
It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

author:Xinghua Archives
It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

Text: Xinghua Archives

Edited by Xinghua Archives

As the saying goes, you never know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident, recently a tragic accident happened in a family, and this incident made us see what is called a disaster from the sky. A woman in Heilongjiang suddenly exploded when she was washing in the bathroom at home, and for a while the glass fragments in the room were flying all over the sky. As soon as this accident was reported, it instantly aroused the attention of all walks of life, so hurry up and see if your bath screen is covered with explosion-proof film.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

The event passed

On May 15, a 16-year-old girl was taking a bath in the bathroom of her home in a family in Harbin, when everything seemed so normal and peaceful. But the accident inadvertently came to the girl's side, only to hear a "bang", and the bathroom screen exploded in an instant. Such thick glass shards would not have flown if they were ordinary, they were everywhere, but the girl was not spared by the huge impact. For a moment, the sound of glass cracking and the sound of girls crying filled the room.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

The girl's mother was in her bedroom at the time, and when she heard the movement, she hurried to the bathroom, and at this time a bad premonition haunted her. When the girl's mother opened the door, she saw a scene that she will never forget, only to see that her daughter was covered in X, and she was still covered in thick glass shards. After the incident, the girl's mother said that she heard her daughter's heart-rending cry at that time, and shouted: "Mom help me, I'm scared, the blood can't stop!" Although it had happened, the girl's mother still couldn't stop choking when she recalled the scene at that time, and the mother also said that she saw her daughter covering her arm and X cooing out, and it felt like the sky was falling.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

Seeing that the girl's injuries were so serious, she was quickly sent to the hospital for treatment, and the girl's mother told the media that after examination, there were four wounds that needed stitches, and about twenty or thirty stitches were needed. He also said that he would fight to the end against unscrupulous merchants who produce glass through legal means. After the incident, the girl's mother also explained that this bath screen was bought by an agent in 2018, and she saw that the situation was so serious, but after so many years, the merchant said that she could only help find the manufacturer of the glass, and there was no other way.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

Subsequently, the girl's mother finally found the glass manufacturer after several tosses, but the manufacturer said that she could only replace a bath screen for free. This sentence made the girl's family very angry, the child was so seriously hurt, and it will even cause her a lifetime of psychological shadows, is the result just a simple "change of bath screen"? Manufacturers and agents don't want to take responsibility and kick the ball back and forth, and the way they solve the problem is even more ridiculous. The girl's family certainly wouldn't agree, and the accident left them skeptical about the quality of the factory's glass and the standards it was carried out.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

Netizens' opinions

With the fermentation of the situation, netizens have said in the comment area that they have also encountered this situation, some people said that I also encountered an explosion, just on the back, glass slag is all over the back, the family helped clean up the glass shards and residues for an hour, and the paper towels that wiped X were all dyed red and thrown to the ground, and now no matter how you decorate the house, you will no longer install glass walls. Through the comments of netizens in the comment area, it is not difficult to find that so many people have encountered the same situation, and the injuries are all serious, so the reasons behind it have to cause us to think deeply.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

Some netizens said: My husband specializes in repairing rain houses, and he said that every piece of glass has the possibility of self-explosion, so it must be pasted with explosion-proof film! Nowadays, in order to save costs, many real estate companies rarely decorate and apply explosion-proof film to the glass. There are also netizens who say that the tempered glass itself has a 3 out of 1,000 probability of self-explosion, don't be lucky and think that your home is 3 out of 1,000, and it is best to paste the explosion-proof film.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

What is a bath screen?

In the comment area of this video, you can see that there are still many netizens who don't know what the bath screen is, as the name suggests, the bath screen is a kind of partition, in short, it is a common bathroom partition device, usually to separate the dry and wet areas. Of course, not all glass manufacturers produce bad quality, some netizens said that they have been making glass for almost 20 years, although the glass is not easy to break when tempered, and the self-explosion rate is very small, but the possibility of not being rotten is not ruled out. Therefore, it is recommended that you put on an explosion-proof film, and the frosted film can also reduce the chance of glass self-explosion and injury.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!
It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

There are various styles and prices for the decoration of bath screens, but no matter what the price, safety is the most important thing. When you buy and install a bath screen, you must carefully check the quality and implementation standards of the glass, because some black-hearted manufacturers are shoddy, thinking that everything will be fine after selling the glass, and they don't care if there will be any accidents. So be sure to keep your eyes open, some people say that it is okay to wrap it with scotch tape without sticking explosion-proof film. Anyway, for safety reasons, readers in front of the screen should definitely check the glass in their own bathrooms.

It's scary! A 16-year-old girl showered at home, and the bath screen suddenly exploded, and she had more than 20 stitches all over her body!

The picture comes from the Internet

Finally, I would like to say

The tragedy has happened, and the girl's life is not in danger for the time being, but we still can't take chances, and the hardness of the glass shards under the huge impact will cause very serious consequences if we don't pay attention. Similar incidents began a few years ago, which warns us that we must focus on safety, and check whether the manufacturer's production materials are complete and qualified when buying and choosing a bath screen, and remember to put safety first!

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