren fought to the death against the cunning Japanese army. This is a bloody battle for the survival of the country, and every moment is full of life and death tests.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

General Sun Liren stood on the front line, sweat mixed with blood, and his eyes burned with determination and anger. He knew that he could not retreat, because every inch of soil in this land carried the honor and dignity of the country.

However, at the moment of the battle, a truce came, and Sun Liren decided to rise to the challenge, resolutely deciding to go to destroy the Japanese pontoon bridges, weaken the enemy's supply lines, and stop their attack. Under the cover of night, he quietly went to the pontoon, his heart filled with firm conviction.

Sun Liren's actions did not hide from the Japanese troops, they found out about his existence and opened fire frantically. Sun Liren was in flames, the sound of shell explosions was deafening, he struggled forward, and his iron-blooded determination made him not flinch.

In the end, Sun Liren was rescued by his companions in time under the fire, but he had been in a coma for three days and three nights. Although Suzhou Creek was eventually lost, Sun Liren was determined to make the invaders pay the price and repay the country's blood debt. This firm determination has become his iron-blooded loyalty.

While in a coma, Sun Liren dreamed of an old general, who told him that the glory and destiny of the country needed to be upheld, and the sacrifice of the brave was needed. He told Sun Liren that his actions would become a legend to be admired by future generations.

When Sun Liren finally woke up, his eyes were full of determination and determination. Although the haze of defeat hung over Suzhou Creek, Sun Liren, with his iron-blooded loyalty, vowed to drive the invaders out of the land of the motherland and let the glory of the country rise again. His oath became the faith of the soldiers, inspiring them to fight for their country without fear of sacrifice.

Subsequently, Sun Liren took the initiative to invite Ying to participate in the defense of Wuhan, and his army won victory after victory, which finally attracted the attention of Chiang Kai-shek and was reused. His exploits not only changed the tide of the war, but also became a symbol of the country's resistance to aggression.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

05 Wind and rain: Sun Liren's years of civil war

In 1942, Sun Liren, a tenacious general, led the Chinese Expeditionary Force across the treacherous mountains and set foot on the battlefield in Burma. It was the Battle of Mandalay, a challenging test, but Sun Liren's faith and courage kept him fearless.

On the battlefield, Sun Liren and the British became comrades-in-arms, and they fought side by side, defeating the enemy again and again. Even in the face of the powerful Indian enemy army, he showed no weakness and resolutely defended the dignity of the country. His military prowess and leadership gave confidence to his troops, and each victory seemed to proclaim his glory.

However, behind the victory, there was Chiang Kai-shek's suspicion. The Kuomintang leader became uneasy about Sun Liren's up-and-coming. Does his victory mean that Sun Liren has his own power and influence? This suspicion began to take root in Chiang Kai-shek's mind and was destined to have far-reaching consequences in the future.

In 1945, the land of China reverberated with the joy of victory, as the expeditionary force led by Sun Liren successfully opened the Yunnan-Burma Highway, which marked a glorious victory in the Burma campaign. However, the joy of victory did not last long, because after returning to China, Sun Liren began to sense an unusual change in Chiang Kai-shek's attitude.

He knew that the war at home was not over and that an even more formidable challenge awaited him. Chiang Kai-shek tore up the "Double Tenth Agreement" signed with the Communists and announced the outbreak of civil war in the country. Sun Liren, a former battlefield hero, was reactivated again and sent to the Northeast to participate in the battle against the Northeast Democratic Alliance. However, he soon discovers that this is no longer the war he is familiar with.

In the battles in the northeast, Sun Liren suffered repeated defeats, and his military experience no longer seemed to be applicable in the face of the People's Liberation Army led by Lin Shuai. The former victor is now helpless, and the tide of battle is challenging for him. Eventually, he was withdrawn and appointed commander of training, a blow to a former combat officer.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

Sun Liren felt a great defeat, but Chiang Kai-shek showed no mercy to his defeat. He began to worry about Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorial ideas and the prospects of the Kuomintang. In the smoke of the civil war, he foresaw the complete defeat of the Kuomintang and was worried about the future of the country.

06 Power game: Sun Liren's complex fate

In Taiwan's palace, Chiang Kai-shek sat at his desk, pensive. The international situation is not in his favor, and the trust of the US government in him is gradually eroding. He needs to find a reliable replacement to maintain his position. At this time, he thought of a person, a high-ranking military officer who had ties to the United States, Sun Liren.

Sun Liren has maintained contacts with the United States for many years, which has made the U.S. government interested in him. Chiang Kai-shek decided to promote him, promoting him to commander-in-chief of the army, but at the same time keeping him under close surveillance to ensure his loyalty to the rule of the Kuomintang.

However, one night in 1950, a secret telegram was suddenly delivered to Chiang Kai-shek. He was shocked by the contents of the telegram, revealing an unbelievable plan in which the United States intended to conspire with Sun Liren to launch a mutiny with the aim of overthrowing Chiang Kai-shek's rule. Chiang Kai-shek was furious, and he refused to believe that Sun Liren would betray him, believing it to be a ridiculous conspiracy.

However, things are not as simple as they seem. Sun Liren was deeply dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorship and the deprivation of military power. In addition, the outbreak of the Korean War saw China send volunteers to support North Korea, while the United States regained support for Chiang Kai-shek by launching a military operation in the Taiwan Strait. Sun Liren's position was thus challenged, and he found himself in a dilemma.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

In 1955, however, the morning light poured through the curtains in the room, creating a sense of tranquility. However, Sun Liren's heart was more cloudy than the darkness of the night. This year, a sudden mutiny changed everything.

The accusations spread like a fire throughout the island. Sun Liren was accused of conspiring with high-ranking generals to start a rebellion, and the political situation was unstable, and his future was dark. Chiang Kai-shek was furious, and this seemed to be the final blow, erasing Sun Liren from the political scene forever.

However, just when Sun Liren felt that he was in a desperate situation, an unusual force appeared. This is none other than the President of the United States and Soong Meiling, who intervened in this political storm. They learned that Sun Liren had been their ally, and that the interests of the U.S. government were closely tied to him.

In the tense diplomatic negotiations, the United States exerted tremendous pressure on Chiang Kai-shek not to regard Sun Liren as an enemy. This political game reached its climax, and Sun Liren's fate hung in the balance.

Eventually, overwhelming international pressure forced Chiang Kai-shek to make compromises. Sun Liren was spared serious consequences, and his fate was reversed. This moment seems to be a turning point in history, and a person's fate can be so fragile and so strong.

07 Wish of the Strait: Sun Liren's three firm wishes

In a quiet apartment building in Taipei City, the setting sun paints the interior a golden shade through the glass windows. At this moment, two old men who have gone through vicissitudes of life are sitting in the living room, one is the former leader of Taiwan, Chiang Ching-kuo, and the other is Sun Liren, a general who has been imprisoned for 30 years.

Jiang Jingguo gently touched General Sun's hand, trying to break the silence, and his tone was apologetic: "Old General Sun, you have worked hard for so many years, please tell me what you want." ”

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

Sun Liren's eyes were bloodshot, but there was a look of determination in his eyes, and he said, "I have three wishes. ”


Sun Liren pondered for a moment and said, "First of all, I hope to see the peaceful reunification of the motherland. Too many families have suffered from this division, and I myself am haunted by the dreams of my homeland. ”

Jiang Jingguo nodded, feeling Sun Liren's deep emotion.

"Second, I hope to be buried with my comrades-in-arms on the battlefield in India and Burma at the Martyrs' Cemetery in Guangzhou. There is my youth, there is my loyalty. ”

Jiang Jingguo was silent for a moment and nodded again: "I understand your dedication and loyalty." ”

Sun Liren's gaze became more and more determined: "Finally, I hope to find the descendants of my sacrificed comrades-in-arms, help them, and provide them with necessary life support." ”

The living room at the moment is filled with a heavy atmosphere. Chiang Ching-kuo knew that these wishes would be difficult to realize in the current political situation. But how could he easily refuse a general's request?

"General Sun, I'll do my best." Chiang Ching-kuo replied.

The two were silent again in the afterglow of the setting sun, only the sound of time passing.

Chiang Ching-kuo visited General Sun Liren, who had been imprisoned for 30 years, and he made three demands that made people teary-eyed

Soon after, Chiang Ching-kuo died. With his death, Taiwan's political scene has undergone drastic changes, and Sun Liren's reputation has been slowly restored.

However, Sun Liren ultimately failed to fulfill his wish, and his life ended in constant anticipation. What he left behind was endless longing for the motherland and the unforgettable words: "If you don't return to your hometown, you won't be buried in the coffin." ”