
On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

author:Shine for yourself

From the 17th to the 19th, widespread heavy rainfall will sweep over many places. It is expected that the rainfall in northern cities will exceed 100 mm, the east coast will usher in more than 150 mm of heavy rainfall, the south China region may exceed 200 mm, and the southwest region will also face instantaneous heavy rainfall. Strengthen meteorological observation and flood prevention work, ensure the safety of personnel transfer, strengthen social publicity, and raise public awareness of disaster prevention. It's important to take precautions to keep yourself and your family safe.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

Sudden weather changes often cause unease and anxiety. In the coming 17th and 19th, a widespread heavy rainfall will wreak havoc in many places, indicating that a serious challenge is coming. Cities in the north are likely to experience more than 100 mm of rainfall, while the east coast is more likely to receive more than 150 mm of heavy rainfall, and the south and southwest regions of China are more likely to experience more than 200 mm. In the face of this natural disaster, we urgently need to take action to strengthen meteorological observation and flood prevention work, ensure the safety of personnel transfer, strengthen social publicity, and raise public awareness of disaster prevention. Keeping yourself and your family safe has become a top priority.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

The sky is like a huge canvas, and the clouds are painted with unknown colors from time to time. In this unpredictable world, people are often swayed by the weather and feel the impermanence and fragility of life. And the upcoming 17th and 19th, widespread heavy rainfall will once again remind us that the power of nature is so great that it is irresistible.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

Cities in the north may be the first targets of this rain belt. Weather forecasts suggest that rainfall may exceed 100 mm, which will be an unbearable test for some cities that are not adapted. Pedestrians on the streets are in a hurry, and in a hurry they have to buy themselves an umbrella in case of an incoming storm.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

And the coastal areas of East China are under pressure. Heavy rainfall of more than 150 mm makes people nervous. Citizens in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places may need more protective measures to cope with possible flooding.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

South China, on the other hand, is likely to be the hardest hit by the torrential rains. More than 200 millimetres of rain has made the land fragile and vulnerable. Residents in Guangdong, Guangxi, and other places must always be vigilant and strictly guard against the occurrence of disasters such as flash floods and mudslides.

The situation in the southwest is equally worrying. Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces may face instantaneous heavy rainfall, which will cause a lot of trouble to local residents. Landslides, mudslides and other disasters can hit the land hard.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

In such a situation, we cannot afford to sit idly by. Strengthening meteorological observation and issuing early warning information in a timely manner is the first step. We must not slack off in flood prevention work, ensure the smooth flow of drainage systems, and make preparations for relocation and resettlement in advance. At the same time, it is also important to strengthen social publicity and raise the public's awareness of disaster prevention.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

With the intensification of climate change, the frequent occurrence of heavy rain has become a part of our lives that cannot be ignored. When a rainstorm comes, it will not only bring damage to our lives and property, but also may endanger our lives. Therefore, it is very important to do a good job of protection before the rainstorm in time. In this article, we'll explore a few common rainstorm protection strategies to help you prepare for a rainstorm.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

First of all, it is necessary to keep up to date with the weather forecast. The development of modern technology has made weather forecasts relatively accurate, and real-time weather information and warning signals can be obtained by listening to radio, watching TV, and using meteorological apps. As soon as you hear a rainstorm warning, you should take immediate action and be prepared.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

Before a rainstorm, make sure the drainage system around you is unobstructed. Clean up storm drains, drainage pipes, roof drains, etc., to ensure that rainwater can be drained quickly, and avoid problems such as ground slipping and house leakage caused by stagnant water. In addition, flood-resistant sandbags or drainage ditches can also be set up in low-lying areas to improve drainage efficiency and reduce the risk of flooding.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

In response to possible wind and rain, it is necessary to strengthen the structure of the house to ensure that the house can withstand the impact of heavy rain. Check whether the roof, windows, doors and other parts of the house are firm, whether there is water leakage or damage, and repair or replace them in time. At the same time, waterproof membranes, waterproof adhesive strips and other waterproof materials can be installed to improve the waterproof performance of the house.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

Before the rainstorm, be prepared with emergency supplies. Include food, drinking water, medicines, spare batteries, flashlights, first aid kits and other essential items in case you need them. At the same time, important documents and valuables should be placed in a waterproof bag or waterproof box to prevent moisture damage.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

When a rainstorm comes, pay attention to personal safety protection. Try to go out as little as possible and avoid walking or driving in rainstorms. If you must go out, choose a safe passage, avoid places prone to water accumulation, and drive cautiously to ensure driving safety. At the same time, avoid approaching dangerous objects such as high-voltage power lines and large trees to prevent electric shock or being injured by trees.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

After a rainstorm, take care to avoid possible danger areas. For example, avoid approaching hillsides or cliffs, as heavy rains can cause landslides or mudslides. Also, take care to avoid falling rocks or other dangerous objects that may be present.

If you're unfortunate enough to get stuck in a rainstorm, try to find high ground to take shelter and seek help as soon as possible. If you are trapped in a vehicle, try to park your car in a safe place and open the windows to ensure ventilation while seeking help from the surrounding crowd or the relevant rescue agencies.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

Finally, if you're stuck outdoors, try to find shelter from the rainstorm. Look for woods, buildings, or other similar shelter to shelter from the rain, while trying to keep your body dry to avoid health problems such as colds.

In general, after a rainstorm, we need to be extra careful and vigilant, taking a series of measures to protect ourselves from possible dangers. By wearing appropriate waterproof clothing, avoiding danger zones, finding shelter, etc., we can minimise the risk of heavy rainfall and ensure our own safety.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

After the rainstorm, there may be power outages, water cuts, etc., which will bring certain inconvenience to our lives. Therefore, in daily life, we need to be prepared for emergencies and prepare emergency supplies, such as food, water, medicines, etc., to deal with possible emergencies.

On the 17th~19th, heavy rainfall for 3 consecutive days! A new round of widespread rainstorms is coming

We must remain vigilant, pay attention to the surrounding environment, arrange our actions reasonably, and try to avoid unexpected situations. At the same time, we must also learn to deal with emergencies, do a good job of self-protection, and ensure our own safety. Only in this way will we be able to spend each day safely and healthily after a rainstorm.