
The beauty of moxibustion perineum! You can't count it on one hand, and it's even worse to have moxibustion!

author:Health Road Plue

TCM believes that:

The bottom of the sea is not opened, and it is difficult for anyone to pass.

Li Shizhen said:

"This pulse is moving, and all the pulses are connected."

As soon as the bottom of the sea is opened, all the holes are opened;

The central channel is connected, and all the pulses are connected.

The beauty of moxibustion perineum! You can't count it on one hand, and it's even worse to have moxibustion!

The perineal acupoint is the key acupoint on the human body's veins, and it is an important acupoint for the longevity of the human body.

The perineum, as the name suggests, is the place where the yin meridians and qi meet. This acupoint is in a straight line with the Baihui acupoint on the top of the human body's head, which is the channel of the human body's essence and spirit. Baihui is the yang and the weather, and the perineum is the yin and the earth, the two are interdependent, similar and corresponding, controlling the normal operation of the true qi on the two veins of Rendu, maintaining the balance of yin and yang qi and blood in the body, which is the key part of the human body's vital activities.

The beauty of moxibustion perineum! You can't count it on one hand, and it's even worse to have moxibustion!

▲ Aiko

Tantra believes

Tantra believes that it penetrates the key points of the whole body's qi veins

Somewhere in the human body lurked a powerful spirit snake, in the shape of three and a half, its head hanging downward. Once the spirit snake is awakened, it will erupt a strong "spiritual heat" (also known as clumsy fire, spiritual power), so that people can get a healthy body and extraordinary energy, and there will be incredible various functions.

Therefore, Yoga said: "If you comprehend the secret of this fire, this kind of person is a true enlightened being." ”

Taoists think

Taoist master Zhang Ziyang said in the "Eight Veins Sutra": "This vein is scattered in the Dan Sutra, with mud pills on the top and springs on the bottom. The true qi gathers and disperses, and all of them flow around the knot from now on, and the whole body is connected. Harmony is upward, the yang grows and the yin disappears, the fire in the water is hot, and the flowers bloom in the snow. Tiangen Moon Cave is idle, and the thirty-six palaces are spring. Those who get it will have a healthy body and a strong face. Before the tail of Kundi, after the bladder, under the small intestine, and above the spirit turtle. This is the root of the vitality of heaven and earth, and the land of lead. ”

The book "The Secret of Life and Life" written by Zhao Fuchen, an old man of the Taoist Longmen School, describes in detail the ten steps of opening the eight veins of the Qi Jing, each of which revolves around this acupoint as the core, so that the qi runs up and down, back and forth along the eight veins, so this acupoint is called the total root of the eight veins.

Taoists also believe that this cave is like an iron door, and it is difficult for nine arrows to penetrate. As long as the bottom of the sea is turned on, it is not difficult to open and close.

The beauty of moxibustion perineum! You can't count it on one hand, and it's even worse to have moxibustion!

Moxibustion perineum

Regular moxibustion of perineum acupoints can dredge the veins in the body, promote the handover and circulation of yin and yang qi, and have a unique role in regulating physiological and reproductive functions.

Moxibustion perineum acupoint can also treat hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, constipation, prolapse, perianal abscess, abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal prolapse and other gynecological diseases, frequent urination, prostatitis and other symptoms.

The miraculous effect of moxibustion perineum acupoint

In the perineal acupoint function record, the following items have been verified after the implementation of this moxibustion method several years ago:

1. Clear heat;

2. Huiyang (i.e., Fuyang);

3. Wake up;

4. Regulate menstruation and strengthen the kidneys;

5, genitourinary diseases;

6. Stool failure;

7. Puneitis inflammation;

8. Hygro syndrome of genitals;

9. Itching;

10. Menstrual pain.

Perineal acupoints, one acupoint open and one hundred acupoints open

Moxibustion communicates with Ren Du and the second pulse, and quickly replenishes yang energy!

The beauty of moxibustion perineum! You can't count it on one hand, and it's even worse to have moxibustion!

The essential oil substances in moxa smoke can fully contact the human body, so that the medicinal power can directly reach the lesion, activate the meridians, regulate the internal cell environment, reconcile qi and blood, improve body function, and enhance immunity.

It can not only improve the blood circulation and function of the uterus and ovaries, vagina, urethra, prostate and other parts, but also eliminate the pain caused by various gynecological inflammation, prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, hemorrhoids, etc., and can also beautify and remove freckle and beauty!

The beauty of moxibustion perineum! You can't count it on one hand, and it's even worse to have moxibustion!

【Moxibustion method】It is very simple, no need to find acupuncture points, just sit on a portable moxibustion box for the perineum. You can also hold moxa sticks for fixed-point moxibustion (you can buy it at the drugstore, it's very cheap)

The thermal effect of moxibustion reaches deep into the muscle layer, comprehensively regulates the functions of the human body, and reaches the lesion directly! Adhering to moxibustion can also enhance immunity, enhance yang and solidify it, replenish yang qi, remove dampness, activate meridians, and comprehensively regulate people's qi and blood balance!

Sitting moxibustion can cure diseases at the same time, but also slim down and nourish the skin!

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying that "if the disease is at the top, it will be cured", and moxibustion is a therapy suitable for this theory, and women with poor skin and obesity can improve their physiology and naturally lose weight and make their skin smoother after using zamoxibustion.

Moxibustion - can prevent diseases, slim down, and maintain beauty!

1. Improve blood circulation: Moxibustion can warm the cold lower abdomen and improve blood circulation, so it can be used for menstrual pain, menstrual irregularities, and other female diseases. At the same time, it can improve the blood circulation of the intestinal wall, so it has the effect of eliminating constipation and stool.

2. Pain relief: improve blood circulation in the lower abdomen and promote lymphatic circulation, relieve menstrual pain, lower abdominal pain, low back pain, neuralgia, etc.

3. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect: The super bactericidal and anti-inflammatory force will directly affect the affected area and can always keep it clean, which helps to improve female diseases (pubic itching, lower belt, vulvar odor), anal diseases (hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, prolapse), prostate diseases, etc.

4. Contractile effect: It is used in the postpartum period to help the contraction of the uterus and vagina caused by childbirth.

5. Beauty and slimming effect: sitting moxibustion can communicate the two pulses of Rendu and the chong pulse, and after the meridians are unblocked and the qi and blood are full, it naturally has a good nourishing effect on the skin. The effect of sitting moxibustion to drain cold and dampness is very good, and the human digestive and circulatory system can run healthily after removing cold and dampness, and it is impossible to be obese!

It is a lifelong regret that women don't know how to sit and moxibustion!

Women's genitals are sunken, and the chance of infection with bacteria is higher than that of men, and moxibustion can solve many problems!

1. Suitable for people who sit on moxibustion:

1. Women after childbirth and people who are afraid of going to the toilet

2. People who want to clean before and after menstruation

3. Women who need to change their underwear frequently

4. People with constipation and abdominal obesity and hard work

5. People with gynecological or andrological diseases

6. Patients with hemorrhoids or perianal diseases

7. Body cold and fear of cold, especially patients with cold and dampness in the lower body

2. Precautions for sitting and moxibustion:

1. The choice of moxa sticks is very important when sitting on moxibustion, because the perineal skin is delicate and sensitive, so do not use new moxa to sit on moxibustion, but choose good quality Chen moxa sticks, which have mild effects, strong stamina and good effects.

2. Because the skin of the genitals is delicate, you must pay attention to the temperature not too high, and feel warm and comfortable. The first moxibustion should not be too violent, the moxibustion time should be short, and the moxibustion time should be gradually extended after getting used to it a few times.

3. Patients with acute infectious diseases, severe heart disease, hypertension, severe anemia and dizziness, arteriosclerosis, pregnant and menstrual women, and people with bleeding tendency, please consult a traditional Chinese medicine doctor or be accompanied by family members before sitting, and must be cautious.