
Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

author:Lamb Stories Meeting

The entertainment industry has always been the hardest hit area of the news, and the private lives of celebrities can always cause an uproar! Recently, a "scandal" once again pushed Feng Shaofeng, Zhao Liying and the newly joined Gai Yuexi to the forefront!

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

In the entertainment industry, there are always some powerful actors who are unforgettable. They may not be the most good-looking, but with their excellent acting skills and sincere interpretation of the role, they have won the love of countless audiences. Among them, Feng Shaofeng is such a powerful actor, and each of his roles deeply touches the hearts of the audience. Whether he is domineering or gentle, he can control it with ease and perfectly display the unique personality of the character. Today, let's enjoy the wonderful performance of this "acting director".

When it comes to Feng Shaofeng, I believe everyone will first think of the role of Liu Zhang played by him in "Beauty Scheming". This image of wisdom and bravery, iron man and tenderness has left a very deep impression on people. His eyes full of enthusiasm and resoluteness seem to be warriors who have come out of the picture scroll of history. At the same time, his deep attachment to his family shows the softest side of this tough guy's heart. The audience was all impressed by his acting skills.

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

In "Good Times Like a Dream", Feng Shaofeng completely subverted his previous image and played a weak and infatuated and kind Meng Heping. Faced with the ruthless tricks of fate, he chose to forbear and be strong, and used his own way to fight against fate. This restrained power is equally moving.

I have to mention that in the costume drama "Palace", Feng Shaofeng played a slightly childish but persistent eighth elder brother. This character feels like a spoiled little prince, but it makes people pity his simplicity and persistence. Feng Shaofeng vividly interpreted this contradictory character, allowing the audience to see a new him.

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

Whether it is a heroic tough guy, a gentle and elegant or a childish little prince, Feng Shaofeng can handle different roles with ease. He never regards acting as a kind of "play ticket", but uses his sincerity and hard work to perform every role to the fullest. It is this dedication to the actor's career that has won him the love of countless fans.

Zhao Liying, a popular actress in the entertainment industry, has won the glory of life by relying on her own hard work and perseverance. She is not from a professional background, but she has conquered countless film and television fans with her persistent beliefs and has become an idol in the hearts of thousands of boys and girls. Today, let's walk into the wonderful life of this "national sweetheart" and appreciate her positive energy power on the screen plus in reality.

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

Zhao Liying was born in an ordinary family and has shown extraordinary tenacity and self-motivation since she was a child. Although her family was not well-off, she never bowed to fate. When she was in high school, she became famous on campus with her outstanding appearance and temperament. After graduating from university, she resolutely stepped onto the stage of her dream in Beijing.

At the beginning, Zhao Liying did not receive professional drama training, she just relied on her simple nature and persistence in her dreams to gradually explore. By chance, she got some opportunities to play small roles, although it was only a supporting role, but she devoted herself to it. Due to her outstanding performance, she was quickly noticed by numerous directors and producers.

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

In 2012, Zhao Liying officially stepped into the peak of her career with the role of "Zhao Linger" in the costume drama "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III". The gentle and virtuous image is deeply loved by the audience, and she has also won the reputation of "national girlfriend". In the following years, she starred in a number of popular film and television dramas, such as "Shanshan is Coming", "You Are in the Sand", etc., all of which are ratings champions, and she was also nicknamed "Little Devil of Ratings".

Zhao Liying is not only radiant on the screen, but also a representative of positive energy in real life. She has been involved in public welfare and charity all year round and has given back to the society in her own way. Last year, she went to the impoverished mountainous area of her hometown to donate school supplies to local children, and set an example by calling on everyone to pay attention to education.

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

Zhao Liying used her life experience to interpret a simple and powerful truth: as long as you have dreams and pursue them with perseverance, you will definitely be able to achieve success. With her simple appearance and kindness in her heart, she has won the love of countless people. And what is even more commendable is that after her career is successful, she still maintains a humble heart and never forgets to give back to the society.

As an idol, Zhao Liying has set a model of positive energy for us with practical actions. In this impetuous era, her story reminds us that by sticking to our dreams and warming others with kindness, we will surely make life shine brightly. Her spirit deserves to be learned and passed on by each of us.

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

At the beginning of the story, Feng Shaofeng and actress Gai Yuexi were exposed to intimate photos of dinner together. In the photo, the two look intimate, and they seem to be "old lovers". This is undoubtedly the last thing Zhao Liying wants to see, after all, she and Feng Shaofeng have only been divorced for a short time, and the trauma is still there.

As soon as the news came out, Zhao Liying immediately responded, announcing that she would fight for the custody of her daughter. This undoubtedly pushed the situation to another peak, making the small turmoil that was originally just a private matter of celebrities instantly detonated into a "nuclear bomb" level news in the entertainment industry. Naturally, the camps on both sides couldn't hold back, and they "defended" their stars on the Internet. Some people scolded Zhao Liying for hurting children, and some people condemned Feng Shaofeng for being untrustworthy. Even Gai Yuexi's fans joined the battle group, and the scene was full of gunpowder for a while.

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

At this point, we might as well calm down and reflect: the love life of celebrities is full of variables, and the stories of new and old loves are not new. Zhao Liying's request for custody is also a legitimate right as a mother. But does she have the best interests of her children in mind? Did you make a selfish decision to hurt your child?

As for Feng Shaofeng and Gai Yuexi, only the parties know best how their relationship is going. Is the criticism from the outside world fair? Is there also a blind pursuit of "black and white"? Only time will tell.

Feng Shaofeng's new relationship exposed! Zhao Liying is in a hurry to fight for custody, full of gunpowder!

This incident reflects the strangeness of human nature in the entertainment industry. The life of a celebrity is like an acrobatic with a sesame door, as long as one detail is wrong, the whole situation will get out of control. As celebrities, they must always pay attention to their words and deeds, because they have become a "community" of the public.

At the same time, we, as viewers, must also maintain a rational and objective attitude, and not be blinded by some "face projects". We need to learn to distinguish between reality and fiction, and respect everyone's right to pursue happiness. After all, in this world, no one can expect others to contribute to you forever.

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