
Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

author:Ancient and modern times
Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

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On the night of Chinese New Year's Eve in 1984, on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, Li Guyi's heaven-like singing voice echoed in the air, and the melodious and beautiful "Unforgettable Tonight" made hundreds of millions of viewers across the country intoxicated!

This popular masterpiece is like a warm current of spring, gently brushing through every heart that yearns for a better life in the New Year and looks forward to family reunion. For Li Guyi, this song is undoubtedly the most dazzling chapter in her long and brilliant acting career.

Over the years, Li Guyi has always adhered to the field of vocal music, devoted himself to the study of music theory, mastered various singing skills, and was full of endless love for stage performances.

It was this unwavering spirit of pursuit that made her stand out in the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala in 1983, winning warm applause from the national audience, and thus was honored to sing the finale on Chinese New Year's Eve in 1984.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Despite the tight time for preparations, Li Guyi still threw himself into the feast. With her most soulful voice, she vividly interprets every word of this song, fully demonstrating her incomparable passion for art.

The audience was deeply moved by her exquisite skills, and the moment the New Year's bell rang, their hearts were filled with endless joy and happiness.

However, behind this, Li Guyi also experienced countless hardships and obstacles in order to sing "Unforgettable Tonight" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. When the director at that time, Huang Yihe, invited Qiao Yu, a giant in the lyric world, to compose this lyrics, the time was extremely tight, and Qiao Yu even felt a lot of pressure for a while.

However, Qiao Yu finally handed over an answer sheet that Huang Yihe was very satisfied with. However, just as the director's team was cheering that the lyrics were ready, a fierce controversy erupted within the company.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Some members felt that the song was too lingering and lacked the solemnity it deserved, and was not suitable as a finale on Chinese New Year's Eve.

However, Huang Yihe resolutely defends his point of view, firmly believing that this is the expression of emotion he is pursuing. So, he withstood the pressure, overcame public opinion, and resolutely decided to invite the popular singer Li Guyi to sing this song in the Spring Festival Gala.

The role-playing is wonderful, full of emotion, sincere and full of magnetism, Li Guyi, with his shocking performance, won the audience's warm applause and cheers! Under the stage, Li Guyi's mentor Jin Tielin looked at the outstanding protégé on the stage with joy and pride, and the pride and satisfaction on his face were as warm as a storm.

Time passed to the early 60s of the last century, and the youthful and energetic Li Guyi resolutely devoted himself to studying under the master of vocal music education, Jin Tielin, with endless yearning and dreams in the music world.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

At that time, Professor Jin was at the peak of his skills at home and abroad, but he was only four years older than the young Li Guyi, Li Guyi was not only the leader among Jin Tielin's disciples, but also the best test of his teaching philosophy.

In those simple and unpretentious years, the innocent emotions between teachers and students that were not polluted by the world gradually bloomed quietly in the bottom of their hearts. Jin Tielin devoted all his resources to selflessly impart his rich and extensive knowledge to Li Guyi; Li Guyi, on the other hand, is hungry for new knowledge, diligent and studious, and the master and apprentice nourish each other and grow together.

With the passage of time, this pure feeling of learning has quietly changed and sublimated into a rare deep friendship in the world.

At that time, the social atmosphere was simple, and people's perception of love relationships was more simple and direct. Without hesitation, they naturally entered the palace of marriage and opened a new chapter in their lives.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Soon after their marriage, their careers soared into the sky like rockets, and the future was bright, Jin Tielin became famous, and Li Guyi also emerged and successfully became a member of the Central Orchestra.

However, just as their careers were booming, cracks began to appear in their relationship. As a result of their dedication to work, the time spent between the two is decreasing, and their relationship is gradually estranged.

The trivial matters of life often cause quarrels, but no one is willing to take the initiative to resolve them, and even more regrettably, there is an insurmountable gap between them - the issue of fertility.

After many years of marriage, Li Guyi has never been able to get pregnant. Although doctors confirmed that the two were in good health, they eventually chose to part ways for this reason. Faced with the inability to give each other the most precious gift, their hearts are full of resentment and dissatisfaction, unable to understand and tolerate each other, and the beautiful marriage in the past seems so fragile and powerless in the face of reality.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

It was a time of stereotypical fashion, and Li Gu, as a woman, failed to bear the pain of not being able to bear the fact that she could not bear it. She felt deeply guilty and felt that her expectations for her husband could not be met, so she reluctantly gave up and decided to let Jin Tielin go and let him embark on a new journey in life.

However, coincidentally, Jin Tielin was also worried about this matter, questioning whether Li Guyi was impatient and determined enough to deal with feelings. In this context, the teacher-student lovers who had been close to each other finally chose to break up and turned their backs on each other.

After Jin Tielin's marriage with Li Guyi broke down, she fell into a lonely and helpless situation, and her heart was full of confusion and uneasiness. However, during this low ebb, there is one person who has always pursued her firmly - that is Xiao Zhuoneng, a loyal fan of Li Guyi.

Xiao Zhuoneng came from a prominent family, and his father was a founding father who held important positions in politics. However, in Xiao Zhuoneng's eyes, these honorary titles are insignificant, and the only desire in his heart is to win Li Guyi's heart.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

No matter where Li Guyi's concert is held, he will always follow closely behind, sitting silently in the audience, looking at the goddess on the stage with enthusiastic eyes.

At the end of the performance, Xiao Zhuoneng always personally picked the most delicate bouquet of flowers and carefully presented them to Li Guyi, entrusting him with his endless thoughts about her.

At first, Li Guyi was slightly uncomfortable with Xiao Zhuoneng's persistent pursuit, thinking that his behavior was too passionate. However, with the passage of time, Xiao Zhuoneng's sincere and unswerving affection finally touched the ice in her heart.

This eternal flame of love gradually melted Li Guyi's vigilance against marriage and rekindled her longing for a better life. At the end of a performance, Li Guyi did not leave alone as usual, but took the initiative to walk to Xiao Zhuoneng, who had been waiting for a long time, took the rose in his hand, and bowed his head gently.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Since then, Li Gu has embarked on a new journey in life and ushered in her second marriage. She knows that this time must be cherished, and she must not repeat the mistakes of the past again, hurting herself and the people she cherishes.

After marriage, Xiao Zhuo can always be by her side like a shadow, giving her an unprecedented sense of security, showing incomparable tolerance and generosity.

Li Guyi, who was plagued by psychological trauma, regained his faith and courage in life under the careful care and encouragement of her husband Xiao Zhuoneng, and once again devoted herself to the music career.

After Xiao Zhuoneng's meticulous support and encouragement, her singing talent glows with a new brilliance and has once again climbed to the peak of her career!

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

At the same time, Xiao Zhuoneng gradually understood and understood his wife's busy work situation in married life, and did his best to provide her with warm family support.

Soon after marriage, Li Guyi ushered in the most precious gift in his life - the birth of his baby daughter Xiao Yi. The advent of this little life brought endless joy to Li Guyi, and also made her expectations for a happy family life reach an unprecedented height.

However, as a professional singer at the peak of his career, Li Guyi also faced new challenges and choices. Invitations to perform from all over the world poured in, and in order to further develop her career, she had to travel around for a long time.

Although Xiao Zhuo was able to take care of his daughter dutifully at home, the absence of maternal love still filled the young Xiao Yi's heart with confusion and loneliness.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Every time she watched her mother leave in a hurry, her immature heart was surrounded by deep loneliness and fear. Even when he was at home, Li Guyi was often occupied by all kinds of rehearsals and preparations.

Every cell in her body was so eager for that coveted stage scene that she knew little about her daughter's upbringing.

Sometimes when Xiao Yi unfortunately fell ill and lay in the hospital for several days, Li Guyi could only visit briefly and then plunged into the intense rehearsals, unable to give him sufficient company.

Lying alone on the cold hospital bed, the young Xiao Yi's heart was full of confusion and the pain of abandonment. She longed so much for her mother's love and pampering, but she could only spend every long night alone.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Thankfully, Xiao Yi has an extremely considerate father. Under Xiao Zoneng's meticulous guidance and enlightenment, Xiao Yi gradually learned to understand and tolerate.

She is well aware of the importance of her mother's career to the country and the people, and although she still feels lonely from time to time in her heart, she has been able to understand her mother's hard work.

However, Li Guyi, who is constantly hesitating between family and career, is full of endless shame and self-blame. She is acutely aware that her responsibilities as a mother are not yet fully perfect, but she is powerless to change the situation.

This intricate confusion left her physically and mentally exhausted, but it was difficult for her to devote herself to her career whenever and wherever she could.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Therefore, she resolutely decided to put her career first and devote all her precious youth to the stage, even if it meant continuing to owe something to her family. Whenever her daughter was depressed, she could only watch Xiao Zhuo come forward again to comfort and comfort her daughter, but she was helpless, which made her even more self-blaming and painful.

Just when Li Guyi's singing career was in full swing and her fame was far and wide, fate brought her an extremely cruel joke. In 2020, her beloved husband Xiao Zhuoneng unfortunately passed away due to illness, which undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Li Guyi.

Over the years, Xiao Zhuoneng has been her strongest supporter, giving her a deep understanding and tolerance when she is faced with the difficult choice between her artistic career and family responsibilities.

With the loss of Xiao Zhuoneng, it was difficult for Li Guyi to find a trace of comfort in his heart. In the long night, she faced the empty room alone, and the good times she spent with Xiao Zhuo Neng's mind kept flashing in her mind.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

In her memories, his warm and powerful hands always led her forward; His broad shoulders sheltered her from the wind and rain; His tolerant and considerate gaze always gave her endless strength...... Now, these beautiful memories have disappeared with Xiao Zhuoneng's departure and left her forever.

In addition to grief, what made Li Gu even more heartfelt was that she lost the opportunity to make up for Xiao Zhuoneng forever. Due to the long hours of performing outside, she was unable to accompany Xiao Zhuo to spend the last moments of her life, which made her carry a heavy psychological burden, and guilt tormented her soul all the time.

Every time she recalled those missed moments, she burst into tears and felt deeply guilty.

The debt to his daughter Xiao Yi also troubled Li Gu day and night. Over the years, she has focused on her career and devoted a lot of time and energy to stage performances, thus neglecting to take care of her daughter.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Although Xiao Zhuoneng has been trying his best to catch up and make up for this regret, as a mother, Li Guyi has not been able to fully fulfill his responsibilities after all!

Whenever he raised his eyes to see his daughter's lonely appearance with his brows furrowed and silent alone, the thousands of thorns in Li Guyi's heart seemed to be twisting mercilessly; And whenever she heard about her daughter facing all kinds of troubles of her peers alone, she felt even more self-blame and pain.

She knows that the reason why her daughter has become so introverted and reticent is precisely because she has been severely lacking the nourishment of maternal love since she was a child. However, looking back, why didn't she have any other choice at that time? In order to overcome the obstacles in her music career, she must give her all and not let up without being distracted by family chores.

Now, when Xiao Yi has entered his youth, Li Guyi has become more and more deeply aware that he has missed the most critical growth process in his daughter's life. It was supposed to be a good time of intimacy and joy between mother and daughter, but because of the stumbling of her career, she failed to live up to all her daughter's expectations of her.

Li Guyi: The first marriage was married to the teacher, and the second marriage was married to the fan, and so far the two husbands have passed away

Whenever he thinks about this, Li Guyi always falls into deep self-blame and pain, and even longs for time to turn back and start that precious period again.

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