
The owner has experience in insurance

author:Lady Luck is round

In the afternoon sun, I sat quietly in front of the new car that had been knocked out beyond recognition, and my heart was mixed. The bright red color used to be my longing and yearning for a new life, but now it has become a touch of pain in the bleak landscape in front of me. The car was parked in the parking space, which was a quiet and safe harbor, but unexpectedly encountered this unwarranted disaster.

The accident certificate, on the cold paper, clearly records the attribution of responsibility - the other party is fully responsible. However, this paper certificate did not calm the waves in my heart. I stared intently at the broken bumper, and an indescribable emotion welled up in my heart. Painting, replacement of the back cover, lower surrounding...... These words echoed in my mind over and over again, and they were not just steps to repair the vehicle, but also scars that I could not heal.

The owner has experience in insurance

I know that damage to a vehicle is inevitable, but being hit like this just 10 days after buying a new car is undoubtedly a heavy blow to me. What's more, the time and effort required to repair the vehicle made me even more tired. I calculated, it would delay me for three days, which is undoubtedly a big loss for a busy urbanite.

So, I thought about lost work expenses and transportation expenses. Although these expenses do not make up for the loss of my new car, they at least allow me to compensate for it financially. However, when I made this request to the other company's insurance company, I was denied. They said that these costs should be borne by the car owner. I turned to ask the owner of the car, but I got a cold answer: "I don't care about anything." ”

At that moment, I felt helplessness and despair that I had never felt before. I stood in the sun, but it was as if I was shrouded in cold shadows. I looked at the car in front of me, which used to be my vision and anticipation for the future, but now it has become an unhealable scar in my heart.

What happens if I don't go to fix my car all the time? This question kept going back and forth in my mind, but there was never an answer. I know that doing so won't solve the problem, it will only make things worse. But what can I do? I couldn't accept the fact that my new car was ruined like that.

The owner has experience in insurance

I began to fall into deep contemplation. I think back to those days when I saw this car for the first time, the excitement and anticipation in my eyes; As I drove it through the streets of the city, I felt pride and contentment. Now, however, it's all out of reach.

I realized that I couldn't dwell on this negativity all the time. I need to take action to fix the problem. I decided to communicate with the other insurance company again to find a reasonable solution. At the same time, I will also consult a professional lawyer or legal aid agency to understand my rights and legal opportunities.

In the process, I gradually learned to be strong and brave. I've come to understand that there will always be things that don't go our way in life, but we can't let that stop us from faith and courage. We need to be brave enough to face problems and seek solutions instead of running away or procrastinating.

In the end, after unremitting efforts and perseverance, I successfully reached a mutually acceptable compensation plan with the other company's insurance company. Although the process was full of hardships and challenges, the moment I saw the restored new car shine again, all the hard work and dedication became worth it.

However, when I sat in the cab again, I couldn't help but feel mixed emotions welling up in my heart. This accident made me deeply realize the difficulty and preciousness of life, and also made me cherish everything in front of me even more. I began to drive more diligently, obeying traffic rules, and respecting the safety of other people's lives and property.

The owner has experience in insurance

At the same time, I also deeply reflected on my own performance in this accident. I realized that I was too impulsive and emotional in dealing with problems, and I was not able to analyze and solve problems calmly. This made me realize that I need to be more mature and rational in the future to face the challenges and difficulties in life.

Now, when I drive on the city roads again, my heart is filled with gratitude and happiness. I am grateful to those who helped and supported me during my most difficult times, and I am glad that I was able to face the problem bravely and successfully overcome it. This experience made me realize the meaning and value of life more deeply, and it also made me cherish everything in front of me even more.

However, I can't help but ask those of you who choose to avoid or procrastinate when you encounter difficulties and challenges in life, have you ever felt helpless and hopeless like me? Have you ever faced a problem with the courage to face a problem and seek a solution like I did? Perhaps you need to be more firm in your faith and courage to meet every challenge and opportunity in life.

The owner has experience in insurance

Finally, I would like to say that there will always be things that go wrong in life, but we must not lose confidence and courage because of this. We need to be brave enough to face problems and seek solutions instead of running away or procrastinating. Only in this way can we continue to grow and progress in life and become stronger and more mature people.