
Why do you say that "the three voids are different rooms, and the life of the same room is not long", which are the three voids? The doctor made it clear at one time

author:Popular science of Chinese medicine doctors

In the vast world of Chinese medicine, there are many ancient and mysterious wisdoms. Among them, the saying that "the three voids are different rooms, and the same room does not live long" not only reflects the deep understanding of human health in traditional Chinese medicine, but also reflects the unique insights of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing diseases and maintaining life and health. What exactly are these "three voids"? Why can't they "have sex with each other"?

Why do you say that "the three voids are different rooms, and the life of the same room is not long", which are the three voids? The doctor made it clear at one time

1. The solution of the three voids: qi deficiency, blood deficiency, and yang deficiency

In the profound wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, the health of the human body is inextricably linked with the abundance of qi and blood, and the harmony of yin and yang. The so-called "three deficiencies" refer to the three pathological states of qi deficiency, blood deficiency and yang deficiency.

The body with qi deficiency often shows signs of weakness, which is manifested as inability to do so, exhaustion, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing, and weak speech, showing the symptoms of qi deficiency. It's like a car with an engine that doesn't have enough power and can't provide enough energy, resulting in a slow, weak vehicle.

People with blood deficiency often show a pale complexion, sometimes dizziness, palpitations leading to insomnia and dreams, and numbness between the hands and feet, all of which are symptoms of blood deficiency. It's like a plant that lacks nutrients, its leaves are yellow, slow growing, and may even wilt.

Yang deficiency: People with yang deficiency often show symptoms such as chills and cold, warmth in the limbs, lack of energy, and soreness in the waist and knees. It's like a cold winter, when there is not enough sunlight, the earth loses its warmth, and everything withers.

Why do you say that "the three voids are different rooms, and the life of the same room is not long", which are the three voids? The doctor made it clear at one time

2. Why can't the "three voids" be "in the same room"?

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the body's qi, blood, yin and yang are an interdependent and mutually restrictive whole. When any one of them is weakened, it affects the balance of the others. If the three pathological states of qi deficiency, blood deficiency, and yang deficiency exist in a person at the same time, then this imbalance will be more serious, resulting in an overall decline in body functions, and even life-threatening.

Qi deficiency can lead to a lack of motivation in the human body to promote the normal functioning of the blood; Blood deficiency will cause various organs of the body to lack nutrients and be unable to function normally; Yang deficiency will cause the temperature of the body to drop, affecting the normal circulation of qi and blood. When these three states of weakness exist at the same time, it is like a person's body being hit by a triple blow, and the vitality is greatly weakened, and naturally it cannot be maintained for a long time.

Why do you say that "the three voids are different rooms, and the life of the same room is not long", which are the three voids? The doctor made it clear at one time

3. Mr. Lee's story

Mr. Li is a middle-aged man who is usually busy and stressed, and often works overtime and stays up late. In recent times, he has felt that his health is getting worse and worse, and he often feels tired, weak, dizzy, and cold hands and feet. After going to the hospital for an examination, the doctor told him that he was suffering from three pathological states: qi deficiency, blood deficiency, and yang deficiency.

Mr. Li was confused, and he didn't know why he had all three problems at the same time. The doctor patiently explained that this was because of his unhealthy lifestyle, and staying up late and working overtime for a long time led to overwork and excessive consumption of qi and blood; At the same time, his diet was irregular and lacked nutrients, which led to blood deficiency; Coupled with his usual lack of exercise, his body lacks yang energy, and he has symptoms of yang deficiency.

The doctor said that in order to improve the situation, the first thing to do is to change bad habits, ensure adequate sleep and regular diet; secondly, it is necessary to strengthen exercise and improve the body's yang energy; Finally, it is necessary to take some traditional Chinese medicine appropriately to regulate the balance of qi, blood, yin and yang in the body.

After a period of conditioning and lifestyle changes, Mr. Lee's physical condition gradually improved. He felt refreshed, energized, and his hands and feet warmer. He sighed deeply: "It turns out that the wisdom of Chinese medicine is really amazing! ”

Why do you say that "the three voids are different rooms, and the life of the same room is not long", which are the three voids? The doctor made it clear at one time

Fourth, the three voids are treated at the same time, focusing on balance

In the field of medicine, he also has rich experience and in-depth research on the treatment of "three deficiency". Many medical experts believe that the key to the simultaneous treatment of the "three deficiencies" is to balance qi, blood, yin and yang. They pointed out that the following points should be paid attention to in the treatment of the "three deficiencies":

Syndrome differentiation treatment: First of all, according to the patient's specific condition and constitution, the syndrome differentiation treatment should be carried out, and the appropriate Chinese medicine prescription should be selected to regulate the balance of qi, blood, yin and yang in the body.

Lifestyle adjustment: At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to changing the patient's bad lifestyle habits and dietary patterns, ensuring adequate sleep and nutritional intake, as well as moderate exercise.

Psychological adjustment: In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the impact of factors such as the patient's psychological state and emotional changes on physical health, and give corresponding psychological adjustment and support.

Why do you say that "the three voids are different rooms, and the life of the same room is not long", which are the three voids? The doctor made it clear at one time

Learn about the deep understanding and unique insights of TCM on human health, as well as its unique role and value in preventing disease and maintaining life and health. At the same time, we can also draw a lot of valuable health wisdom and life experience to guide us to better maintain our physical health and mental health. Finally, let us cherish the precious wealth of Chinese medicine and carry it forward, so as to contribute more strength to the cause of human health!

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