
If you want to nourish your stomach, don't follow these 6 stomach misunderstandings

author:Director of Chengdu Boshi Gastrointestinal Department

If you want to nourish your stomach, you do need to master some scientific methods, but there are many stomach nourishing methods circulating on the market, and there are some misunderstandings. You must not follow these 6 stomach misunderstandings, so as not to backfire.

If you want to nourish your stomach, don't follow these 6 stomach misunderstandings

First of all, some people think that drinking porridge can nourish the stomach, but this is not the case. Although porridge is easy to digest, drinking only porridge for a long time will cause the digestive function of the stomach to decline, so that the stomach loses the motivation to "use and disuse".

Secondly, some people think that ingredients such as ginger, brown sugar, and pork belly can nourish the stomach, but these ingredients are not suitable for everyone. Ginger is spicy and may be beneficial for people with a cold stomach, but it may worsen for people with a hot stomach.

Although brown sugar can replenish energy, excessive intake will increase gastric acid secretion and increase the burden on the stomach. Although animal offal such as pork belly is rich in nutrients, it has a high fat content, which is not conducive to stomach digestion.

If you want to nourish your stomach, don't follow these 6 stomach misunderstandings

In addition, some people think that to nourish the stomach, we should eat more fine grains and less coarse grains. In fact, whole grains are rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation. Proper intake of whole grains is beneficial to the health of the stomach.

In addition, some people believe that exercising immediately after a meal can improve digestion, which is actually a misconception. Exercising immediately after a meal can cause blood flow to the muscles, affect the digestive function of the stomach, and may even trigger stomach upset.

Also, some people think that if you have an upset stomach, you can just take some medicine by yourself, which is also wrong. Although some drugs can relieve stomach discomfort, most people are not doctors, and they do not know the condition at all without examination.

If you want to nourish your stomach, don't follow these 6 stomach misunderstandings

Finally, some people think that nourishing the stomach is not eating spicy, raw and cold food, although there is some truth to this, but too strict restrictions on the diet will lead to unbalanced nutrition and affect physical health.

To sum up, nourishing the stomach is not an overnight thing, and we need to pay more attention in our daily life to avoid misunderstandings. Only by scientifically nourishing the stomach can we make our stomach healthier.