
CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

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CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The original work of "Celebrating More Than Years" is a classic IP in online literature, and it won high praise from the audience when it was broadcast in the first season, and the Douban score climbed from 7.8 to 8.0.

Screenwriter Wang Ti won the Magnolia Best Screenplay Award for this drama, successfully breaking the bottleneck of male frequency dramas.

The second season continued the strong lineup of the original cast, with Zhang Ruoyun, Li Qin, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang and other main actors all returning.

In addition, new characters such as Jin Chen, Wu Xingjian, and Sui Junbo were added, as well as powerful actors such as Yu Feihong and Mao Xiaotong, adding new highlights to the sequel.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

At the end of the first season, the suspense of Fan Xian being stabbed and faked to death made the audience look forward to it for five years.

Fan Xian and Yan Bingyun's carefully planned fake death plan used organs and chicken blood to create the illusion of fake death.

After the second prince heard the news of Fan Xian's death, the news quickly spread, causing a huge shock inside and outside the palace.

After Emperor Qing learned of Fan Xian's death, he immediately rushed to the front hall, which was shocking.

After successfully faking his death, Fan Xian secretly returned to Beijing and sneaked into the palace to see Emperor Qing as soon as possible.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Although Fan Xian tearfully stated the reason for his fake death, Emperor Qing saw through his trick at a glance and only expressed his attitude with one word.

This level has passed for the time being, but Fan Xian still needs to face more crises, especially how to rescue the hostages controlled by the second prince.

The puzzle of Baoyuelou and the crisis of the spring under the second prince are all to lure Fan idle into the urn.

Fan Xian took advantage of Wang Qinian's pretense to surrender and devised a counter-plot, and finally found out that the behind-the-scenes boss of Baoyue Tower was actually his younger brother Fan Sizhe.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

The game between Fan Xian and the second prince is not only brilliant in terms of wisdom, but also shows the complexity and multifaceted nature of human nature.

Fan Xian played by Zhang Ruoyun, this performance is really impressive.

His wit and humor in the play are shown just right in every frame.

For example, he secretly returned to Beijing after faking his death, and the expression that was both nervous and a little helpless when facing Emperor Qing was like coming out of a book.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Some netizens commented: Zhang Ruoyun's Fan Xian is like the Fan Xian in my mind, which is particularly vivid.

His grasp of the role of Fan Xian makes people feel that this young man has really experienced countless life and death disasters, but he still maintains that chic and intelligent.

Especially the rivalry between him and Wang Qinian, the two sang together, which was both tense and funny, and people couldn't help but applaud.

Speaking of Emperor Qing, Chen Daoming's acting skills are still at a stable top level.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

In this drama, his every look and every line is full of power.

The complex character of Emperor Qing is vividly demonstrated through Chen Daoming's performance.

He is both a high emperor and a father with a deep heart.

For example, after learning the truth about Fan Xian's fake death, his hidden anger and disappointment seemed to hit the audience's heart directly through the screen.

Some netizens sighed: Chen Daoming's Emperor Qing is afraid and loved, this is the real big actor.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Every decision and every emotional change of Emperor Qing was interpreted very well by Chen Daoming.

Looking back on Chen Daoming's achievements in acting, Chen Daoming is a dazzling star in the Chinese film and television industry, and his acting career has endured ups and downs and made remarkable achievements.

Recently, he has been nominated for a number of important awards, which is not only a recognition of his hard work over the years, but also a testimony to the development of China's film and television industry.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

First of all, Chen Daoming won the Golden Yanghua Award at the Chen Daoming New Era International Film Festival in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the international film stage.

This honor not only represents the pride of Chinese filmmakers, but also shows the growing status of Chinese films on the international stage.

Some netizens commented: Chen Daoming won the Golden Yanghua Award, which is well deserved! His contribution to the international film industry cannot be underestimated, and he has won numerous honors for Chinese films.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

In addition, Chen Daoming also won the honor of 100 filmmakers with outstanding contributions, which fully reflects his outstanding contributions to the Chinese film industry.

He has not only created many classic roles in film and television works, but also made great efforts in the development and promotion of the industry.

Some netizens sighed: Chen Daoming is a legend in the Chinese film industry, each of his works is a classic among classics, and his award is well deserved!

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

At the 1st Aolaiwu International Television Festival, Chen Daoming won the Jin Xuan Award in recognition of his outstanding performance in the field of international TV dramas.

His outstanding acting skills and deep-seated characterization have made him unique on the international stage.

Some netizens excitedly said: Chen Daoming won the Jin Xuan Award, which is great! His status in the international TV drama industry speaks for itself, and this award is well deserved!

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

In addition, on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the party, Chen Daoming also won the National Outstanding TV Drama Actor Award, which is a recognition of his peak performance in his acting career.

His wonderful performances in excellent TV series such as "Celebrating More Than Years" let the audience see his acting strength and professionalism.

Some netizens sighed: Chen Daoming is a legend in the Chinese TV drama industry, every role he plays is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his award is well deserved!

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Wang Qinian, played by Tian Yu, is a highlight in the whole play.

This character is a funny and intelligent existence in the book, and Tian Yu gives full play to this trait.

Every time he appears in the play, he will draw laughter from the audience.

For example, the part where he pretended to take refuge in the second prince is not only a bit of villain's cunning, but also has hidden wisdom, which is really a big explosion of acting.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Some viewers left messages on the Internet: Tian Yu's Wang Qinian is simply the pistachio of the whole play, every time he appears, it makes people feel a lot more relaxed.

In terms of short-term suspense, how Fan Xian faked his death to break through and rescue the orphans of the deceased became the focus of the audience's attention.

The plot sets Fan Xian to fake his death after being stabbed, which is actually a well-planned escape operation.

Not only does he have to deal with assassinations, but he also has to secretly rescue the orphans of his deceased.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

This part of the plot is tense and exciting, and many viewers say that their palms are sweaty.

Some netizens said: Fan Xian's fake death is really heartbeating, it's like watching a spy movie! And his various covert actions after faking his death make people feel full of suspense and urgency.

In terms of long-term layout, Fan Xian's history of fighting monsters is more complex and changeable.

As a young man with ideals and ambitions, he had to face the huge system of the entire feudal dynasty.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

From the open and secret battles in the court to the secret operation of finances, and then to the game with all forces, Fan Xian walked on thin ice every step.

Not only does he have to deal with the traps of his enemies, but he also has to skillfully use his wits and resources to gradually uncover more secrets hidden behind it.

Some viewers discussed: Fan Xian's performance in the court is really enjoyable, and it is really happy to see how he outwits those old foxes.

The entire "Celebrating More Than Years" series relies on the rich content of the original book and is produced in three seasons, each season showing a grander background of the times while laying out the fate of the characters.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

Fan Xian, as a practitioner of Ye Qingmei's concept, shoulders the mission of breaking the injustice of the feudal dynasty, which is also the core of the whole play.

The audience bought this setting very much, and some people commented: Fan Xian is the hope of that era, and his every step is promoting the progress of society.

Fan Xian's growth process is not only personal growth, but also a challenge and change to the whole society.

CCTV "Celebrating More Than Years 2" premiered! After watching 4 episodes in a row, I want to say: CCTV bet on the right treasure again this time

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