
The "hairpin" in "Bottle Sinking Hairpin Fold" does not read "zān", do you know how to read it?

author:A guest history said

Bottle Sinking Hairpin Folding: Those "Little Funerals" in Our Lives

Life is like a script with ups and downs, and sometimes we are the protagonists, shining brightly; Sometimes he became a supporting role, silently bearing the tragedy of "the bottle sinking and the hairpin".

Oh, you ask, how do you pronounce the word "hairpin"? It is pronounced "zēn" and refers to the ornaments used to hold hair in place in ancient times, similar to the hairpins we have today. And in this idiom, "hairpin folding" vividly depicts the scene of things being damaged and things failing.

The "hairpin" in "Bottle Sinking Hairpin Fold" does not read "zān", do you know how to read it?

Imagine that you are holding a precious porcelain vase in your hand, which is a treasure you picked up from the antique market, walking cautiously, and suddenly, an accidental, "pop", the porcelain vase slipped from your hand and shattered to the ground.

Your heart is broken, isn't it? This is what it feels like to be "bottle sinking".

Let's talk about "hairpin folding". Suppose you have an ancient hosta that has been passed down from generation to generation and is worth a fortune. One day, you wore it to a banquet, but you accidentally fell, and the hosta snapped in two. At that moment, did you feel like the whole world was dark?

The "hairpin" in "Bottle Sinking Hairpin Fold" does not read "zān", do you know how to read it?

This is the intuitive feeling that "the bottle sinks and folds" gives us - precious things are lost, whimsical plans are lost, that frustration, that heartache, as if the whole world is against you.

Of course, this idiom is not limited to material losses. For example, if you have worked hard to prepare for an exam and walked into the exam room with confidence, but the test was a mess, isn't that kind of mood just "a bottle sinking and a hairpin"?

Or if you stay up late and work overtime for an important project, and you see that it is about to be completed, but the computer suddenly crashes and all your efforts come to naught, isn't this another degree of "bottle sinking"?

The "hairpin" in "Bottle Sinking Hairpin Fold" does not read "zān", do you know how to read it?

The "bottle sinking hairpin" in life is everywhere, but please don't be discouraged. Every failure is a stepping stone to success, and every loss makes us cherish what we have now.

Just like the broken porcelain vase and broken hosta, although the heart aches, they also teach us a truth: cherish the present and act carefully.

Moreover, who said that "a bottle sinking hairpin" is necessarily a bad thing?

The "hairpin" in "Bottle Sinking Hairpin Fold" does not read "zān", do you know how to read it?

Perhaps it is precisely because of these small failures and losses that we understand the value of hard work and the hard-won success. Therefore, when the "bottle sinking hairpin" comes again, you might as well smile at it, because every failure is an important step towards success.

Finally, let's raise the "broken porcelain vase" and "broken hosta" in our hands together and toast to those failures and losses that have passed! Because they are the precious wealth on the road of our growth and the source of motivation for us to continue to move forward.

Remember, it's not terrible to be "pinched in a bottle", it's terrible to choose to retreat in the face of failure. Therefore, bravely face every "bottle sinking hairpin" and make our lives more exciting!