
Celebrate more than one year of drama king! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" broke 30,000 within an hour of its broadcast


The hit broadcast of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" once again detonated the domestic drama market, highlighting the huge potential of Chinese film and television drama creation. The highly anticipated sequel received a lot of attention as soon as it aired, surpassing 30,000 hits in just one hour and 32,000 in two hours. Such astonishing data proves the unshakable status of the show in the hearts of the audience.

Celebrate more than one year of drama king! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" broke 30,000 within an hour of its broadcast

The first part of "Celebrating More Than Years" has won the love of countless audiences with its excellent production, gripping plot and excellent cast. After many years, the second part finally met the audience, and the long-precipitated anticipation exploded instantly. The number of pre-orders exceeded 18 million, which is enough to see the appeal of the show. Tencent Video is even more heavily promoted, and the entire page is almost contracted by "Celebrating More Than Years 2". It is conservatively estimated that at least hundreds of millions of viewers are waiting for the return of this show.

Celebrate more than one year of drama king! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" broke 30,000 within an hour of its broadcast

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" is expected to refresh the record of the highest popularity in the history of domestic dramas on the night of its broadcast, and may even hit the milestone of 33,000. With the deepening of the plot, the popularity is expected to rise further, and the number of broadcasts the next day is expected to approach the 100 million mark. Such an achievement is an unattainable height for any domestic drama.

Celebrate more than one year of drama king! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" broke 30,000 within an hour of its broadcast
Celebrate more than one year of drama king! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" broke 30,000 within an hour of its broadcast

The phenomenal performance of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is inseparable from the excellence of the main creative team and the eager expectations of the audience. This drama not only shows the creative strength of domestic film and television dramas, but also once again proves the huge demand of Chinese audiences for high-quality works. I believe that driven by "Celebrating More Than Years 2", more acclaimed and popular domestic masterpieces will emerge in the future, bringing more high-quality viewing experience to the audience.