
Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

author:Komine's daily life


Mao Xiaotong's princess of Northern Qi: It's not just cute

In the hit drama "Celebrating More Than Years 2", as soon as the princess of Northern Qi played by Mao Xiaotong appeared, she captured the hearts of countless audiences with her unique charm. Her image not only has the nobility and elegance of the princess, but also loses a playfulness and agility.

Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

Mao Xiaotong's interpretation makes this role not just a "little white rabbit" on the surface, her every look and every action reveals the multi-faceted nature of the role.

Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

Netizens were full of praise for Mao Xiaotong's performance, and some commented: "Mao Xiaotong's role as the princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty is simply the leader of the cute world, and she can make people laugh every time she appears." ”

Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

Her social phobia attribute is skillfully transformed into comedy elements in the play, making people feel the reality and three-dimensionality of the character in laughter. Mao Xiaotong's performance is like a fresh wind, blowing away the dullness in the costume drama and bringing different surprises.

Mao Xiaotong and Zhang Ruoyun's rivalry: a classic reproduction


In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the rivalry between Mao Xiaotong and Zhang Ruoyun has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience. The tacit cooperation between the two can't help but remind people of their classic partners in other works. Mao Xiaotong's character, although he has a weak appearance, shows extraordinary wisdom and courage in his interaction with Zhang Ruoyun.

Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

Netizens spoke highly of this rival scene, and some people joked: "The rivalry between Mao Xiaotong and Zhang Ruoyun is simply a costume version of 'cat and mouse', you chase me, it's wonderful." Mao Xiaotong's performance in the play not only won the love of the audience, but also made people see her profound skills as an actor. Every time she appears, it is like a choreographed dance, with both strength and delicate emotional expression.

Mao Xiaotong's costume dance: stunning four


In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Mao Xiaotong's costume dance has become the highlight of the play. Her dancing posture is like a frightening and graceful dragon, and every movement is full of classical beauty. Mao Xiaotong's dance not only shows her dancing skills, but also shows the inner world of the character vividly.

Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

Netizens are full of praise for this dance. Someone said: "Mao Xiaotong's costume dance is simply a visual feast, and every frame is as beautiful as a painting." "Her dancing not only makes people see the beauty of the character, but also makes people feel the emotion and story of the character. Mao Xiaotong's performance is like a moving poem, which makes people feel the deep meaning while appreciating it.

Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

Mao Xiaotong's charm is not limited to appearance


Mao Xiaotong's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is undoubtedly a successful attempt. Her character is both beautiful on the outside and deep on the inside. Mao Xiaotong's interpretation makes people see a different princess of Northern Qi, a female image with both wisdom and courage.

Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

There are also different voices for Mao Xiaotong's performance. Some people believe that her character is too exaggerated and does not fit the historical context. But in any case, Mao Xiaotong's performance sparked heated discussions among the audience. Every time she appears, she has become a highlight in the play, making people look forward to her next performance.

Classical beauty reappears! The shape in Mao Xiaotong's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts move!

Mao Xiaotong's charm is not only in appearance, her acting skills, and her dancing all make people see a versatile actor. In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Mao Xiaotong used his own way to interpret a different princess of Northern Qi, which made people see a new Mao Xiaotong in laughter and emotion.

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