
Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

author:Winter says school
Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

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Cao Ying was born in a family full of artistic atmosphere, and showed outstanding talent and temperament since she was a child, which was appreciated by everyone around her. Her bright and energetic face, combined with her witty and playful personality, has won the unparalleled affection and admiration of her family.

Mother often lamented her ingenuity, which would surely attract many suitors in the future.

Cao Ying's love and expertise in makeup seems to be innate. Not only is she passionate about creating makeup for herself, but she also loves to knit warm sweaters for her family. Each sweater from her hand is colorful and evenly stitched, perfectly demonstrating her unique aesthetic and superb craftsmanship.

After entering her youth, Cao Ying firmly established the dream of becoming an outstanding makeup artist. She was admitted to the beauty salon major of Huangzhuang Vocational High School as she wished, and devoted herself to the study of makeup skills.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

After years of unremitting efforts, Cao Ying quickly cultivated her makeup skills to the pinnacle.

At the age of 19, Cao Ying, who was full of expectations, stepped into a film crew and was eager to create beautiful makeup for the actors. However, her fair-skinned and beautiful appearance and extraordinary temperament attracted the director's strong attention.

The director felt that it was too much to let such an excellent woman only work in makeup, so he did not hesitate to invite her to join the cast.

In this way, Cao Ying accidentally embarked on the challenging road of being an actor. During the filming of the movie "Drunken Fist 2", she experienced a thrilling accident. In the midst of a chaotic fight scene, a brick suddenly strikes her, and although she is lucky enough to avoid a head-on impact, it still causes injuries to the bridge of her nose.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

In the face of this sudden change, Cao Ying did not flinch in the slightest, but resolutely stuck to her post until the wound was completely healed.

Since then, Cao Ying has moved to Hong Kong for development. Her outstanding appearance once again brought her opportunities, and the senior management of Hong Kong TV took a fancy to her at a glance and invited her to be the host of the variety show "Half the Sky".

With her elegant and generous temperament and charming charm, Cao Ying quickly rose and became a well-known host.

It was during the wonderful hosting stage of the "Half the Sky" program that Cao Ying met the real genius in her life - the talented actor Wang Ban. Wang Ban, a star-level acting school, has dabbled in many film and television masterpieces, such as "Homecoming Like a Rainbow", "Wangzu" and "Pigeon Nitrate", etc., and his superb performances in them have won the love of the audience. What's even more striking is that at that time, he was already the deputy captain of the actor team of the Beijing People's Art Theater, and he could be described as having a successful career.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

The fate of the two began with the filming process of participating in the TV series "Pretty Girl" together. When he first met Cao Ying, Wang Ban was deeply attracted by her charming appearance and lively and cheerful personality. However, he never dared to express this emotion.

During the filming, the crew specially prepared a Mid-Autumn Festival Gala for everyone. Cao Ying and his wife were also invited to attend, and Wang Ban witnessed Cao Ying's virtuous and generous demeanor, and the love in his heart became stronger and stronger. However, on the return car, he missed the best time to confess because he was too shy. Despite this, he still lightly touched Cao Ying's hand in the car, but all this was noticed by the attentive Cao Ying.

After returning to the hotel, Wang Ban finally mustered up the courage and decided to be honest with Cao Ying. However, due to excessive nervousness, his expression seemed confused, sometimes in Chinese and sometimes in English to confess to Cao Ying, which made Cao Ying confused, and finally could only politely reject his confession.

This refusal undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Wang Ban, and he even thought about giving up this relationship at one point. However, whenever the two perform on stage together, Cao Ying's elegant and generous figure will always inadvertently come to his mind, making him unable to let go of this emotion.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

Therefore, Wang Ban decided to try again, no matter how many times he failed. As time passed, Cao Ying was gradually moved by this taciturn but persistent man. After completing the filming of a TV series, the two finally entered the palace of marriage.

However, Cao Ying's family is not very satisfied with Wang Ban's family background and questions whether he can give his daughter a happy family. In order to be able to get the marriage certificate smoothly, the two had a fierce quarrel over this.

Faced with Cao Ying's doubts, Wang Ban firmly held her hand and led her into the Civil Affairs Bureau to successfully receive the marriage certificate. He firmly believes that it is precisely because Cao Ying also loves him deeply that they can get to where they are today.

Cao Ying and Wang Ban's wedding is not only warm and extraordinary, but also adheres to the starry sky theme wedding that Cao Ying yearns for and loves. At the beginning of their marriage, they are like a glue paint on the same branch, every moment of life is full of love and sweetness, and the happy and warm atmosphere is everywhere around them.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

In the initial stage, Wang Ban inevitably worries that a beautiful and moving woman like Cao Ying may not be familiar with housework. So he fearlessly went into the kitchen, determined to offer his dear wife a few of his best dishes. However, to his surprise, Cao Ying actually had exquisite cooking skills, and she personally cooked a table of delicious food for her husband, which made Wang Ban admire. In addition, Cao Ying is also a hard-working and capable housewife, and she does everything in the family by herself.

Whether it is laundry, mopping the floor or tidying up the housework, she is at ease Seeing his wife so virtuous, Wang Ban's heart was full of relief, and he sighed that he was really lucky to marry such an excellent partner.

Soon after, the good news that Cao Ying was pregnant with a baby came. On the day of delivery, Wang Ban always waited outside the delivery room and witnessed the arrival of a new life. After giving birth, Cao Ying had great mood swings and was often plagued by insomnia. In order to let his wife get enough rest, Wang Ban did not hesitate to suspend the work in his hand and take care of Cao Ying's daily life wholeheartedly.

Late one night, Cao Ying got up to pour water due to unbearable thirst, but unfortunately fell to the ground, resulting in a foot injury. When Wang Ban found out, Cao Ying was already in unbearable pain. Seeing his wife's scarred appearance, Wang Ban's heart was full of guilt, and he immediately carefully and thoughtfully applied ointment to her and gently brushed the wound again and again. Under Wang Ban's careful care, Cao Ying quickly recovered her health.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

In order to be able to accompany her children wholeheartedly to grow up, Cao Ying resolutely decided to temporarily bid farewell to her acting career and become a full-time mother. At first, Wang Ban was skeptical of Cao Ying's decision, fearing that she would feel bored and lonely because of her devotion to her family. Some people even discussed it in private, thinking that since Wang Ban's popularity is far less than Cao Ying, it should be that he chose to quit the entertainment industry.

However, when witnessing his wife Cao Ying's increasing brilliance, Wang Ban finally dispelled the doubts in his heart and sincerely supported his wife to devote herself to the role of a mother. During the period when Cao Ying was temporarily away from work, Wang Ban did her best to shoulder the heavy responsibility of housework and childcare, so that his wife could devote herself to her career without worry.

Now, Cao Ying and Wang Ban's son has grown into a personable teenager. He is not only proficient in piano, painting and other artistic fields, but also an outstanding performance artist.

Hearing their son's words, Cao Ying and Wang Ban were both deeply relieved and proud. They never hesitated or questioned their son's choice, but treated their son's choice with full support and affirmation. In their hearts, their son's dream of becoming an 'actor' is undoubtedly the best inheritance of the value of their own lives.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

In fact, a long time ago, Wang Ban had an idea, that is, he hoped that Cao Ying could return to the entertainment industry. Because in his opinion, his wife will inevitably feel bored and lonely when she is alone at home for a long time. So, he took the initiative to propose that he was willing to take on the responsibility of the family alone, so that Cao Ying could devote himself to his career without worries.

At first, Cao Ying was a little hesitant. But seeing her husband's sincere gaze, she finally accepted Wang Ban's suggestion. Since then, Wang Ban has not only shared the daily housework, but also taken the initiative to take care of the children, just so that his wife can concentrate on pursuing her career ideals.

For Wang Ban, this is undoubtedly a kind of dedication, but it is also due to his deep love for his wife. In his eyes, Cao Ying is the sun in the family, and only when she shines again, can the whole family enjoy true happiness and warmth. And he himself is just the supporting force of the silent dedication at home.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Cao Ying and Wang Ban have spent 13 springs, summers, autumns and winters together. However, the affection between this loving couple is still as close as glue, and the sweet and romantic atmosphere has not diminished in the slightest.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

Wang Ban has always been a person full of romantic feelings, and he has never forgotten to give Cao Ying an unexpected surprise at the right time. For example, at a party, he would suddenly hold out a large bouquet of delicate roses from behind his back and offer it to his wife affectionately.

At this moment, every relative and friend at the scene was deeply moved, and they were full of praise for Wang Ban's love for Cao Ying, and they couldn't help but envy it!

In fact, throughout the years, Wang Ban has always been the most solid pillar behind Cao Ying. It is precisely because of his selfless support and deep care that Cao Ying can devote all her energy to her career with peace of mind.

In addition, Cao Ying is also a huge driving force and direction guide for Wang Ban's continuous progress. Although their emotions have been tempered and tested, they have become more and more resilient after the ups and downs, and their innocence and persistence have become more and more profound.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

Many relatives and friends are full of emotion for Cao Ying and Wang Ban, a loving couple, saying that they are a rare happy marriage in the world. The various bits and pieces they witnessed are the vivid footnotes embedded in the beautiful picture of a loving couple in love with each other.

From the first acquaintance to the growing understanding, until entering the marriage hall, and then to supporting the career and raising children together, this journey can be described as extremely difficult. However, it is precisely because of this that the relationship between them is particularly precious and worth cherishing.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Cao Ying, a beautiful woman of the last generation, is not a good wife and mother in the traditional sense. However, Wang Ban's thoughtfulness towards his wife and Cao Ying's wholeheartedness to her husband perfectly illustrate what true love and affection are.

Looking back on her magnificent life course, Cao Ying felt a lot of emotion. From an ordinary girl with the dream of a makeup artist to a well-known actress today, her life path can be described as tortuous and bizarre, full of unexpected surprises and setbacks.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

If it weren't for the director's insight in the crew, she may still be working silently in the makeup industry and unable to experience the joy and challenges brought by the actor's career. However, as she later realized, life is full of endless variables and possibilities.

The key is that we should have the courage to meet every turn and opportunity that life throws at us, and make unremitting efforts to achieve this.

Cao Ying fully interprets this truth with her own life experience. She was not knocked down by the sudden turn, but firm in her beliefs, bravely faced it, and with her own fighting spirit and perseverance, she finally climbed to the pinnacle of her career and became a well-known bright star.

In Cao Ying's brilliant life course, the emotional road is full of courage and challenges. Her acquaintance with the well-known actor Wang Ban originated from a chance collaboration. At first, the shy Wang Ban resolutely decided to boldly show his love with an ardent crush, and despite Cao Ying's rejection, his firm determination never wavered.

Actor Cao Ying, who got a husband while filming, is still romantic since she got married

Time flies, and Wang Ban's fiery persistence gradually moved Cao Ying, making her have a deep affection for this introverted and silent man. From the strangeness of the first acquaintance to the tacit understanding of each other, and then to the final entry into the palace of marriage, this emotional journey is not easy. It is especially worth mentioning that after marriage, they still need to deal with the dual pressure of career and family together, support each other, and work together to overcome difficulties in order to reach today's glory.

Today's Cao Ying, with a thriving career, sweet love between husband and wife, and thriving son, her life can be called flawless. And all of this stems from her courage to face the challenges of life and the fruits of perseverance and perseverance in striving for her dreams.

This firm belief will surely be passed down in her family and become a powerful driving force to inspire future generations to forge ahead.

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