
That's a great angle

author:Persistent orange Ue
That's a great angle
That's a great angle
That's a great angle
That's a great angle

That's a great angle

2024-05-14 05:50 Visionary Chenxing V5

That's a great angle
That's a great angle
That's a great angle
That's a great angle

It's a stunning angle

In the early morning, the ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River was gently shrouded in a layer of mist, like a shy girl, covering her face with a light veil. I pushed open the window, and a breeze mixed with the smell of moist earth and a faint scent of flowers hit my face, which was refreshing. I took a deep breath of the fresh air, and I couldn't help but feel an inexplicable joy in my heart.

"Look at the water flowing eastward, and watch the sun set in the west." I chanted the verses of the ancients softly, looking at the gurgling water and swaying willow branches outside the window, and I couldn't help but feel a trace of emotion in my heart. In this prosperous and complex world, everyone is running around and working hard for life, but I have found my own tranquility and beauty in this ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Miss, you're in a daze by the window again." The voice of the maid Xiaocui broke my musings. She walked in with a basin of water, ready to dress me. I smiled and turned around, looking at Xiao Cui's familiar figure, and a warmth welled up in my heart. In this strange world, Xiaocui is like my relative, accompanying me through countless lonely days and nights.

"Xiaocui, do you think this ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River is beautiful?" I asked. Xiao Cui put down the basin in her hand, thought about it seriously, and then nodded and said, "Beautiful, of course beautiful." This ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River is like a painting, which makes people reluctant to leave when they see it. I smiled and didn't say anything more, but I was very satisfied with Xiao Cui's answer.

However, just when I thought I could immerse myself in the beauty of Jiangnan forever, a sudden change broke my peaceful life. My father suddenly fell ill and the family's business was in trouble. In order to save the fate of my family, I had to give up my hobbies and dreams and start taking on the burden of the family.

During that time, I was busy with various affairs every day, and I didn't have time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, nor was I in the mood to chant the poems of the ancients. I felt like my life had become boring, as if it had lost all color and light.

Until one day, I happened to find an ancient book in my study, which recorded an ancient method of facial massage. This method is said to tighten the skin, slow down aging, and give people a youthful glow. My heart fluttered and I decided to give this method a try.

So, every day, I would sit in front of the window and get a facial massage in the early morning and evening. I gently massaged every acupuncture point and muscle in my face, feeling them quiver slightly under my fingertips. Although I felt a little uncomfortable and sore at first, over time I gradually got used to the feeling and began to enjoy the comfort and relaxation that this massage brings.

Gradually, I noticed that my skin became firmer and more elastic, and fine lines and wrinkles were visibly reduced. My friends were amazed at the change and asked me how I did it. I laughed and told them that my secret was to get a facial massage every day.

However, I know that this massage method is only a palliative treatment. What really rejuvenates me is the peace and tranquility of my heart. In my busy life, I have learned how to adjust my mindset and emotions to maintain a peaceful, positive, and optimistic attitude. This attitude makes me more calm and determined in the face of difficulties and challenges, and it also makes me cherish and enjoy every moment in life more.

As time went on, my family gradually came out of the woods. My father recovered, and the family's business began to improve. I feel like my life is full of color and light again.

"That's a stunning angle!" I stood in front of the window and looked at the misty and rainy Jiangnan Ancient Town, and couldn't help but sigh. This angle not only allowed me to see the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, but also allowed me to see the changes and growth in my heart. I am deeply aware that only by maintaining inner peace and tranquility, and focusing on the fullness and richness of life, can we truly maintain youth and beauty.

"Miss, you're in a daze by the window again." Cui's voice broke my musings again. I looked back at Xiao Cui's familiar figure and said with a smile: "Yes, I was in a daze by the window again, but this time I was admiring the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, and I was also feeling the changes in my heart." Xiao Cui nodded incomprehensibly, and then silently tidied up the room for me.

Since then, I have cherished every morning and evening even more. I would sit in front of the window for a facial massage, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Gangnam, and feel the changes in my heart. These times have become the most precious treasures and memories of my life.

"The beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River used to know that the sunrise river flowers are red and the spring comes, and the river water is as green as blue." I chanted the verses of the ancients softly, and my heart was full of love and yearning for life. I believe that in the future, I will continue to maintain peace and tranquility in my heart, pay attention to the fullness and richness of life, and let my life bloom forever in the ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River.