
Refutation of rumors: Cervical erosion is cervicitis, don't treat it? Look at the big truth of the gynecologist

author:Dr. Wong of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

In China, almost every woman will encounter the problem of "cervical erosion" to some extent, and the doctor will tell you that there are three levels of light, medium and severe erosion, what are the manifestations of each, how to treat them, and so on. But you may not know that China's obstetrics and gynecology is very backward compared with the rest of the world. As for the so-called "cervical erosion" problem, as early as the 80s, the United States has canceled this statement, believing that this is not a "disease", but just a normal physiological phenomenon. To use an analogy, it's like people get old, do you say that "getting old" is a disease? Can it be treated and immortalized?

Although China's obstetrics and gynecology science is backward, it has slowly come into line with international standards after decades on the issue of "cervical erosion". In 2008, in the textbook of "Obstetrics and Gynecology", which specializes in obstetrics and gynecologists, the "disease" of "cervical erosion" has been abolished, and the physiological phenomenon of "cervical columnar epithelial ectopy" has been used to express it. In other words, since 2008, there has been no "cervical erosion" in obstetrics and gynecology in China.

Refutation of rumors: Cervical erosion is cervicitis, don't treat it? Look at the big truth of the gynecologist

Why do some people always confuse cervical erosion with cervicitis?

In daily life, many people have vague concepts of cervical erosion and cervicitis, and even regard them as the same disease. This confusion may stem from their similarities in symptoms and treatment, but in reality, they are two different conditions.

What is cervical erosion?

Cervical erosion refers to the shedding and erosion of columnar epithelial cells in the cervix, which is manifested by erythema, hyperemia, bleeding, and increased discharge on the surface of the cervix. This condition usually does not cause severe symptoms, but in some cases, it may cause discomfort, such as painful intercourse and vaginal bleeding.

What is cervicitis?

Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervical mucosa, often caused by bacterial or viral infections. Women with cervicitis may experience symptoms such as increased vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, frequent urination and urgency, and in severe cases, complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease.

What is the relationship between the two?

Although there are some similarities in the symptoms of cervical erosion and cervicitis, they are two different diseases with different causes and treatments. Cervical erosion is usually physiological and related to factors such as sexual life, fertility, etc., whereas cervicitis is

Refutation of rumors: Cervical erosion is cervicitis, don't treat it? Look at the big truth of the gynecologist

More to do with infection.

Necessity of treatment of cervical erosions

Symptoms and effects

Cervical erosion is a common gynecological disease, and its main features include irregular vaginal bleeding, painful intercourse, etc. These symptoms not only affect a woman's quality of life, but can also cause psychological stress and anxiety. If left untreated, cervical erosion can lead to serious complications such as infection, cervical ulcers, etc., which seriously affect the health and life of patients.

Prevent cancer

There is a certain association between cervical erosion and cervical cancer. Studies have shown that cervical erosion is a risk factor for cervical cancer, especially long-standing cervical erosion is more likely to cause cancer. Therefore, timely treatment of cervical erosion can reduce the risk of cervical cancer and improve women's health.

Improve quality of life

The symptoms of cervical erosion have caused many troubles in a woman's life, such as sexual discomfort, irregular menstruation, etc. By treating cervical erosion, these symptoms can be effectively relieved and the patient's quality of life can be improved so that they can enjoy life better.

Prevention of reproductive system infections

Refutation of rumors: Cervical erosion is cervicitis, don't treat it? Look at the big truth of the gynecologist

Cervical erosion is susceptible to infection, and once infected, it may cause bacterial vaginitis, fungal vaginitis and other reproductive infections. These infections not only aggravate the condition, but can also lead to other gynaecological diseases, posing a serious threat to the patient's health. Therefore, timely treatment of cervical erosion can help prevent the occurrence of reproductive system infections and maintain women's health.

Treatments and effects

Topical drug therapy

Local drug therapy is one of the common methods for the treatment of cervical erosion, and its principle is to constrict the blood vessels at the erosion site and promote the healing of the erosion tissue through the action of local drugs. Commonly used topical medications include creams, suppositories, etc., and patients can self-medicate under the guidance of a doctor.


Electrocautery is a commonly used method to treat cervical erosion, which destroys the erosion tissue and promotes the healing of the wound to achieve the therapeutic effect. Electrocautery has the advantages of simple operation and definite curative effect, and is one of the effective means for the treatment of cervical erosion.


Cryotherapy is a commonly used method for the treatment of cervical erosion, and its principle is to use low temperature freezing to destroy the abnormal tissue of cervical erosion, promote the growth of normal tissue, and achieve the effect of treatment. Cryotherapy has the advantages of simple operation and definite efficacy, and is suitable for the treatment of mild and moderate cervical erosion.

Surgical treatment

In severe cases of cervical erosion, surgery may be required to completely remove the erosion and prevent recurrence. Common surgical treatments include microwave therapy, laser therapy, etc., and patients should choose the treatment plan that is suitable for them under the guidance of a professional doctor.

Evaluation of treatment effect

After treatment, regular follow-up examinations should be carried out to observe the improvement of symptoms and the development trend of the condition to ensure the effectiveness of treatment. During the treatment, patients should closely cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan and avoid unnecessary sexual life and other stimuli, so as not to affect the treatment effect.


During treatment, patients should follow their doctor's instructions and pay attention to personal hygiene to avoid infection. At the same time, patients should pay attention to rest, maintain a good attitude, and actively cooperate with the treatment to improve the success rate of treatment.

Refutation of rumors: Cervical erosion is cervicitis, don't treat it? Look at the big truth of the gynecologist