
The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

author:Co-Entertainment Coke Place
The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

You didn't hit it, why did you go for it? The storm set off by this sentence at the beginning, its influence is still there.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

Recently, a jaw-dropping incident occurred in Nanjing. An enthusiastic citizen, Yang, found a drunk and sleepy old man on the side of the road, and was about to lend a hand, but the old man's son offered to make him compensate! After the news came out, it immediately aroused strong concern in all walks of life.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

According to reports, on the evening of May 16, a man surnamed Tian was driving a bicycle while drunk and unfortunately fell on the side of the road. With no one around, he couldn't get up on his own, so he could only lie where he was and wait for rescue. Soon after, Yang passed by here, and when he saw this, he decided to help. However, in order to protect his own rights and interests, he had turned on the mobile phone recording function before the operation.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

After confirming that other passers-by had called the emergency number, Yang began to inquire about the old man's condition. At this time, Yang smelled the old man's alcohol, but the old man claimed that he hadn't drunk much. However, it is clear that the old man is not very good at communication.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

Subsequently, 120 emergency personnel and police arrived at the scene one after another. After a preliminary examination, the medical staff found that the elderly man had indeed drunk too much alcohol. Under the coordination of the police, the family members of the elderly also rushed to the scene.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

However, just as the two sides were about to sign the confirmation letter, the old man suddenly changed his tune, claiming that he needed to find out who caused his injuries first. This remark immediately detonated the atmosphere at the scene, and the old man's son even asked the police to check Yang's driving records to see how the old man was knocked down?

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

Faced with this sudden situation, the police had to look at the nearby surveillance video. However, after watching the video, the old man's son reversed his previous statement, arguing that the video was blurry and therefore could not be ascertained. In this case, the police agreed to send the elderly man to the hospital for treatment first, and at the same time asked the two parties to negotiate a settlement after further investigation and verification.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

However, Yang was very angry about the attitude of the old man and his family. He believes that he decided to help the elderly out of good intentions, but he was treated so unreasonably. immediately said: I will definitely not accompany them to the hospital, and then the old man's son said an even more irritating sentence: Then you will compensate, and if you don't compensate, you will take out the evidence.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

Furious by such allegations, Mr. Yang firmly denied that he had anything to do with the matter and expressed his willingness to be investigated and examined. At this time, the old man also interjected at this time: "If you really have no responsibility, even if I die, I will not go to you." Such remarks have undoubtedly exacerbated the contradictions and made the already tense atmosphere even more tense.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

Finally, Yang also gave them a sentence: Chinese people are miserable by people like you, too unconscionable. I hope you can apologize to yourself after seeing the surveillance. After the traffic police agreed, they left.

Here, netizens said:

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time
The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

Some netizens said:

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time
The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

According to reports, shortly after the incident, Tian's son finally realized his mistake and personally went to Mr. Yang to express his sincere apology.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time
The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

According to media reports, when Tian's son faced Mr. Yang, he frankly admitted that the old man thought that he might have accidentally fallen and was not Mr. Yang's doing, so it had nothing to do with Mr. Yang.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time
The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

In this regard, Mr. Yang also seemed very generous, expressing his willingness to accept the apology of the old man's son, and said: In the future, he will still help those who should be helped.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time
The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

These remarks undoubtedly put an end to this turmoil. However, public opinion on the Internet is still fermenting, and many people have questioned Mr. Yang's tolerant attitude, and some even think that he should not have forgiven the other party easily.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

Some netizens also believe that the reason why they apologized should be because they saw public opinion on the Internet, so they had to pull down their faces to apologize.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

We cannot ignore the fact that Mr. Yang's actions are commendable in their own right. In the face of misunderstandings and accusations, he always remained calm and reasonable, insisted on his beliefs, and proved the power of kindness with practical actions.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

In the process, we must also reflect, why did such a thing happen? Why are good people misunderstood and blamed? One of the main reasons for this is the lack of respect and recognition for good behavior in our society. When people see others in need, they tend to hesitate, fearing that their good deeds will be misunderstood or taken advantage of.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time

This concern leads to apathy and selfishness among people, making society more and more indifferent. This has allowed some unscrupulous people to dare to carry out fraudulent activities with impunity, thus exacerbating the crisis of trust in society.

In short, the regret and pain of the kind are questions that each of us should ponder. When you encounter such a situation, will you step forward to help?

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

The man was falsely accused of helping the elderly: the family came to apologize, netizens: Where is the arrogance at that time
