
The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

author:Amber said entertainment

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Once, the first season of "Celebrating More Than Years" shined like a bright star in the film and television industry, and gained the love and popularity of countless audiences. However, when "Celebrating More Than Years 2" debuted with the hype before the broadcast and the audience's full expectations, it was met with an unexpected lukewarm response, and the audience's disappointment was like a tide.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

Before the start of the broadcast, various promotions were overwhelming, pushing the audience's expectations to the peak. Everyone is happily waiting for this sequel to bring more surprises and excitement, after all, with the glory of the first season ahead, who can not look forward to it? But reality has dealt a heavy blow to everyone.

In terms of plot, the problem of procrastination and lack of novelty is exposed. The mystery of life and death, which the audience is most concerned about, should be the key and highlight of the plot advancement, but it has been repeatedly used as a fuss in the second season, which is long and boring. The screenwriter could have cleanly uncovered the secret of Fan Xian's fake death, but he chose such a procrastinating way, which is really disappointing. Such a plot arrangement not only did not satisfy the audience's curiosity, but made them gradually lose patience in the long wait.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

The performance of the actors is also unsatisfactory, and the lack of realistic interpretation makes it difficult for the audience. Despite losing weight, his acting skills have become more and more exaggerated, and his interactions with other characters seem stiff and unnatural, completely lacking the agility and delicacy of the first season. Other actors, such as He, have also been criticized for their over-exaggeration and failure to achieve the depth and connotation that the roles should have. The actors seem to be just mechanically reading the lines and walking the plot, without really injecting the soul of the characters into it, which makes it difficult for the audience to resonate and connect with emotions when watching.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

The quality of the series has declined overall, which is in stark contrast to the first season. Not only the plot and performances have been criticized, but even the technical aspects such as makeup and special effects have failed to satisfy the audience. The make-up effects are sometimes rough, and the special effects scenes are lacking in shock, and these shortcomings in detail continue to erode the audience's goodwill for the work.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" does not seem to be able to escape the fate of the failure of the domestic sequel, and its quality is simply a world of difference compared to its predecessor. Under the enthusiastic anticipation of the audience, it ushered in a calm and even disappointed opening. A multifaceted intertwining of issues makes it difficult to continue the glory of the first season.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

Once upon a time, we were immersed in the grand and wonderful world built in the first season, and those characters with distinct personalities, magnificent storylines and gripping plot twists have become indelible memories in our hearts. And the second season, which was supposed to build on this solid foundation and push the story to new heights, is now presented like this. The procrastination of the plot not only wastes the audience's time, but also consumes everyone's enthusiasm and patience. We are eager to see a tight and rich plot development, rather than pointless repetitive entanglements.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

The poor performance of the actors also became a big failure. The actor's task is not only to show his face in front of the camera, but more importantly, to give life to the character through superb acting skills, so that the audience can believe in the existence and emotions of the character. However, in the second season, what we see is the superficial understanding of the characters and the poor interpretation of the actors. This sense of unreality makes it difficult for us to experience the joys and sorrows of the story with the characters.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

And the decline in the quality of the episodes is even more unacceptable. A good work requires not only a great story and great actors, but also excellence at all technical levels. The lack of makeup and special effects makes the whole work look rough and lacking in texture. It reminds us of the elaborate scenes and stunning visuals from the first season.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

Now, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is indeed struggling to move forward amid the audience's wave of disappointment. The situation it faced was extremely serious, and the criticism from the audience was like sharp arrows, and the voices of doubt were endless. The most important of these is how to regain the lost confidence and restore the badly damaged reputation, which is undoubtedly an extremely huge challenge.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

In this case, the production team had to engage in deep and comprehensive reflection. They should not just treat these problems in a perfunctory manner, but really calm down and carefully analyze the mistakes that occur in each link. It is especially important to listen carefully to the voice of the audience, because the audience is the most direct judge of the work, and their feelings and opinions are the most authentic and valuable feedback. Only by truly understanding the needs and expectations of your audience can you find the right direction for improvement and promotion.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

In terms of plot, it is necessary to abandon those lengthy and meaningless plot settings, and make the development of the story more compact, logical and engaging. Every plot twist should be well-designed to surprise and shock the audience, rather than boredom and boredom. At the same time, the shaping of characters should be more delicate and in-depth, so that each character can have a unique personality charm and soul, rather than a superficial portrayal.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

In terms of acting, actors need to be more dedicated to studying their roles and improving their acting skills. It is necessary to be able to truly integrate into the character, showing the emotions and inner world of the character, rather than relying only on superficial skills to perfunctory. Only through a sincere and moving performance can the audience resonate and immerse themselves in the story.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

The technical details must not be overlooked. Make-up should be more suitable for the characteristics and situation of the character, and should not be abrupt or unreasonable. The special effects should be more sophisticated, which can add more fantasy and shock effects to the story. Every detail such as the layout of the scene, the matching of costumes, etc., should be carefully crafted to create a realistic and engaging film and television world.

The premiere of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is released! The audience's comments and ratings hit the nail on the head

Only by achieving these comprehensive improvements and enhancements may there be a chance to regain the recognition and love of the audience. Let the once glorious brand shine again, which is what all those who care about and love this work are looking forward to. However, if this is not done, then "Celebrating More Than Years 2" may really only become another regrettable case in the history of film and television, and those audiences who were once full of expectations for it will be left with deep regret and loss. This kind of result is undesirable for both the production team and the audience at large.

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